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Mad Poster
#101 Old 28th Jun 2024 at 1:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity

What?? No way!! Another cute interaction which I've never seen? Rushing to download right now

I use the sims as a psychology simulator...
Mad Poster
#102 Old 28th Jun 2024 at 7:46 PM
Mad Poster
#103 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 12:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
OMG. Use your own bed!

Beds are sooo disgusting! Generations being conceived on the same bed, and it never breaks. And don't get me started on fact that NO ONE EVER CHANGES the Sheets!!
Wish there was a mod to do that, and mop the floors too (that one should be easy)

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#104 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 2:50 PM
I imagine that they change the sheets when they change the bed. XD Too often is better than never lol.

They do mop the floors though.
Mad Poster
#105 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 3:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
And don't get me started on fact that NO ONE EVER CHANGES the Sheets!!
Wish there was a mod to do that, and mop the floors too (that one should be easy)

You can change the sheets whenever you want to (build mode) - that's what all the CC is for
Mad Poster
#106 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 3:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
You can change the sheets whenever you want to (build mode) - that's what all the CC is for

Haha, good point.
Forum Resident
#107 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 4:54 PM
I know some people like it for the realism and Sims 4 has the laundry and dust packs or kits or whatever, but I feel like too many cleaning tasks in game would just remind me of all the cleaning tasks I'm ignoring in my own house while playing Sims
Mad Poster
#108 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 5:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
I know some people like it for the realism and Sims 4 has the laundry and dust packs or kits or whatever, but I feel like too many cleaning tasks in game would just remind me of all the cleaning tasks I'm ignoring in my own house while playing Sims

I've seen the dust in Sims 4. I would have the most horrible house ever because I would have a million dust bunny pets. You can even feed them.
#109 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 6:30 PM
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