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Top Secret Researcher
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#1 Old 8th Apr 2019 at 5:26 AM Last edited by Pideli : 3rd Apr 2020 at 3:05 AM.
Default Omnia - Fantasy / Medieval Hood
Omnia is a very exciting fantasy hood! Inspired from Lord of the Rings, Greek mythology and Wicca, or whoever came up with the element myth! (Fire, Air, Earth and Water.) It has many rules, that are often changing, wars, medieval class system, and many different types of beings, ranging from: Elements, Gods, Elves, Angels/wizards, Nazgul, Orcs and Humans.
Unfortunately I lost most of the pictures here due to Tinypic closing. But if you scroll down you eventually see my newer posts with images and videos. I may reupload some of the older pictures by request!

Top Secret Researcher
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#2 Old 8th Apr 2019 at 5:27 AM Last edited by Pideli : 8th Apr 2019 at 6:01 AM.
Default Summary I - Gods & Elves
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 8th Apr 2019 at 5:28 AM
Default Summary II - The first Humans & War
Top Secret Researcher
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#4 Old 13th May 2019 at 7:31 PM Last edited by Pideli : 3rd Jun 2019 at 3:03 PM.
Default Ustrinastacia's weeks of hell
Top Secret Researcher
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#5 Old 17th May 2019 at 9:38 PM
Default Marriage of generation 2
Top Secret Researcher
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#6 Old 3rd Jun 2019 at 3:02 PM Last edited by Pideli : 3rd Jun 2019 at 7:00 PM.
Default Royal wedding & The first Demigods
Field Researcher
#7 Old 24th Jun 2019 at 4:44 PM
Your world is so detailed, and the story/rules are well defined. It will be interesting to see how things go with Gromanata in charge. Maybe the humans will finally get a bit of a break from all the doom and gloom.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#8 Old 25th Jun 2019 at 6:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Cher64
Your world is so detailed, and the story/rules are well defined. It will be interesting to see how things go with Gromanata in charge. Maybe the humans will finally get a bit of a break from all the doom and gloom.

Yay, a comment! I felt a bit ignored, lol. Thank you for the feedback!
#9 Old 30th Jun 2019 at 6:59 AM
Hey, Pideli. I've been lurking on your thread for a while, but was too shy to post. I'd like to echo Cher64's sentiments as well; I'm a fan of fantasy hoods too, but they take a lot of work to set up since the game makes it easier to have somewhat modern amenities and features. It's great that you managed to create a comprehensive world with its history and customs; I liked the progression from the gods and elves to the war scenarios.

By the way, I'm impressed that you can keep track of all the fulfilled wants and fears in line with the Goddess's demands, especially because some of the households have more than 8 members!
Top Secret Researcher
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#10 Old 30th Jun 2019 at 1:12 PM
Thank you so much!

Haha, the way I keep track of the wishes and fears is that I remember all that get fulfilled during a run down the sim list, and then add them to the counting which is written in the youngest sim's biography. Obviously I'm still going to miss some, but if I'm fairly sure one has been fulfilled, e.g. if a wolf comes and I know some sims had a wish for that, that's good enough to me.

In the beginning I had 6 wishes per day as a rule for neutral goddesses, but that was too much micromanaging, so I changed it to 100 wishes a week.

PS. Currently all households have at least 9 sims, but that can change drastically due to wars.
Top Secret Researcher
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#11 Old 6th Jan 2020 at 12:30 AM
Default War 11 (video)

Decided to finally upload a video of one of the battles! I figured I may never actually edit a good video together, so I just upload the unedited full clip of a battle. I don't know about you, but at least I find it entertaining. I didn't include the preparations, because that's kind of boring.

This was a particularly eventful battle. Some basic rules:
* Random chance determines who fights with whom in the beginning.
- after that, any interaction between an evil and a good sim results in a fight (until the battle ends in 12 hours).
* Whoever loses a fight dies.
- except demigods, they can't die except from old age, and white wizards, they can only kill each other.
* Some humans and good elves may have wished for the power to cheat death from a genie lamp, so they can save themselves.
* If a side gets defeated, more sims from each side are put in so the battle can continue.
* The current Supreme goddess watches over it all.

Backstory/more info:

Let me know if you want to see more!
Field Researcher
#12 Old 11th Jan 2020 at 10:22 PM
I was wondering how the battles actually worked. It was good to see it in action; it makes sense to me now. So after this battle, is the number of evil sims still higher than the number of good?
Top Secret Researcher
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#13 Old 12th Jan 2020 at 11:03 AM
No I think the good will be only a couple more than the evil next battle as many evil sims died in this battle. And the nobility and royal family don't get as many kids from generation 4 since there's a new rule that protects those families until all non-heirs are dead in the merchant and peasant family. I'm not exactly sure how many new warriors the good will get next battle, I think around 5 so they will be around 46, and the evil will get 10 so they'll be 44. It's very even still!

I don't think they're ever going to end the war with these rules so when the war has lasted for 5 generations, there'll be one final battle where I just play until one side wins the war.
Top Secret Researcher
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#14 Old 26th May 2020 at 2:25 PM
Default Re-sharing posts from other threads
Figured I'd share a post I made about my immortals. No not the Evanescence song, I'm talking about my elves and gods and their goals.

And here are pictures of 2 of the angels in Valinor! (Also in the post below that.) Currently there are actually 11 angels (woah, yeah I should probably make a proper post about them later hehe).

Here is a video of the palace of the good elves in Valinor, and a picture of a wedding in the palace of the evil elves in Valinor.

Valinor is the undying lands, land of the immortals in Tolkien's world, for anyone who doesn't know.

I feel kind of bad that I never update this thread! Don't know if people care but thought I'd at least share the stuff I post in other threads here as well. (Hope I didn't miss anything.) I seem to share more about this hood in other threads than here, oops. And I also enjoy playing more than sharing. So don't know if I'm going to make a proper update like I did in the past, maybe I'll post a summary later, hehe. A lot has happened since the last actual update!
Field Researcher
#15 Old 9th Jun 2020 at 6:19 PM
The angels are gorgeous, I liked seeing how the Sim changed.
I'm still interested in seeing how things turn out and how the war will end.
Top Secret Researcher
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#16 Old 28th Nov 2020 at 5:01 PM
Default Big time jump!
Disclaimer: This post is very sloppy and is going to be a very big time jump from the last update. I decided to simply post everything about this hood here, even if it's not in chronological order, instead of in other threads like I've done. Otherwise there's just no point with the thread. Sorry about that! But I am planning to make a proper update with everything that happened in the war against Saaron, and the current rules and everything. Until then, here's what the elves did just today!
Post in "stupid questions"
Quote: Originally posted by Pideli
Any ideas what to do with perfect elves? Or just perfect sims in general.
(Who have maxed all skills, life skills, medals and have permaplat.)
Except making them unselectable and letting them roam free, which is what I've been doing lol. It was fine for a while but now it's starting to get a little repetitive. I need something new.

Just to update, I found my answer! Screw maxing hobbies. This is much more important.
Link Ninja
#17 Old 28th Nov 2020 at 6:52 PM
Oh I love this! Much better than rap aggressive poetry battles resulting in banishment for 100 years! Very creative idea with the gems!

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Top Secret Researcher
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#18 Old 29th Nov 2020 at 1:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
Oh I love this! Much better than rap aggressive poetry battles resulting in banishment for 100 years! Very creative idea with the gems!

Haha thanks! But I'll keep your idea in mind for the future just in case
Top Secret Researcher
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#19 Old 17th Feb 2021 at 6:28 AM
Default Some Supernaturals & The War against the Gods
Link Ninja
#20 Old 26th Feb 2021 at 9:18 AM
I love everything happening in these pictures.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#21 Old 31st Aug 2021 at 8:24 PM
How many percent Elf my noble family is. In order to implement the new rules that if they're less than 25 % Elf they lose their magical powers, and if they're over 75 %, they become immortal. (That one dead 100 % Elf is because he died in war and then lost his "days left to Elder" when resurrected.) Only 100 % Elves are welcome to Valinor but it'd probably be more fun if the part-Elves had some rules too. Maybe I made a mistake letting the 75 % Elf become old. :o
Top Secret Researcher
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#22 Old 7th Mar 2022 at 3:35 AM
Default The Gods of Aman
The new gods in the new subhood Aman. This is the undying lands in Tolkien's world, where Valinor is located.

All of their names are based on either Greek or Latin words. Nox = night, thamnos = bush, aqua = water, iskios = shadow, dentro = tree, ifaisteio = volcano, lacua = lake, pyrkagia = fire, adeianos = void, fyto = plant, loutsos = pike, paschaliá = lilac, potami = river.

Top row - Nox, Pyrkagoxa
Middle - Thamnos, Aquanivadia, Iskiozarha
Bottom - Ifaisteio, Dendrolivia, Lacus

Their parents, the primordial gods of volcanos, void, shadow, freshwater and vegetation. Basically new versions of fire, energy, air, water and earth but not quite. They're called Pyrkagia, Adeianos, Iskios, Aquani and Dentro.

I'm basically redoing a mythology how I should've done it from the beginning. A lot of my first gods in Omnia had bad names. Also it makes sense to have a separate subhood so that I can 1) ban nonlocals automatically (no humans, yay!) 2) only have summer, spring and fall 3) use a "magical" skyline

The turquoise and lime gods create different types of plantsims - nymphs and wood elves! The nymphs will be turquoise, live by the sea, have magical powers and be immortal, while the wood elves will be mortal, live in the woods and be non-magical (more like normal plantsims). Here are the first ones! They're called Fyto, Loutsos, Paschaliá and Potami. They live on the same lot at the moment, until they're too many. The orange and purple gods will create the vampires and werewolves.

This is the most beautiful lot I've ever made, I can't stop taking pictures of it!
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