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#101 Old 21st Apr 2021 at 2:48 PM
Let's start in downtown.

Now that Lara Rodrigo is growing up, her parents (Isabel & Antonio) realize they must save up to buy a house, or at least rent a larger apartment. This one-bedroom one won't be enough very soon!
Fortunately Antonio just got promoted and they are saving up enough money for a little house.

Cute new couple in the main hood: Carmiña Blanco and Francisco Barroso.

So much for birthdays in the Rojas family: Rigoberto grew up, and so did Sara and Raquel.
The twins will leave the family house in the beginning of the next rotation, and since their relation is extremely good it makes sense they'll share a house.

Btw Raquel does not get along with Diana Pardo. And I have no idea why!

Another birthday: Salomón Herrera is a handsome green teenager.

And his father go abducted - again. But this time he did not return pregnant!
(Apparently nothing happened, which is one of the settings for BO mod, but for some reason also the saucer did not leave...)

Since the Rubio family is doing better, Ezequiel decided it's time to retire. Anyway he'll be helping Carlos & Mila with the business, so it's not a full retirement I guess.
Jana also got promoted, which means more money is coming in, so they'll be doing a-ok.

And Carlos just grew up - oh, that sweater!

Also I'm not entirely sure what happened between Rafael Rojas and his wife Josefa Santos.
He apparently feel out of love with that townie, she slapped the townie, and then they both were giggling like teenagers. Kinda crazy if you ask me.

And this is Daniel Miranda and Lidia Blanco, who are becoming good friends.

Yen Pardo & family bought a larger house!

And last but not least the Heredia family welcomes baby Elsa!
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#102 Old 1st May 2021 at 4:00 PM
Let's start with the Blanco family, there is so much happening there in this rotation!

Inés has so many lovers already that it was just natural that some of them got mad at her flirting habits - some slapping was to be expected!
Luckily for her, her husband was nowhere to be seen.

But if that lover won't enjoy my company anyomre, I will give a call to yet another one

Her father Ezequiel is quite a flirt too, and understands that life is not long enough for all the lovers they would like to meet - that is, unless you become a vampire!!!
So that's the two of them now.

In the meantime Lidia, the first of her three daughters, grew up. She decided she won't go to college, and she'll me moving out of home in the next rotation.
Her clothes style is so different but somehow I do like them for her.

But in such a house the night is anything but uneventful - and Inés' husband's abduction is just the sherry on top.
He returned pregnant - so we are expecting more children in this family afterwards!!

I finally decided to roll Ezequiel's LTW again. His dates are getting a bit boring, to be honest, so I decided it was time due to reroll so he will get a career related LTW and maybe leave his vampire state.

Next household: the Rojas family.
The twins left the house and took a bit of the family money. That was enough to buy them a little house, and they are living together there.
Because they both have works in their LTW careers, they'll probably focus on that for a while.

Back at the family home, both Rafael and Josefa grew up.
Rafael is also sick, let's see if he manages to get cured or gets worse.

Filomena Herrera grew up.

The Rubio family had a fire accident at their business, but even so the hard work they are doing is paying off.

Another birthday: Milagros Pardo is a teenager, and her T-shirt matches her eyes.
She's getting glasses though, hereditary eye issue.

And this young man is her cousin Hugo Roca.

And this are Lidia Barroso and Salomón Herrera, on a date. It wasn't terrific, but this may be an start?

Bad news for Yen Pardo, who got fired
At least her husband has a good job, but he's not getting any younger and they have a toddler now...

And three birthdays in the last household, the Hereday family: Antón & Josefa became children, Elsa a toddler.

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#103 Old 2nd May 2021 at 4:38 PM
In downtown, the Rodrigo family is doing quite well - Isabel even got a promotion - but the 1-bedroom apartment is definetely too small.
Little Lara is almost a child now, and Isabel would like to have another children... So they are getting everything ready so they can buy a house in the main hood.

Daniel Rubio and Dolores Pardo also live in downtown, in a larger and more luxurious apartment (with one main bedroom and a hidden study).
I thought they'd remain childless, but Daniel is having second thoughts (rolled a want) which means the situation might change.

First thing in the morning, Lidia Blanco left the family house and rented an apartment in downtown.

She has a decent job, but still it seemed that getting a roommate was a good idea. Funny though, he grew up into an elder in the very same day.

And once she's settled, why not have some fun? Oh, yeah, let's get serious with one of the guys she knows (I think his name is Javier).

Back in he Blanco house, Alfredo gave birth to not one but two alien children. Their names are Eligio and Carmelo.
Because the family tree would be rather complicated if Inés adopted them (they would be brothers of their own grandfather) they decided to keep it simple (for a lack of a better word). That's why they are using Alfredo's surname, Blázquez.

Carmiña is about to leave the house too, but in her case it's for going to college!

Apparently the flu is spreading in the Rojas household...

Alien boys are handsome. Period. And this is Salomón Herrera showing interest in Lidia Barroso

Not much happening in the Rubio or the Pardo family.

Diana Pardo grews up. She's an elder, and so is her husband Álex.
But Hugo is still a child, so it might get a little complicated for him in the future...

Francisco Barroso dating Sonia Rubio.

And his siblings Carlota and Christian growing up. They are all very handsome!

But they are not the only ones. Daddy is growing up too.
I had expected Juan to become a womanizer of sorts, but he's definetely been quite a family man after all.

Yen Pardo got a new job and she seems to be doing very well, so does her husband Julio.
And little Loli is growing up very well!

More teen love! These are Daniel Miranda and Manuela Blanco.

And the Rojas twins are having fun living on their own, but so far no romance on the near future.
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#104 Old 9th May 2021 at 11:15 AM
And finally the first college student of this generation.
Carmiña Blanco moved into a dorm, which is good for her social life, but as soon as she saves some money she'll be renting a little house.

This is Lara Rodrigo, growing up.
Her family lives in a 1-bedroom apartment, but now it's definetely not enough for the three of them. And since they have some money, they'll be moving into the main hood in the next rotation.

Also in downtown, Lidia Blanco lives happily on her own. Which does not mean she's always alone

Dolores Pardo and Daniel Rubio used to not care about children, but as they grew up they reconsidered it. And now they are trying - but no luck yet!

Now that Lidia and Carmiña Blanco left the family house, one would expect young Manuela to be her parents pet.
But maybe she won't, because of her two lovely twin half-brothers: Carmelo and Eligio are so cute!

The twins are also half-brothers of grandpa Ezequiel, but since he apparently means to remain young forever maybe they will eventually be as old as him

Rafael Rojas took a day off, and he stayed home with little Rigoberto - both sick with a fly which happily got cured in this rotation.

But not so happily it was time to say goodbye to grandma Paula Rojas.

Promotions abound in the Herrera family.
Salomón reached top level of the teen career in his LTW, which means he may choose to not got to college.

Marta also got a promotion, but it came at the price of an extreme exhaustion!

The Pardo family found yet another way to have fun in family

Jorge is doing very well, and he's about to go to college too. He's not the only one, Sonia Rubio (no pics) will go too, and they are likely to move into the same dorm as Carmiña.

His father, Joaquín Rubio, grew up just as he arrived from work - now he's an elder.

Prof. Álex Roca died of old age.

Her wife Diana Pardo is also an elder, and she just received a huge §60k bonus, so she decided it's time to retire and spend time with their young son Hugo. Before it's too late.

The Barroso family is doing quite well, both Mercedes and Juan got promoted.
Also young Lidia decided to go steady with Salomón Herrera

Another teen couple dating: Daniel Miranda and Manuela Blanco.

The Heredia family received a quite unwelcome visit!
Original Poster
#105 Old 25th May 2021 at 3:46 PM
Sonia Rubio & Jorge Pardo are new college students, and they moved into the same dorm as Carmiña Blanco.
Now they are all ready to find an affordable house for the three of them.

The Rodrigo family was living in 1-bedroom apartment, but finally decided to buy a house of their own in the main hood.

Lidia Blanco fell in love with this townie (Guillermo Roca) but she's not the monogamy type, I think, so I'm not sure whether we'll see much more of him in the future.

Apparently Salomón Herrera fell sick, and he decided to stay home. This is not good for his grades though.

His step-mother, Marta, lost her job. Which apparently was a good reason to go grab a pizza?

The Pardo family suffered a great loss, as Manuel Domínguez died of old age.

Néstor Pardo really enjoyed Manuela Blanco's company, but apparently it's not mutual

His sister Milagros was luckier with the paperguy!

Sara Rojas has now a love interest. Will she and her twin sister live together forever or is it about to change?

Elsa Heredia just grew up. Lovely to see how much attention her brother Antón gave to the event
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#106 Old 26th May 2021 at 2:41 PM
So the three students (Carmiña, Jorge and Sonia) moved into a house.
Which reminded me I had rebuilt this house from scratch, but I forgot to install it in the neighbourhood I'm playing
I might move them again later. Or I might forget again later.

Carmiña had the shortest date ever (interrupted by her class!) with this guy she knows from the dorm - Rubén de la Torre.
I don't think it was Rubén's fault that she failed her exam, but she'll be on probation next semester.

Dolores Pardo got pregnant! So, yup, the Rubio-Pardo family is about to grow, so they decided to pack their things and buy a house.
They had everything ready - and I was about to hit save - but baby Amalia apparently was a premature baby
I'll get them all moved to the new house right at the beginning of the next rotation.

Just a cute pic. Rafael Rojas (head of the Rojas family) visited the bussiness run by his brother Carlos (married to Jana Rubio).
They haven't been much in touch lately, and their STR was quite low, but even so they enjoyed their mutual company

And also sad news, as Fernando Pardo (who belongs to the Rojas family) died.

The Herrera family had a money problem (a bad chance card) in the worst moment, and their maid was not happy to hear about a delay in payments.
Considering Germán's job, they'll get on their feet right away though.

Also Salomón's relation with Lidia Barroso is doing great - FIRST KISS!!

Clara Pardo grew up and now she's an elder.

The Roca family bought their own graveyard, so now Prof. Álex rests here.

Juan had some cooking issues, but luckily the firemen were certainly fast!

Daniel Miranda is one of those people who after being fired, inmediately thinks of grocery shopping

Others come back home very angry, even if they get promoted. Maybe it's the lack of clothes...

She was in a way better mood later, when she tried to seduce former paperguy Javier Velasco.
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#107 Old 13th Jun 2021 at 4:13 PM
I haven't posted in a while - and there are pics of two full rotations in my fraps folder - so I gues it's time due for an update!

Francisco Barroso and Néstor Pardo are now college students, they moved into the playables house.
They all did well with their semesters, and Francisco even managed to get a love life - but not with an student, but with Lidia Pardo who is living in downtown.

In the Blanco household, Alfredo Blázquez' twins grew up. Eligio did not do so well...

Rigoberto Rojas is now a teen. Not very handsome, I think, despite his beautiful green skincolor.

Jana Rubio reached the top of her career (Oceanography) and fulfilled her LTW!
The whole family celebrated, of course.

The Pardo family has saved up enough money and they are moving into a larger fancier house!

Daniel Rubio and Dolores Pardo also bought a house in the main hood.
Nice place for their daughter Amalia to grow.
Original Poster
#108 Old 15th Jun 2021 at 8:18 AM
Let's try to catch up with the game

Manuela Blanco is the new college student, she moved into the playables house as well.
Everybody did well in their semesters, and most importantly we have a new love story!
Carmiña Blanco and Néstor Pardo seems to like each other quite a lot

In downtown, Lidia Blanco had a great date with another student: Jorge Pardo.

In the main hood, Filomena Herrera grew up into a beautiful young girl.

The Rubios enjoy helping their son-in-law in his business, but sometimes they need a rest. Elders can be so cute!

Another one growing up: Hugo Roca, ony son of the late Prof. Roca.
Good that he grows up, because his mom is not getting any younger either...

This cutie is Amalia Rubio-Pardo.
Not only she's growing up well, both her parents got also promoted - which means this family is A-ok!

The Barroso family just moved to a larger house, and the very same night had the unwelcome visit of a burglar

And Juan Miranda is an elder.
His only son, Daniel, is about to go to college, so I guess maybe it's time to start considering retirement?

And Raquel Rojas finally found someone to love - she gave her first kiss to townie Alberto Valero!

The Heredia twins, Antón and Josefa, grew up. (I had quite a hard time figuring out a hairstyle that would suit her face...)

And that's all for now.
I have actually started playing the next rotation, but I'm not nearly done.
And when I finish it I'm considering to add more mods to my collection, because I really really liked some which were recently uploaded here at MTS. They may change my gameplay a bit, and that's exciting!

I definetely need to re-arrange all my mods. I already don't know what half of them do anyway
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#109 Old 23rd Jun 2021 at 7:22 AM
Daniel Miranda moved into college.
The playables house was a bit too crowded, so he decided to get a room in a public dorm. He might move into the house later (when another student graduates) or even save up enough for an smaller house of his own.
But that does not stop him from have a love life - at all! He dated Lidia Blanco from downtown

In the other students house, Carmiña and Néstor definetely like each other - first kiss in the kitchen!!

Francisco Barroso is not quite so formal, and he would not even mind dating a teacher

Everybody passes their semester exams as well. Because they have to study after all

In the main hood, there was a fire incident in the Blanco family (Carmiña was visiting).
Luckily nothing very bad happened.

Joaquín Rubio retired, because his family (the Pardo family) is doing well enough, and he's already reached the top of his career.
His wife Clara is still working in her career, but she's already an elder so she'll retire as soon as she hits top of the career.

Rafael Rojas reached top of his career and fulfilled his LTW!!

His son Rigoberto went on a date... which apparently was not a lot of fun.

The Herrera family celebrated an anniversary, just because Marta really wanted it

Young Filomena also wants a love life! She's quite interested in Christian Barroso - they even kissed, despite Milagros not getting the hint to leave the alone!

OK, I have a few more pics of this rotation but not time now.
I'll post them later :D
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#110 Old 23rd Jun 2021 at 1:13 PM
(I think I really like this thumbnail option, I don't know why I had not used it before!)

After all these years happily married Juan Pardo felt like having a fling and decided to flirt with townie Asunción - but she had a different idea of their friendship!

His wife Mercedes Barroso grew up and will probably retire soon, so I'm afraid Juan won't have many chances for being unloyal in the future

This sort of thing may happen at any age. Hugo Roca tried to flirt with Filomena Herrera and was just as unwelcome!

Another teenager: Yen's daughter Loli Pardo.

And Noa Rubio as an elder - so many birthdays in this rotation!

Sara Rojas proposed to former paperboy Javier Velasco in the middle of a date. Despite not being so much into settling...
Also it may mean that either she or her twin sister Raquel move out of the house (splitting their money). Was it wise, Sara, was it?

Time to back up as usual, but also time to check some new mods which look awesome.
Let's see how they work out!
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#111 Old 29th Jun 2021 at 2:11 PM
Quite a hard semester to actually spend time studing.
Both Néstor and Carmiña did poorly in their studies, and did not pass the semester. But love, oh, love is all they think of! They even got engaged!

Francisco keeps dating Lidia, and they have fallen in love - but this relation does not go anywhere.

In the dorm Daniel felt a bit lonely, and invited Manuela over. One thing leads to other, and well, you know.

Lidia's fling with Francisco does not mean much for her. I would have thought that she was not serious towards Jorge either... but apparently she's looking forward some emotional stability. (Or maybe not.)
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#112 Old 29th Jun 2021 at 2:50 PM
Now let's talk main hood.

Alfredo's twins have different interests as children. Eligio is not much into studies...

His father tries to help him, of course, although he's not getting any younger!
He decided to retire right away so he can spend more time with his Eligio and Carmelo. (His vampire wife is not much into helping her stepchildren....)

I did not catch the moment, but the Rojas' cowplant ate another townie

The cowplant may improve the chances of a longer life, but it's better enjoying it while retired, isn't it?

Salomón Herrera and Lidia Barroso, a cute couple.

Lidia thinks that his brother Christian also makes a cute couple with Salomón's sister Filomena. Double date sometime?

But Salomón grew up, he's now an elder working in his favourite career (gamer!) and he decided to get a cool makeover before he leaves the family house for the next rotation.

The Rubio family went together to Carlos' bussiness, to help out as usual. When they returned both Mila and Zacarías died of old age!

This made their daughter Jana feel tired and definetely older. She may consider retiring soon enough and help Carlos after that.
Sonia will graduate soon, and they are talking her into moving back home - since she's the only heiress.

Lidia Barroso grew up too!
She moved out of home and rented an apartment - and did not waste time socializing... in a quite romantic way. Now that she's outgrown Salomón their paths may go apart...

Back home her mother - Mercedes - decided to retire.

Diana Pardo has been a widow for a while, and decided to focus on raising her child. But now maybe she would like meeting someone new, specially a rich someone

Sara Rojas definetely wants to have an steady relationship, but this would mean not living with her sister anymore...

More teen love! Josefa Heredia and Rigoberto Rojas

Another child growing up, and a makeover as well for Lara Rodrigo.

And her mom is pregnant again - time for midnight pizza! XD
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#113 Old 2nd Jul 2021 at 9:26 PM
Milagros Pardo went to college, and decided to get a room in the same dorm as Daniel Miranda. Hopefully they'll be able to rent a house together soon enough.

Daniel asked Raquel Rojas out, which generated a fair amount of slapping because her lover Alberto is another dorm resident!
The date was otherwise great for them.

In the other house, things were not great for the students. Carmiña Blanco had the roughest day - she got expelled
Jorge Pardo also failed (he's now on probation) and everyone else passed with quite low scores.

On the other hand Sonia Blanco graduated, and she'll be moving back to her parents place.

And Francisco Barroso, well, he has his own ways to improve his marks

After being expelled, Carmiña decided to rent an apartment in downtown. Also she got a much-needed makeover, and of course had to go party so she could forget about the sad event

Apparently Lidia Barroso and Salomón Herrera don't want to break apart now that they've grown up, so these high school sweethearts are renewing their love
(He actually left the house family in this rotation, and rented an apartment in the same building as Lidia!)

And these are Rigoberto Rojas and Loli Pardo, who are falling in love.

Salomón's sister Filomena is doing great at work, which means she'll get a college grant.

Diana Pardo has been a widow for a while, but she decided it was time to give love a second chance. Specially since Antonio seems to be rich enough
She proposed and they got married right away - at such ages there is no time to waste - and apparently he's quite glad Diana has some savings too. Made for each other, he.

Amalia Rubio-Pardo is growing up. Cute.

Yen Pardo grows up too. She's an elder now, with a very elegant look.

The family Miranda moved to a larger house, and Juan retired right away - why do they need any more money anyway?
Noa went to work and got promoted, reaching level 10 and fulfilling her LTW! What a day!
She'll retire too as soon as she spends all her days off

Raquel Rojas moved out of the house she shared with her twin Sara (who wants to live with her bf) and rented an apartment.
That got her thinking, and she ended up deciding she really really liked that guy Daniel Miranda. So... why not propose? He's still in college, but they may marry when he graduates.

And now Sara has enough room to actually marry her fiance Javier Velasco. Since he's still a YA she asked him to move in (to grow up).
Because Raquel and Sara decided to split all they owned according to their value, Sara had to get a 2k loan to pay Raquel her part. Hoping she'll recover soon enough.

Josefa Herrera does not know that Rigoberto is also dating other girls...

And youngest sister Elsa grew up. She's quite cute, specially seen side by side with Josefa.

And finally the Rodrigo family.
Isabel was pregnant of her husband Antonio, and gave birth to a cute baby girl (they chose the name Berta for her). But... her skin is alien? Isabel's father was a hybrid, but she did not inherit that trait.

Later Isabel decided to stargaze to build logic skill - and was abducted right away.
She did not return pregnant (thanks to BO's mod) but that kept me thinking: were the aliens checking on her because of the unexpected alien-ish baby? Mysterious!!
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#114 Old 19th Jul 2021 at 3:49 PM
Carlota & Christian Barroso went to college, and they are living in the same dorm as Daniel Miranda and Milagros Pardo. They did well, as most students do in their first semesters.

Milagros fell in love with former paperguy - his name is Antonio Aparicio.

The other playable students live in a nearby house.
And a less likely couple was formed - apparently Francisco Barroso and Sonia Rubio have something in common. Cargo pants perhaps?

Jorge Pardo actually graduated - and he's moving in with his fiance Lidia Blanco, of course. Who soon became his wife.

They are far from rich, so they made sure to get a new roommate to share the bills with.

Also in downtown Lidia Barroso is proposing to her high school sweetheart, Salomón Herrera.
She also got a promotion, which is great.

So did Carmiña Blanco, and celebrated it with her fiancé Néstor Pardo

In the Blanco household, young Eligio Blázquez managed to get an F! (And what's worse, his twin is doing great, no wonder he's annoyed!)

And Inés is handsome enough to find lovers half her age. Being a vampire helps

Clara Pardo finally decided to retire. Her husband Joaquín is also retired, so it was time to decide which of their children would inherit the house.
Because Milagros and Néstor are still at college, Jorge was the logical reason - he moved in with his wife Lidia Blanco, and they'll be the ones keeping the Pardo name high in society,
That said, Jorge did not wait and made sure to pay an equal share (in cash) to her siblings, which meant he had to get a quite large loan himself (60k!).

Sonia Rubio will be the new head of her family too, so she thought she should be settling soon enough - I'm not sure Francisco was the wisest candidate hough.

Another retirement: Noa Rubio. (This generation is getting old already!)

Also Sara Rojas paid the money she owed to her twin Raquel, after she moved out of the house they shared.
She wanted everything to be in order before marrying Javier Velasco.

The Heredia family is one of the poorest ones, that's why it's good that the younger members also help - but Elsa just got gired v_v

The poorest one is actually the Rodrigo family, but they are happy and that's all that matters.
Baby Berta grew up and she's a healthy little one.

And young Lara seems to be in that age when one gets interested in guys/girls/aliens/whatever.
Original Poster
#115 Old 1st Aug 2021 at 9:28 PM
Francisco Barroso graduated - and will be moving in with his fiancé Sonia Rubio, heir of the Rubio family.

Other students in his rotation were not so lucky: both Manuela Blanco (house) and Daniel Miranda (dorm) are now on probation.

In the dorm, Milagros Pardo not only managed to get a good score, she also proposed to her boyfriend Antonio Aparicio!

Twins Carlota & Christian Barroso are doing well too.

This household have saved enough money and will be getting a house in the next rotation.

So Francisco moved in with Sonia. Which does not mean he's rejecting Carmiña Blanco's attentions

Carmiña's neighbours, Solomón Herrera and Lidia Barroso, finally tied the knot. I'm sure they'll be very happy together.

In the Blanco household, Alfredo's alien children Eligio & Carmelo grew up.

Eligio did not waste his time, and he's already flirting with Lara Rodrigo!

The Rojas family moved to a larger, way fancier mansion. And they hired a butler right away. Just to show off they are the wealthiest ones!

Germán Herrera's second wife Marta died, and he grew up shortly after - not very happily.
He had already reached level 10 in his career, so why not retire right away?

Now that Francisco has joined the Rubio family, he decided to make himself useful and help them in their business. Which one day might become his business...
Because, of course, he did marry Sonia after all.

Sara Rojas invited townie lover Alberto while her husband was at work. But Javier returned earlier than expected and caught them!!
Lots of shouting, lots of slapping... and a divorce! Javier left her!!!

Leonardo Pardo is now the mayor!!! Which fulfilled his LTW... but does not make him any richer.
Hey, being the mayor he ought to make his best to get a fancier house, don't you agree?
Original Poster
#116 Old 7th Aug 2021 at 8:55 AM
Néstor Pardo graduated, and he'll moving in with his fiancé Carmiña Blanco. His roommate Manuela Blanco also passed her semester.

The dorm residents had saved up enough to rent a house for themselves! (I modeled it after a maxis one, let's see if there are any issues.)
Since they have an empty room and Manuela lives alone, she might move in with them later...

They all did well in their studies but Daniel Miranda. He spent too much time with Raquel Rojas (his fiancé) for his own good.

Carmiña was quite focused on her career, but now that she married Néstor she thought it was a good time to have a baby! Yep, she's already pregnant.

Salomón Herrera and Lidia Barroso live next door, and they also want to have a baby!

The Rojas family has the most expensive house of all, and now they are realizing that maybe their retirement pay is not high enough to pay the bills of such a mansion.

And if that was not enough, a burglar stole their car and they could not do anything about it! Aw.

Maybe they ought to divide the inheritance between their kids (and bring one of them home with a proper salary) but it seems pretty unfair since Rigoberto is still a teenager...

Inés Blanco also fell in the arms of Francisco Barroso. We must admit she looks great for her age

The Pardo family is a bit tight too, not being able to pay their bills right away,
Lidia's demotion is not good news at all in this situations...

The Rubio family also bought a fancier house. I though they would move ino old Rojas' one, but they had saved enough to buy one in the same section as they are!
Which means there are now two empty nice houses (Rojas and Rubio old ones) for other families to upgrade.

In the Roca's household, Diana Pardo's second husband Antonio just died of old age.
Will she find a new lover or are two husbands just enough?

The Miranda family adopted a puppy - I had not played a pet for a while!

Sara Rojas also got involved with Francisco Barroso!!
I wonder whether he'll be able to hide all this cheating from his wife...

In the Heredia household, Leonardo Pardo became an elder. And after a huge bonus decided to retire as a Mayor and leave the road open for his wife Mónica.

Teen Lara Rodrigo goes steady with boyfriend Eligio Blázquez.
Also she got fired, which is a pity because she belongs to the poorest of all families in the main hood...
Original Poster
#117 Old 29th Aug 2021 at 3:02 PM
As expected, Manuela Blanco moved into the house with all the other playable students, just for her last semester - and she graduated in this rotation.
Everybody did well passing their semesters.
Daniel Miranda also meant to *cough* expand his love life, but his attempts to flirt with a teacher did not turn out well.

After graduation, Manuela rented an apartment. It has two bedrooms so she thought getting a roommate would be a good idea.
She got a job, but the rent is high so some help to pay it all will be nice.

Whle Néstor Pardo goes to work (and even gets a promotion!) his wife Carmiña Blanco invited Francisco Barroso over. And not exactly to drink a cup of coffee

Later she gave birth to baby girl Carlota Blanco.

And next door, Lidia Barroso and Salomón Herrera also had a baby girl: Merche Herrera.

In the richest house of the main hood, Rigoberto Rojas asked out gentle Loli Pardo <3

What a day in the Pardo household!
A fire almost eats them all - but fortunately the fire service was extremely fast and there were no casualties.

Lidia's townie enemy found a way to hurt her: she'll have it harder to get a promotion

Oh, well, then maybe it's a good moment to take her career slowly... and go for a baby! Yep, she's pregnant!

Now that her former boyfriend went to college, Filomena Herrera turned her eyes towards Antón Heredia. And her lips too xD

The Barroso family has saved up enough money to get a new larger house, and just moved into it.
Also the townie who apparently has contacts in every career is willing to help Juan!

Hugo Roca asked the papergirl out, but apparently it was quite a dull date...

Daniel Rubio and Dolores Pardo have one the most humble houses, but they are saving up and hopefully they'll be able to buy something nicer soon!

Yen Pardo & family already moved to a nicer area of the hood!

Sara Rojas is enjoying being single again Now with Francisco Barroso, who was quite the same mind set

And finally this is the youngest of the Rodrigo family: Berta is growing up!
Original Poster
#118 Old 1st Sep 2021 at 5:38 PM
Rigoberto Rojas is now in college, and moved into the same house as Milagros Pardo, Daniel Miranda and twins Calota & Christian Barroso. He's also meeting new people

And everybody passed their semesters, so all's good.

Carmiña Blanco is not faithful to her husband Néstor, and that's a fact. But making out with her lover Francisco while the landlady attends her baby in the very same room, that seems a bit too much!

They celebrated baby Carlota's birthday when Néstor arrived from work (with a promotion bonus), and apparently Francisco was also invited
Luckily Carmiña was not caught!

Next door, Merche Herrera also grew up.

In the main hood, the Rojas asked their daughter Sara to move in with them. She thought it was a great idea, now that she's single again and can't afford much.
But she soon realized her mistake: Her parents meant to divide their inheritance between their children, which means she'll be getting the house AND a huge 100k mortgage required to pay her siblings their share.

And that's not all! They also expect her to get married and give them a heir!
Oh, well, whatever, I'll propose to Alberto, who is really fond of me. Easy peasy.

The Rubio family welcomes baby Mercedes.

And the Blanco family welcomes Ignacio - who has greenish skin!

Yen Pardo retired. And when will her husband retire too? He's so obsesed with a promotion....

In the next rotation four (four!) new students will go to college. That's a lot!!
Original Poster
#119 Old 6th Sep 2021 at 9:02 PM
Four new students in college! From left to right, Hugo Roca, Antón Heredia & his sister Josefa, and Filomena Herrera.
There is no room for them in the shared house, so they decided to check the public dorm and decide later whether they want to rent a house together.

Apparently Hugo and Filomena have good chemistry

Oh, this is the maid. Just because I love vegan_kaktus' default replacement
I also got the recommended random-maid-hair mod, I'll see if it works when a new maid is created. Likely in a few years

The picture was taken in the shared college house, in which all the studentsdid quite well. In fact Daniel Miranda graduated - and will be moving back into his parents house.
Since there is room for one more, they decided to invite Hugo to live with them. Which may leave Filomena a lil sad...

Instead of moving back to his parents place, Daniel should have moved in with his fiancé Raquel Rojas.
Had he done so she would not have a chance to get involved with a vampire lover

Twin sister Sara Rojas (heir of the family house) asked her fiancé Alberto Valero to move in (because he's a YA and they can't marry right away).
Next rotation they'll marry, but I doubt she'll be too happy about it - she's just responding to her parents pressure.

Jana Rubio finally retired!

In the Blanco household, Inés managed a promotion despite the sunny hours.
And young Eligio got out on a date with Loli Pardo! Apparently she has a thing for alien guys (she used to date Rigoberto Rojas, who is now in college).

In the Pardo household, Lidia Blanco got a promotion which allowed husband Jorge to pay part of their loan.
And more importantly, Inés grew up... and I realized she was actually a boy So I renamed him into Ignacio. Not sure if I should have done this though...

Good day for the Barroso family too, as Juan reached level 10. And he brought pizza to celebrate!
After a juicy bonus, he did not hesitate to retire. He's old enough anyway!

German Herrera asked his son Solomón to move in with his family (Lidia Barroso and baby Merche).
Which means dividing the inheritance, and Filomena (still in college) is getting cash while Solomón gets the house and the loan.

Diana Pardo found love again <3 Will she remarry?

Dolores Pardo grew up (now an elder) and so did her daughter Amalia (now a teen),
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