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#1 Old 23rd Sep 2014 at 1:10 AM
Project I Want To Begin Again - Airhead by Meg Cabot Sims movie
About a year ago, I read a really good book series (well haven't finished the third one yet) and I was going to make a movie out of it using Sims. I posted about it in the Sims 3 forums and for a long time, no one was available to voice over any characters so I procrastinated to the furthest extent and never even begun the project except for already editing and perfecting the opening of the movie but I've filmed nothing. I would love to start working on the project and building sets and creating characters and making some (omg brb people are yelling outside haha) of the character introduction videos so if you want to do a voice over, you can get a feel for the character. I haven't written a script yet and I think I'm just gonna have to check the book out from the library and kind of write it as I go along with filming and editing and all that crazy stuff, with tennis ending soon, this will be my extracurricular. *sigh* I do love free time, but I hate that I haven't even started a project I came up with almost a year ago!
I don't have any time tonight to write out some long colorful paragraph about the characters and auditioning....to be honest I don't think there will be any auditioning. I need all the people I can get. I sort of want to do the voice of the main character, I've never voiced acted before and my voice is very versatile, I can make it to sound many different ways. I also think that a lot of people would want to be the main character if a lot of people see this and I don't want anyone's feelings getting hurt. I know what getting left out feels like, I'm already on exhibition in tennis again tommorow. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT.
So unless I want to be sitting here drinking soda to keep awake as I do my inequality homework I'm gonna copy and paste the gist of the project from the old forum and link it in case you actually responded there and still want to do the project just here on this site since sims3 forums are gone

The title of the film I'm going to create is based off of the 2008 novel by Meg Cabot

It's a SciFi story about a awkward teenage girl named Emerson Watts who is involved in a freak accident and wakes up in the body of supermodel Nikki Howard because Emerson's body died, but not her brain and Nikki's brain apparently died but not her body. Emerson's brain was put into Nikki's body and since her parents signed a contract with the ever so evil Stark Enterprises, she has to live her life as Nikki Howard and cannot tell anyone about who she was. Em Watts is ''dead''.

These are the roles I need to cast as of now:

-Whitney Robertson: The popular mean girl at the high school Emerson goes to. Hates
Emerson, and is liked by pretty much everyone at their school, Tribeca Alternative
*maybe i should mention that whitney does not have a big role, when Em becomes Nikki, she does not attend Tribeca Alternative for a bit*

-Nikki Howard: BIG BIG BIG Role....pretty much main character. She is the girl Emerson is transformed into but she's got the brain of Emerson but the body of supermodel Nikki Howard.

-Christopher Maloney: Medium role, Emerson's best friend. Shows up in a few scenes in the first book, but in the sequel and final installment, makes numerous appearances. (I will be making the sequels! )

-Gabriel Luna: British rising pop star. Kind of an idiot. Has a huge crush on Nikki. Needs British accent or imitation accent lol.

-Brandon Stark: Who Em/Nikki discovers was Nikki's boyfriend before the whole incident happened. Also her employer's son. Heir to Stark Enterprises, an extremely rich and massive chain of megastores and products all over the country. A bit like Walmart. Brandon also can be stupid at times.

-Lulu Collins: Nikki Howard's roommate and best friend. Ditzy. .I always envisioned her as a brunette so she's a tall brunette, ditzy, is the daughter of a director but does not associate with her family.

-Frida Watts: Em's sister. Almost was the victim of the accident Em was the victim of. Em was trying to save it from happening to her sister.

-Mr.Greer: Em's Public Speaking teacher. His part is in the first scene, and later on in the story. Not a big part, but the person who does his voice has to sound tired and annoyed like a typical boring teacher.

-Emerson Watts - I might do her instead of the main role. She has a small part in the beginning with her real voice....you get it? I know... It's really confusing

So yeah that's the characters and in case you want to read the old forum, but remember you can't post there the forums are closed

I'd like to begin this project soon. I'm not sure when, but I promise I will not forget about it! PROMETO!
(Thx Spanish II teacher for integrating Spanish phrases into the back of my mind )

Well I gotta go, my teachers were all here's your homework now do it pls or i will come to your house and make sure you're doing it THX NOW LEARN PLS
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