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#1 Old 2nd May 2024 at 6:06 AM Last edited by Getjackdhu : 2nd May 2024 at 10:05 AM.
Default Question about legacy challenge creation
Hey guys!

I’ve been working on a legacy challenge, or rather a series of legacy challenges right now. However, it will involve many custom worlds, and a lot of required/optional mods. To be fair with the creators of these worlds and mods, should I link every single world and mod to download for the challenge, or is it enough if I mention the creator, and the name of the mod/world? I want to be totally fair with these amazing creators, as they have richened the gameplay so much, and I would love to share my vision of how I’m planning to play the sims 3, to have a complete experience
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 2nd May 2024 at 8:05 AM
It would not only be nice for the creators, but even more so for the ones who want to play the challenge! It's one thing to download from a provided link, but an entirely different one to having to hunt down stuff you are required.

So, yes, my advice is to link to the creator's page where all that required stuff can be downloaded. Especially with mods - players will need to know about the mods' mechanics and requirements in more detail than you probably plan to provide, also be able to look for updates etc.
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#3 Old 2nd May 2024 at 10:04 AM
Yeah you are right, that way it is easier for players. I’m also planning on linking some useful videos and threads to help people run the game as smooth as possible, which required quite a bit of research, and aren’t that well known or talked about. I hope I will be ready with all the links, and all the stories of each generation by the end of this month. I was just asking because I’ve seen quite a few challenges but havent seen too much mentioning which mods are advised to use, some legacy challenge creators did say ‘feel free to use any mods you like’. However in my case, the mods are required for the full experience, that is why I was asking.
Forum Resident
#4 Old 2nd May 2024 at 12:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Getjackdhu
I’m also planning on linking some useful videos and threads to help people run the game as smooth as possible, which required quite a bit of research, and aren’t that well known or talked about.

I'd err on the side of caution with this part.
Many many guides and tricks out there related to the optimisation of this game mean well, but ultimately drop the victims of their efforts on the doorstep to NRaas with their tampered game. I personally shudder at every thread that begins with "I followed all the steps of ___ guide but my game is crashing" knowing that I'm about to walk into the trenches of misinformation from 10 years ago, voodoo, and blind trust.

If the tips aren't well known, they'll be lacking the peer review that would do them some good
Perhaps worth opening a separate discussion about, here or at NRaas, to make sure they are sound to be recommended.
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Original Poster
#5 Old 2nd May 2024 at 2:40 PM
I might open a discussion about it later here on mts, it’s true that fixes that worked for me might not work for everyone
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