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#1 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 4:51 PM Last edited by DJ. : 27th Jan 2013 at 10:24 PM. Reason: to stop making LilGeek so confused. Oh honey :*
Default Um... a penguin appeared on a lot. And I'm playing The Sims Castaway Stories
So, my Sims went to work and I positioned camera on the lot portal (the lot I'm playing is the Village Residence (the home the tribe gave to the castaway)) and I was just casually waiting for my Sims to return from work...

only to find that after a certain time a freaking penguin appeared on my lot.

Nothing is right! First thing that came to my mind is the island corruption (of course ), second, it's a monsoon season on an island that's in a middle of nowhere, and third... ... the freak, a penguin?

ETA Edit: After reading an article on Wikia about penguins I found out that they are actually part of the game. They appear and shortly disappear every other leap year. But I'm happy that I whitnessed this rare phenomenon!

ETA #2 Edit 2: Brainfart moment is over. Sudden realization; penguins are probably there because the game doesn't have the code to completely ban penguins from visiting a lot, and if you lurk into the game files you'll see that the game has two secret stealth subhoods, Pets for hyenas and jaguars and Seasons for rain.

Who'd say that you can accidentaly run into a penguin on a tropical island, hmm.

DJ. who?
opin suomea, kerro mulle vitsi DM:ssä (ja ole valmis selittämään se)
#2 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 5:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by DJ.
So, my Sims went to work and I positioned camera on the lot portal (the lot I'm playing is the Village Residence (the home the tribe gave to the castaway)) and I was just casually waiting for my Sims to return from work...

only to find that after a certain time a freaking penguin appeared on my lot.

Nothing is right! First thing that came to my mind is the island corruption (of course ), second, it's a monsoon season on an island that's in a middle of nowhere, and third... ... the freak, a penguin?

ETA: After reading an article on Wikia about penguins I found out that they are actually part of the game. They appear and shortly disappear every other leap year. But I'm happy that I whitnessed this rare phenomenon!

ETA #2: Brainfart moment is over. Sudden realization; penguins are probably there because the game doesn't have the code to completely ban penguins from visiting a lot, and if you lurk into the game files you'll see that the game has two secret stealth subhoods, Pets for hyenas and jaguars and Seasons for rain.

Who'd say that you can accidentaly run into a penguin on a tropical island, hmm.

Is this a question? How am I supposed to react?
Field Researcher
#3 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 6:14 PM
Two issues here:

1) There are species of penguins that live in non-arctic climate. So yeah.. You're lurking in his 'hood, not the other way around
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penguin <--- For more penguin knowledge. Also, for ADDITIONAL penguin info, watch the documentary, "Surfs Up" - featuring many tropic penguins.

2) Is ETA short for something else than "estimated time of arrival" too?

Thanks! Also, what CremédelaCremé said!

Hi, I'm Camilla, and I'm a Sims 2 addict!
Mad Poster
#4 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 6:20 PM
ETA in this context is Edit to Add.

I've seen Penguins in Sims 2, but I've never played Castaway Stories so I have no idea if penguins are supposed to be in Castaway Stories or not.
#5 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 6:20 PM
ETA can also stand for "Edited To Add" (Ninja'd by Orilon )

I did have one interesting thing occur in the regular sims: family on holiday in Twikki Island, everything going as planned...and I see the penguin waddle up the vacation home they had in the middle of summer. No idea if it was corruption-worthy or not, but did make me pause and go "uh..."
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#6 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 9:06 PM Last edited by maxon : 27th Jan 2013 at 9:06 PM. Reason: To add edit
I just can't being myself to use ETA - just seems wrong to me.

Edit: I use Edit, instead.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Field Researcher
#7 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 9:16 PM
Oooh, "edit to add", I see. You learn something new every day.

Hi, I'm Camilla, and I'm a Sims 2 addict!
Original Poster
#8 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 10:28 PM
I didn't know some penguins use to live in tropical places. Hence my reaction when I saw it.

No, it's not a question or anything. I'm just saying what happened in my game, and I'm bringing it here to discuss why it happened (why did the penguin appear). Notice the ETAs (dammit!) EDITs where I actually replied to myself and explaining the situation.

But thanks for the info about penguins, LilGeek!

DJ. who?
opin suomea, kerro mulle vitsi DM:ssä (ja ole valmis selittämään se)
Mad Poster
#9 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 11:29 PM
It's not that "some penguins used to live in tropical places", but that there are penguins that live in temperate regions, including some tropical regions. They're not cold-region penguins who're out of place, either - they're different species entirely.

Cold region species are usually larger in size (easier to conserve body heat, I imagine), and temperate/tropical penguins are usually quite a lot smaller.

Bit of trivia: Some of the penguins used in the Batman movie that had Danny Devito in the role of Penguin were tropical penguins. (Well, the small, non-robotic ones, anyway.) When they were retired from acting, many of them were sent to the Dallas World Aquarium in Texas, though there's only one left there now.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 28th Jan 2013 at 3:29 AM
Where I live in Australia we have Penguin Island only a few hundred metres off shore from the mainland. It's a protected area where fairy penguins (I think) live and breed.

It still seems weird to me to have penguins in Australia and I live here
Top Secret Researcher
#11 Old 11th Apr 2013 at 10:23 PM
There are definitely penguins in that game: http://i48.tinypic.com/28w2i54.jpg
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