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#1 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 4:21 PM
Default Cloning Pre-Existing social interactions, but given new name/new pie menu path?
Hello all. I have been trying my hand at script modding for the Sims 3 the past week or so. As a semi- newbie to C# (have programmed small games in Unity before), I've figured out how to clone objects and give them new interactions and create a basic scripted TNS message interaction using this tutorial :http://www.simlogical.com/ContentUp..._script_mod.pdf and this tutorial:

I've also figured out how to use Event Listeners that trigger a delegate event. However, I have still not figured out how to inject a new social interaction(?). All I want to do is clone (if that is even possible) a pre-existing social between two sims (base.Actor and base.Target) ex. the "Fight!" interaction, the "High Five" interaction.

My ultimate objective is to learn how to program my own social interactions, but it's possible I just don't have the proper C# knowledge yet.

Any help or push in the right direction is appreciated, even if to tell me I need to study more C#
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