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#1 Old 7th Oct 2015 at 12:44 AM
Default Jedi Padawan Challenge
A short challenge for an adult and seven children set in the world of Star Wars.
Warning: Your success in this challenge depends to no small degree on luck!


Create a Jedi Master of adult (not young adult) or elder age
Jedi Masters suitable for the task at hand must not have the traits Hates children, Commitment issues, Evil, Mean or Hot-headed. Suggested traits are Good, Active and Snob, but you can play against the stereotype and come up with any combination of allowed traits.

Move your Jedi Master into a neighborhood of your choice. Note the number of digable rocks in the neighborhood – the more you have, the easier the challenge will be.

Furnish your new home with good beds, showers, toilets and kitchen appliances. Use money cheats as desired, but keep in mind that you are building a Jedi training home and not a luxury boarding school (but neither a prison)! The spaceship playtower is required and good luck keeping your kids from using it 24/7…

Now choose seven children from the randomly generated town population or create your own children in the Jedi Master´s household. (You recieve bonus points if you play with randomized sims.)

Now create (or choose from the townie pool) eight sims young adult, adult or elder.These are Jedi Knights eligible for mentoring a Padawan, so choose their traits and style accordingly. Note: You won´t be playing those sims during the challenge.
Move the Knights household in next door to the Jedi children and you are good to go.


The children are considered Jedi learners and one week away from their teen birthday. You´ll be playing them for this one week and then age them up, so it doesn´t really matter what lifspan you set (or if you enable aging at all). At the end of the week some of the children will be chosen as Padawans, while other will leave the order and use their gift of Force Sensitivity in different ways/places.

To become a Padawan, the children must find a crystal suitable for a lightsaber and convince a Jedi to take them under their wing.

How to play:

There is no need for jobs or school, except if you want to impose a challenge on yourself.

Each day of the week you assume the role of only one specific child and the Jedi Master, the others can be run on free will. (You get bonus points if you enable free will.)

Only the Jedi Master can invite in visitors. Sims other than relatives or other Jedi should probably get sent away.

The children may phone and keep in touch with their relatives, but it isn´t encouraged by the order. Make sure to not let the Jedi Master see when your Learners use their phones! Lecturing in this case (or any action you deem inappropriate) is completely left to your discreation.

Finding a willing master isn´t too hard as eight of those live right next door. The children must not visit that house (or move anywhere anything that causes a loading screen), but they are free to chat up the adults in the neighborhood. Once child and knight have reached friend-status the adult agrees to take the Jedi learner as their Padawan.Once a mentor has been „claimed“ by one child, no other child can name that particular knight their mentor.

Lightsaber crystals can be dug up in the neighborhood. The exact kind of crystal also denotes the future Padawan´s Jedi class:

Green (Plumbite, Emerald): Consular
Blue (Turquoise, Sapphire): Guardian
Yellow (Jonquilyst, Citrine): Sentines
Orange (Fire Opal, Peach, Orange Topaz): Sith Sentinel
Violet (Amethyst, Quartz): Sith Guardian
Red (Rainborz, Ruby, Rose): Sith Consular
Silver (Simalite, Shinolite, Diamond, Alabaster): Free choice of Jedi class
Black (Jet, Hematitet): Free choice of Sith class

I use the classes from the Knights of the old republic rpg here: Consulars are pure force users, Guardians are primarily fighters and Sentinels balanced between these extremes.

Just for fun:
Your Jedi Learners are already quite strong in the Force! They can use Force Lighting (Mischief -> shocker trick), Force Persuade (canceling actions and controlling other sims), Destiny Sense (Pause the game and think about the best course of action) and Force Telekinesis (move around furniture in zero time). Make them come to life by interpreting more game commands as force powers and be sure to post pictures!

Every Jedi Learner that became a Padawan +10 (max 70)
Havin all three core classes (Consular, Sentinel, Guardian) in your household +10 (max 10)
Every Jedi Learner in danger of falling to the dark side (reddish crystal) –5 (max –35)
Jedi Learners´ traits and aspirations were randomized: +2 per kid (max 14)
Jedi Learners were left to free will: +2 per day (max 14)
Jedi Knighs´ traits and aspirations were randomized: +2 per knight (max 14)
Never used a money cheat (other than for the playtower) +20 (max 20)
Every death/Social worker: -20 (max –140… one more would be game over)

Have fun & may the force be with you!
#2 Old 22nd Oct 2015 at 8:19 PM
This is a cool challenge. What a great idea to interpret game commands as force powers!
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Oct 2015 at 9:09 PM
Thank you! Though I admit the whole thing is more a roleplaying suggestion than actually challenging.

I have the longstanding habit of interpreting game glitchs as magic, so the mental leap to the force wasn´t that difficult. Like when in Sims 2 a simteen swang a simchild around and suddenly they ended up in two different spaces with their hands disconnected but were STILL spinning, I ruled that the teen had the power to levitate smaller objects/persons. I made him a proper witch after that discovery
#4 Old 23rd Oct 2015 at 11:26 AM
I admire people who see a mundane thing or a technical detail and are able to turn it into a great story, like you always do.
Original Poster
#5 Old 23rd Oct 2015 at 1:45 PM
Nothing mundane in the force there is

However, many terrible things the dark side brings, screenshots from Enki´s game for instance:

This is newly appointed Master Lien:

She´s a typical rpg fighter who only ever wanted to bash evil with a lightsaber. Lien doesn´t quite know how to handle her new responsibilities, but since she is a mature Jedi she is not afraid to ask for and accept help from her fellow knights and masters. Having to don a traditional robe during council tanks Lien´s mood for days.

More pics under the
Test Subject
#6 Old 8th Nov 2015 at 5:16 AM
I'm going to be trying this challenge soon, and post how well I do. Wish me luck fellow Jedi Masters!
Test Subject
#7 Old 8th Nov 2015 at 6:53 AM Last edited by dinomice : 8th Nov 2015 at 7:20 AM.
The Academy is finally done! The Academy is led by Master Jacob, based off of my KOTOR 2 Jedi Knight.
If requested, at a certain point, you can request to be given your own academy to train force sensitives. As I play throughout this, I shall be roleplaying that these younglings shall be training to become padawans of my older students who successfully completed the academy, without turning to the dark side. (Since in KOTOR 2 you are one of the last Jedi)

It features:

-A Great Hall, dedicated to those who've already graduated so far from the academy
-A Small Library for younglings to explore, and read about the Star Wars Universe
-Sleeping Quarters (A private one for Jacob)
-Training Room
-A large and beautiful garden
-Dining Room/Kitchen
-A single Bathroom everyone in the academy must share

Now I must make the Jedi Knights who shall take some of these younglings in as padawans.

Wish me luck!
Test Subject
#8 Old 8th Nov 2015 at 7:13 AM
Day One: Youngling Anderson's stone

Since the rules say we may only play as one youngling, and the Master Jedi each day of the week, I began at the beginning of the list with Anderson.
Anderson is naturally a geek. After getting him set up in the academy, and even meeting a jedi knight, he went off to find his crystal.
This went on for quite a while.

Master Jacob's Journal 1
What the boy showed to me... I couldn't believe, a handful of fossils, some sort of ancient toy... And his crystal...
I pity the child. May his future mentor teach him away from the Dark side.

Anderson found a Ruby Crystal. AKA he is a Sith Consular.

For this, the other children teased, and mistreated him for the rest of the day. They we're all punished with no supper.

(I understand these seem to be filling up the comments a little, so I'll begin posting multiple days in one comment from now on.)
Test Subject
#9 Old 8th Nov 2015 at 9:41 AM
Day two: Anderson's future Mentor, and yet another Sith Consular

Anderson, after waking up, went outside, and caught up to Poppy Sands, a Twi'lek Jedi Knight. After conversing for a while, she agreed when he was old enough, she would take him in as her padawan.

Today was Lynn's day to receive her crystal. So she began digging up rocks, until she came across... A rose Crystal.

Master Jacob's Diary 2

Another child... Lynn, a sweet girl... Has the dark side coursing through her... She has been getting close to Anderson, and he may be the cause of this.
I need to ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the children.

Day 3: Three Sith is not a Charm

Today was Hillary's turn to find herself a crystal. After a long amount of digging, she was discovered to be a Sith Sentinel, finding a peach crystal. At this discovery, Jedi Master Jacob was extremely worried, and needed to find out the source that was corrupting these children.

Jedi Master Jacob's Diary 3

Something must be corrupting these children's minds. Three children in a row, discovered to be deeply wounded by the dark side... Can I even allow such children to roam this galaxy being under such influence?... I... Need to meditate more on this...

Besides that disappointment, Cohen, most notable for his squeaky voice; met his new mentor walking by the academy. His name being Jedi Knight Colten.

Day 4: Good Strikes back

Today was Cohen's day to find a crystal. When he returned back to Master Jedi Jacob, he was not disappointed.

Master Jedi Jacob's Diary 4

I knew he would be the first to be a true Jedi, I could feel it in his presence. Cohen is a talented young lad, I wouldn't mind having him be my own padawan, but the academy is much more important.

Day 5: Soren the Sentinel and the source of Corruption is discovered

Soren, an average joe, though, not the brightest child you ever saw. He once stood infront of the toilet for an hour, and then wet himself.
Soren came across a Citrine crystal. Thus classifying him as a sentinel.

Master Jedi Jacob's Diary 5

Though the news of Soren is good, I've come across, and put an end to the corruption on these children. I caught Anderson messaging a stranger, talking about his hatred of me, the academy, and his fellow younglings. The Stranger told him to embrace his hate. I then left the children alone with Poppy Sands, as I quickly took our shuttle towards where the stranger's signal had appeared from. I instead encountered only a lonely vessel, that had talking... Llamas on it? I quickly returned back to the Academy. For now

whoever the stranger was is gone.

Day 6: Another Jedi is Found, along with a mentor

Trenton was a normal, innocent child. It made sense that when he found his crystal, he was destined to be a Jedi Consular. As well, he came across his new mentor, the Jedi Knight Virginia.

Jedi Master Jacob's Diary 6

Another addition to the Jedi, Trenton. It seems the corruption is truly gone. That stranger was the cause of my three younglings to fall to the darkside. Hopefully Poppy can influence Anderson back to the Jedi ways of the force.
Test Subject
#10 Old 8th Nov 2015 at 10:30 AM
Final Day: The last fall to the Darkside

Albert was a troublesome boy, always causing mischievous acts against everyone in the academy, a real punk. He got a peach crystal.

Jedi Master Jacob's Diary 7

Today is the last day for these younglings. Those who have been taken in are to remain on this world, to meet, and move-in with there new masters. Those who were not taken, are to be transported to the nearby space station, which is all I know of their fate. It's sad see them all go. However, today is the day those who were accepted as padawans shall be rewarded at their ceremony, as those who were not accepted shall watch, and await their transport on the shuttle.


Thank you for making this challenge! It was really fun playing through it!

Final Score:

- 2 Jedi became Padawans 20+
- All core classes in my household 10+
- All Younglings that fell to the darkside -20
- All Younglings traits and aspirations randomized 14+
- All Younglings left to freewill 14+
Total: 38 points

Original Poster
#11 Old 19th Nov 2015 at 2:38 AM
Not playing Sims 4 at the moment, just dropping by to say that I love your story and especially how you turned the autonomous cellphone use into a story element (day 5)!
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