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#1 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 4:22 AM
Default What Makes the Mountains Worth a Vacation Visit?
"The mountains are calling and I must go" - John Muir

Three lakes is no doubt my favorite of Bon Voyage's three vacation neighborhoods, and they obviously are each just supposed to show off one of the potential destinations, but if you weren't just to use Three Lakes as your mountain destination, what would you do differently (or still do the same)? What makes a mountain destination really feel worth visiting, what kinds of places would you want to see more of or less of than were in Three Lakes, what would you include from other EPs or SPs that expands on the mountain theme in ways that you find interesting? Etc., etc...

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Field Researcher
#2 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 6:13 AM
I LOVE shiny sparkly things, so I feel like a lot that had a cave filled with crystal formations, or perhaps a very impressive one with stalagtites and stalagmites, would've been a fun way to go for the developers to incorporate a unique activity into a Mountains vacation destination. Perhaps even have a visitor's center building outside the cave, with tables filled with geodes for our sims to buy?

(If I'm repeating something available in one of the later games, I apologize: I haven't played the other two, so for all I know that could be a thing).

Given how one of the Mountains vacation souvenirs was the Bit o'Vug, it would make sense to have a place dedicated to stone, crystals, etc.

As far as what I'd do differently: I feel like more types of fish would've been nice, as fishing is a MAJOR reason people go visit lakes, as well as BOATING! So many people have boats at their lake houses (rentals), that it feels strange not to see that. Different types of tents, as well, since not everyone would maybe have the exact same one? Perhaps more expensive ones that could fit several people vs. the one we have now vs. a small tent for just one person.

I'm starting to get ideas now...
Mad Poster
#3 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 2:38 PM
Skiing would have been a good activity to introduce, as would the snowboarding you got in Sims 1. The thing I'd most want to import from Sims 1 would be woohooing on the bearskin rug, though.

What I actually add in mine are beach lots on the lake, with lots of fishing spots, and stages, either in new lots or hotels, with instruments. After all, all the good New York acts work the Adirondacks in the summer!

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Mad Poster
#4 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 3:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
The thing I'd most want to import from Sims 1 would be woohooing on the bearskin rug, though.

Gee, I wonder where the TS4 team got the woohoo picnic rug idea from in their recent pack XD
(I even had a woohoo-enabled TS2 picnic blanket years back that was cloned from a bed, so they're late to the party... some 16-20 years late, that is )

Anyway, I haven't played with Vacation destinations in probably 15+ years (yeah, that long), probably because I had a lot of issues on my sims' last round of vacationing and just never ventured back.

Horseback riding would definitely be neat, and incorporating it into the vacation destination shouldn't have been too difficult if there were horses in the game. I'd also love more snow activities, like skiing, snowboarding, sledging, etc., Maybe also wild animals of some sort (with limited interaction/animations would be fine - just to liven up the scenario a bit, kind of like in TS3 with the deer and such). Rideable horse-drawn sleigh for wintertime. Bow-and-arrow shooting.

More places for beach lots (because beaches don't only exist in tropical places). The TS3 activities like sailing, jet-ski, boating and so on, plus fishing from a boat, and other sea water or beach activities that can be done any time of the year.
Mad Poster
#5 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 4:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Gee, I wonder where the TS4 team got the woohoo picnic rug idea from in their recent pack XD
(I even had a woohoo-enabled TS2 picnic blanket years back that was cloned from a bed, so they're late to the party... some 16-20 years late, that is )

I figured they just stole this idea from that viral NYC blanket couple story (you can find news articles on it, but probably still NSFW).

Someone in another thread suggested that Three Lakes should've had werewolves, and that's a brilliant idea. A wooded area to hike and forage that's not an off screen rabbit hole would be nice, especially with the ability to encounter a wolf there.

An observatory. The mountains seem like a great place to go stargazing.

A horse stable

Seconding all the ideas about gem mining and activities to do on the water.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 4:43 PM
Maybe making the destination winter-themed, with cosy alpine or Black-Forest type lodges, hot chocolate, lots of fir trees, fairy lights (Criquette has some great hood deco) and a German Christmas market? Ice skating could feature as well as bonfires and firework displays. Agreed it's a shame that other winter sports weren't incorporated.

I wonder if Husky dogs could somehow be incorporated, and definitely wild (stray?) wolves!

I like the crystal cave idea - some of the Adventurer career text talks about sparkling caves full of crystals.

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Mad Poster
#7 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 5:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
Someone in another thread suggested that Three Lakes should've had werewolves, and that's a brilliant idea. A wooded area to hike and forage that's not an off screen rabbit hole would be nice, especially with the ability to encounter a wolf there.

Werewolves would've almost made more sense than Bigfoot. I'd add on foxes, and bunnies (maybe an added pet option?) too.

Wood/tree chopping, and the ability to use the wood for fires would've been neat, too. And scouting for kids/teens (even more of a reason to do the whole camping thing), and any activities that would go with it. Canooing in ponds ("rivers") maybe? Learning to swim. So many options.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#8 Old 16th Aug 2024 at 4:49 AM
Honestly the idea that hiking is just leaving the lot (no matter where it is) and then coming back an hour later makes me wonder if the EAxis staff had ever actually been hiking when they wrote/coded that particular interaction...

I've been missing my IRL national parks lately and so I'm kind of looking at the fictional Temple Mountains National Park that I'd invented for Karen's vacation contest a while back, and thinking about what more I can do with that location.

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#9 Old 16th Aug 2024 at 11:39 PM Last edited by grinevilly : 17th Aug 2024 at 4:16 AM.
My goodness... i've posted bunches of ideas, some more related to Three Lakes and others that were more general, but would be totally appropriate and fitting!

One thing that I thought was missing was the ability to make a snowy alpine region to vacation in... and with that, the alpine-related activities that were already mentioned.

The wolves /werewolves in Three Lakes was a big miss! I know EA wanted to make their EPs independent of each other, but c'mon... Along with wolves in the woods, I'd have loved to have skunks, as well. Let's be honest, where are you more likely to find skunks? haha

I would've liked to have an ability to have sims be able to stroll or jog along a path or trail, with the added ability of being able to hold hands as they walk. I always picture the lake community lot in Pleasantview... Woodland Park. Sims should be able to jog around the lake, or just take a walk together, holding hands.

Swimmable lakes should've been a NO-BRAINER for Three Lakes, too... I know you can make 'em... but who wants to go through that whole process to remake every lake in the whole stinkin' game?

To be honest, I don't think sims could woohoo (would've been 'play in' anyway, but regardless...) on bearskin rugs in TS1, but there were other social actions, like "toast" and "make out"... That would've been awesome -- along with the woohoo option, and a cameo by our dear old friend Claire might've been nice.

Rental Shack Jack (and Zach) from TS1 allowed us to buy fish food to feed fish in ponds, to rent a toy sailboat, and to buy a picnic basket... those should've been included somewhere! ...and TS1 did have an adult mod version of the picnic basket too... *ahem* ...but the applying lotion would've been good, maybe more for beach lots than strolling around under pine trees. haha

I've always, ALWAYS wanted the option for sims to take a small rowboat out onto the lake to go fishing... maybe bring a cooler. That totally should've been an option, and more fish (and even lures) would've been appealing, as well.

If you're looking for water sports, how about water skiing off a powerboat? The powerboat itself would be fun for sims, but adding water skiing could be more fun... The problem might be that lots just aren't big enough to do something like that. You'd need a rather large water lot .

Skimming stones might've been fun... to be honest, i don't think I can go to a body of water bigger than a puddle, without trying to find a flat stone to skim across the water!

Another thing I would've loved is having campfires more like TS1, where sims could sit around and sing campfire songs and tell ghost stories with the possibility of spawning a ghost included.

I second the idea of camping, and i kind of wish that kids could've been sent to Three Lakes without their parents, for summer camp. Maybe child through teen... Maybe sending children would spawn children and sending teens would generate teens. I don't know. But it would be kinda neat to have NPC camp counselors and teens camping in... i don't know what their proper name is, but those structures with a raised wooden base, and then a canvas tent on top of 'em... sort of a military feel, or the campgrounds where they stayed in National Lampoon's Vacation. haha... sorry i can't describe it better, but hopefully, you get what i'm pitching.

Also, i may be in the vast minority on this one, but I would've liked to have seen more Native American culture. I don't feel that it's disparaging to honor a different culture, if it's done respectfully. Some might feel different, but i think that those cultures are very interesting and fun. I'm not offended by spaghetti and meatballs being in the game... I wouldn't be offended by a leprechaun supernatural. So why not?

I'd like it if they had included a couple massive stone fireplaces, like you see in fancy-pants cabins... maybe some great big windows to be able to overlook the lake. And how come there's no picnic tables? ...more things to barbecue wouldn't have been bad. Grilled chicken, sausages... steak? be it moose or elk. haha...

Last but not least, i'm still blown away by your beaver dam, Zarathustra... Don't know if that's something that needs to be added, but i figured, why pass up the chance to complement you on that again. =) It's possible i'll think of more, but there's no harm in saving something for an additional post...


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#10 Old 18th Aug 2024 at 12:51 AM
I have remodeled Three Lakes head-to-toe and I think YOU inspired the first phase of the change by asking years ago about how to simulate backwoods hiking trip which I am there 80% with various mods. It's a fun challenge to play for nature-loving sims who maybe are coming back around for a 3rd visit of more - and tends to make me play for more than the minimum amount of days. I've added some winter-friendly activities, a whole ski lodge with outdoor ice skating and hot springs with indoor activities. There's a Chris Hatch skiing mod that simulates cross-country skiing. I have the snow board half-pipe as well for outdoor winter activity as well.

I have some romantic Air B&B cabins, a bed n' breakfast, wedding destination in the way of a small woodland grove, I've made lakes swimmable, re-did all the hotels and community lots, added some restaurants, and an indoor axe-range (also for winter). Oh! and one of the Air B&B's is a private ice fishing lot!

If you are interested I would love to show off the most recent edition of the Backwoods Trail Camps.

I think the reason for my sims to visit the mountains is for the nature and views - good camping, rustic vibes, family bonding, skill gaining (so many for body), certain types will be into the quiet romantic retreats. There is little in the way of electronic entertainment, everything is very physical and encourages outdoor activity.

As for my wish list, I really like what was mentioned about caves, maybe mining (thinking sun and moon mods could be utilized for this), I know cityof2morrow has made some cool cave lot objects that could realize some cave builds. Boating was mentioned, and that would be amazing but I can't think of how to execute it. I wish the original destination had more dining options and i wish there were more food specialties per sub vacation hood.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
#11 Old 18th Aug 2024 at 2:27 AM
Charmful: YES PLEASE would love to have your vacation hoods!

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#12 Old 18th Aug 2024 at 2:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
As for my wish list, I really like what was mentioned about caves, maybe mining (thinking sun and moon mods could be utilized for this), I know cityof2morrow has made some cool cave lot objects that could realize some cave builds. Boating was mentioned, and that would be amazing but I can't think of how to execute it. I wish the original destination had more dining options and i wish there were more food specialties per sub vacation hood.

Would these do?

Mad Poster
#13 Old 18th Aug 2024 at 3:14 PM
Well, I built a mountain vacation hood I think I used most of my ideas on Clarens here: https://modthesims.info/d/681552/cl...ation-hood.html

But I think it is important to say that I like the vanilla vactaion hoods.

Since I aim for as much interaction as possible between all my sims, it is rather the sims coming back and doing the hula or the slap dance at their weddings/parties (or, of course, both the Hula and the Slap dance).

The fun I have when one of my Sims, back from the Far East, teaches Tai Chi to the rest of the hood;

Or when a Sim on a community lot tells the tale of the Dragon to other sims.

And, of course, when your outgoing sim has not quite learned how to do the Bow but runs out and try it on walkbys all day long - until one passes by who actually teaches him how to bow correctly

In the end, it is the Sims still give me the most joy.
Forum Resident
#14 Old 20th Aug 2024 at 7:34 PM
For winter seasons, I like the snow outside and the cozy stuff inside- playing games, reading in front of the fire, hot chocolate, hot tub. I have Chris Hatch's skiiing mod and ice skating.

For fall seasons, more of a camping vibe- fishing, grilling food, sleeping in tents, campfires, stargazing. I've contemplated changing the seasons in Three Lakes to have a summer season for more outdoorsy activities like swimming, but it's hard to predict where the lot saves and I don't want to send my sims to a ski vacation only to find out it's summer on that hotel lot or vice versa.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#15 Old 24th Aug 2024 at 10:49 PM
One thing I always feel is that the mountains are the vacation destination that depends the most on the 'natural' world for its flavor, so I'm also curious what differences people draw between natural locations that have minimal development (while still being worth a visit) and the more constructed and developed parts of a rustic mountain village or ski resort-esque location, where buildings are the defining part of the setting.

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Field Researcher
#16 Old 25th Aug 2024 at 6:39 AM
The nicest thing about Three Lakes is that there is no subtext with regards to imperialism or cultural appropriation. Takesumi Village is like a Disney version of Japan, with all those western cosplayers dressed up in Kimonos and pretending to be oriental. Twikki Island is even mpre risible, with all the grass skirted "primitives" about, hustling for those tourism dollars. (of course there are no jobs for the residents; every occupation is filled by service NPC's from your hood). And everyone always speaks Simlish. Sims2 is colour and gender blind, which is progressive, but being culture blind really isn't,

Neither place feels like how it should. It's like going to Africa and staying in Holiday Inns and only eating at McDonald's. It's not a good look.


Three Lakes otoh is like going to Muskoka or Lake of the Woods. Sure, there are the backwood rubes with their chest pounding, but that's relatable and benign. I'm not asking for the movie Deliverance.
#17 Old 25th Aug 2024 at 8:29 AM
I would be directly inspired by the snowy world of Sims 1 and everything that others have commented. About the differences between the most built area and the most natural area. I would simply add a claim in both areas. Whether they are activities or some monument. "Prometedor", "Moonbase Apollo", "ParaĆ­so en el Mar" seems like a good example of offering something needed and different at the same time. In vacation worlds it is what is needed most. A balance between both. And make it cc free. Adding stories between the NPCs and some mystery of the mountains also gives it more flavor.
#18 Old 26th Aug 2024 at 10:58 PM
For me Three Lakes is my least favorite vacay spot cause of the missing winter activities. For me a mountain vacation is synonymous with winter activities and I've personally been to quite a few mountain vacations myself. It sucks how such a steep map doesn't have a ski center, ski lifts and kids sliding down on small steep places. The Sims 2 team didn't seem to be able to merge EPs cause Bon Voyage x Seasons and Apartment Life x Open For Business would've killed any future games.
Link Ninja
#19 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 11:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
One thing I always feel is that the mountains are the vacation destination that depends the most on the 'natural' world for its flavor, so I'm also curious what differences people draw between natural locations that have minimal development (while still being worth a visit) and the more constructed and developed parts of a rustic mountain village or ski resort-esque location, where buildings are the defining part of the setting.

I apologize for the late reply and I re-read this comment but am not comprehending the question to the fullest - are you asking where the boundary is between the more rural attractions vs the build up/touristy ones pertaining to mountain themes? I would say plumbing is a big one. The trails I use have all plumbing removed and the sims rely on cc lotions/sprays that can increase hygiene, outhouses, or the swimmable lakes, and the mod they can get some hygiene from swimming in them. I also have the downloaded 'pee spots' and inventory/catalog access mod so I can throw down a random pee spot as they arrive. They also 'unpack' their tents by having tents in their inventory and I pull them out and place them in designated spots on the lot, for them to check in. I know it's a cocktail of mods probably not feasible for a cc-free experience/stay but that's how I get through it.

The only parts I have trouble with are banning tourists - they sneak on these supposedly 'remote' lots and stand around all night. Visitor controller even with 'ban all' won't make them go away. The other part is the taxi, it must be an all-terrain taxi because when I have them pack up their tent and find a new lodging (next camping lot on the trail) it rolls up on the grass to pick them up. It looks very funny, and momentarily ruins the immersion.

Of course, you can make a less rugged camp with proper toilets but I wouldn't put those 'out on the trail' and don't forget glamping which I think would be regulated to just one lot. But the absence of electronics and plumbing is what I would say differentiates the 'natural locations' from the more ritzy ski lodges, motels, and other tourist spots in the mountains.

@grammapat - Thank you! I appreciate that you remember my vacation hood remodels!

Below are the backwoods camps as they are currently (after I used lot adjustor to move them off-grid)

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
#20 Old 7th Sep 2024 at 6:40 PM
Wow, those are cool. I don't suppose that you uploaded them anywhere (or the neighbourhood)?

So tents actually work for checking in and sleeping in placed directly out of the inventory? You can't walk to your next 'lodging'? You have to call the taxi?
Link Ninja
#21 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 12:54 AM Last edited by Charmful : 8th Sep 2024 at 8:54 PM. Reason: Adding lot links and inventory link
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Wow, those are cool. I don't suppose that you uploaded them anywhere (or the neighbourhood)?

So tents actually work for checking in and sleeping in placed directly out of the inventory? You can't walk to your next 'lodging'? You have to call the taxi?

Thanks! Unfortunately, no, these lots have eleventy-billion plant and terrain CC it seems so I haven't shared them anywhere. It was a part of my Three Lakes remodel initiative to make my vacations more varied, which was serendipitous because Zarathustra had asked about simulating backwoods trails around the time I was doing it and inspired me with another idea.

I DO have two no-frills 99% cc-free swimmable pond lots (you will need an invisible tile at the very most) that are made downloadable however if you wanted something kind of in the vein of these lots and decorate them how you want.

Pond 1
Pond 2

So yes, the lots are zoned as 'hotel' and tents contain a check in mechanism, that is a vanilla aspect. So with a mod to access inventory , I can pull out the tent and check in like that BUT once I check out and put the tent back in and have to move the sims to the next place, they have to use the phone (I have an invisible recolor) and when they find new lodgings the taxi comes and picks them up - they cannot 'walk' to new lodgings.

One way to perhaps get around the walking annoyance could be re-structuring the experience and having the first trailhead lot be the 'hotel' zone they check in and then have them walk to the other camps every day - the drawback with that is that since they will technically be lots that the sims are not 'checked into', and therefore, cannot save the progress. So I'm stuck either playing the entire vacation in one session (which camping trips I usually do for the 7 days) but also my game is prone to crashing. Hence, the risk of crashing in the middle of doing the backwoods is high for me personally so I prefer the current set up where all camps are hotel-zoned lots.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#22 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 2:34 AM
I'd mostly just posted this to keep my mental gears turning with ideas for mountain settings while I work on more lots that make up Temple Mountains National Park, with an eye toward eventually uploading a few packs of lots and a SC4 terrain so people can make it in their games if they like. Without boring you with National Park rules and regulations and all that (and trust me, I've spent my whole career in National Parks, I could absolutely bore you! ), I'm looking at things inside the park being more focused on the natural world and the history of the area, as well as a campground and historic hotel, and then outside the park being where you'd find more of the 'entertainment' side of things, as well as more modern hotels and vacation homes.

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Mad Poster
#23 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 6:10 AM
Looking forward to that
Mad Poster
#24 Old 8th Sep 2024 at 3:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
I DO have two no-frills 99% cc-free swimmable pond lots (you will need an invisible tile at the very most) that are made downloadable however if you wanted something kind of in the vein of these lots and decorate them how you want.

Pond 1
Pond 2

Thanks! The first link goes to the invisible tile though.
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