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#1 Old 5th Jan 2014 at 8:39 AM
Default HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME hacked yellow grandfather clock
im feeling nostalgic and decided to play ts1 and for the life of me i cant seem to find this hacked grandfather clock i had before, its yellow and you can fill all motives, fill all personality points, fill all skills and give ur sim five celebrity stars, u can also give kids an a+ in school, where the eff is it! lol
Field Researcher
#2 Old 5th Jan 2014 at 4:52 PM
Try this: http://www.thesimsresource.com/down...ge/11/cnt/3763/.
Probably not, but try that site.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 6th Jan 2014 at 3:09 AM Last edited by VerDeTerre : 6th Jan 2014 at 11:20 AM.
That sounds like something Merola would have made. If you can't find it through his source, try some of the sites that offer hacked items (there's a thread in this section filled with sources for Sims 1 content http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=480970 . There are other hacked items that give the functions you list, maybe not all in the same item. I'm thinking specifically of Sim Logical, Odd Sim, and Some Sim Things. Good luck! If you do find the grandfather clock itself, please post where you found it in case others are also looking for it.

*Edit* yodafura clued me into look into this site when searching for another desired item. It's here, partway down the page: http://mistymage.com/gnohmongoodies/moods.html At least, I think that's what you're talking about.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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