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#1 Old 16th Aug 2014 at 6:46 PM Last edited by Vss2eip : 16th Aug 2014 at 7:18 PM.
Default Locked/broken objects
I have two questions regarding objects in this game.

1) Is there anyway to 'unlock' objects found on certain lots and during the story. Some that come to mind are:
-the waterfall
-the pirate ship
-the Chalice of Life
-the medicine kit
-fruit trees, like papayas, coconuts etc. (these may be in the game, but I haven't played in a long time, I'm certain for the above).

2) Is there a way to fix some of the objects so that they work? The first that comes to mind is the Tuzu Staff, which usually does nothing. In this video, you can see the interactions. I've read that there is a mod that fixes this, but it also unlocks testingcheatsenabled for every object.

P.S. I wanted to download D.J.'s fixed neighborhoods, but can I use them right away (without completing the story) because I don't feel like doing in for the millionth time.
#2 Old 17th Aug 2014 at 11:23 AM
Is there anyway to 'unlock' objects found on certain lots and during the story
Marka93 recommends using Stuck Object Remover from MATY. I've never tried it out myself, so I can't tell whether this method works as expected. However, if you manage to remove the objects you've mentioned, you won't be able to buy those objects again because they don't appear in the catalog.
Is there a way to fix some of the objects so that they work?
I don't think I've ever seen that mod which was used in the YouTube video. You might have some luck finding the mod (or a mod similar to that one) over at Sims2Workshop.

The mod from the video most definitely isn't Carrigon's Castaway Person Globals Hack, because the "Person" hack simply makes all TCE options visible, while the "Punish" interaction from the video is not included in the vanilla game.
fixed neighborhoods, but can I use them right away (without completing the story)
Yes. The fixed templates are just copies of Felicity Island that have been saved after the story has completed (without those extra Sims and the obvious bugs). Once you download them, you should put them under Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims Castaway Stories\Neighborhoods, but before you do, make sure you've deleted the original N001 and N002 from the corresponding profile folder(s).

(That is to say, do not just "overwrite" the folders. Delete them before you put in mine.)

DJ. who?
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#3 Old 17th Aug 2014 at 6:55 PM Last edited by Vss2eip : 17th Aug 2014 at 9:35 PM.
Thanks a lot, just one more question. Is there no mod or way to add the objects I mentioned in the catalogue? Perhaps fiddling in SimPE?

Edit: I tried your templates and unfortunately I had issues. I did all the steps correctly, but when I loaded a household in Wanmami Island and noticed that only a few Story Reward objects were unlocked. I thought it was odd, considering you completed the story. I loaded Felicity Island and a household and noticed that I could only travel to half of the community lots. Since I had another profile, I tried it there but it was worse: I could access no community lots and no rewards were unlocked. I tried re-downloading everything and re-trying, but I was getting the same problem. I'm not sure what's wrong.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 18th Aug 2014 at 5:36 PM
There is a lot of Castaway Stories stuff at MATY that were made to work in the Sims 2 game but if you put them in CS downloads folder they will show up. http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...ic,10993.0.html I don't know if what you are looking for is there but you can go look.

All my Beginning Hoods here at MTS. http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=7749491
All my Beginning Hoods as Shopping Districts plus Old Town. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=523417
MooVille, a tribute to Mootilda and her fabulous lots http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=534158
#5 Old 23rd Aug 2014 at 7:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Vss2eip
only a few Story Reward objects were unlocked. (...) I could only travel to half of the community lots (...) I could access no community lots and no rewards were unlocked.
This is very strange. During my testing, I haven't encountered those problems. What happens when you click on the travel map and select a lot that you said you can't access? Is the lot thumbnail there (for example, the three huts for Village Market) or the innaccessible lots aren't present on the map?

When you say only a few story objects were unlocked, is that profile-wise or game-wise, i.e. if you happen to have other profiles, is there a different set of unlocked story rewards, or is it the same set?

Do you happen to have a profile with a default Maxis completed story? (The one that came with the game that you completed.) Do Felicity and Wanmami islands act strange there too, or do the issues only affect profiles with my templates? If it's the latter, it could mean that there are some serious issues when it comes to sharing story neighborhoods between players, and should definitely require additional research.

DJ. who?
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#6 Old 24th Aug 2014 at 8:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DJ.
What happens when you click on the travel map and select a lot that you said you can't access? Is the lot thumbnail there (for example, the three huts for Village Market) or the innaccessible lots aren't present on the map?

When you say only a few story objects were unlocked, is that profile-wise or game-wise, i.e. if you happen to have other profiles, is there a different set of unlocked story rewards, or is it the same set?

Do you happen to have a profile with a default Maxis completed story? (The one that came with the game that you completed.) Do Felicity and Wanmami islands act strange there too, or do the issues only affect profiles with my templates? If it's the latter, it could mean that there are some serious issues when it comes to sharing story neighborhoods between players, and should definitely require additional research.

1) When I click on the travel map, it's entirely blank in the sense that there are no community lot icons that I can click on. I can still edit community lots from by loading them via Neighborhood View but I can't travel to them in gameplay. Oddly though, this happens only for Felicity Island (Wanmami Island is fine). The first time I tried your templates some of the lots were available for Felicity Island, but with later tries all of the lots disappeared.

2) It's weird. Again, the first time I tried Profile 1 (I'll call it that) had none unlocked, but Profile 2 has some (about 10, no more than that). This was weird because I followed the instructions exactly the same for both profiles. Further tries had none unlocked for both profiles.

3) Unfortunately I don't. I did complete the story a dozen times before, but this is a recently re-installed game. I can't tell you how much times I had to re-install CS since I bought it and how many I times I had to play the story. I guess this is the game punishing be for trying to skip it this time.

I'm wondering if I should re-install the game again if I can't fix this. I'm also considering keeping your Wanmami template while using Maxis' Felicity island to complete the story. After that I could test by replacing Maxis Felicity Island with your Felicity Island. So maybe you do have to complete the story first.
#7 Old 24th Aug 2014 at 6:37 PM
backup your current save (to be sure, backup the entire Castaway Stories folder in Documents). Remove your CC if you have any during this testing period.

What happens when you try to travel to the neighboring lots via lot portals? For example, when you are on Village Residence lot, you have two lot portals: the raft and the totems. The raft will take you to the Volcano Shores and the totems will take you to the Village Harbor. Are you able to access community lots using this method?

As for the Story Rewards objects, I don't think I quite understand you here. Have you completed a story at least once on your current install, before applying any of my templates? If not, that could imply that the "visited lots" and Story Rewards objects are stored somewhere outside of N001 (Felicity Island) folder. When you play the story, you acquire the map somewhere around third chapter (that is, not from the beginning). Once you have it, only the Castaway Beach, Broken Wings and Simian City are available on the map. As you progress the game later, the community lots get added to your map as they get visited. Since you have no lots available via map, the game might be reading "the list of visited lots" somewhere outside of N001 folder. If you've never played the game before on your current install, that "list" hasn't been updated to the finished story status (when all the lots should be shown).

No need to reinstall now. Reinstalling is only necessary if you were fiddling with Grim Reaper and other universal characters (which is near impossible to achieve considering TSCS's limited cheat code system).

Bottom line - have you finished the story between the game's installation and applying my templates?

DJ. who?
opin suomea, kerro mulle vitsi DM:ssä (ja ole valmis selittämään se)
Original Poster
#8 Old 24th Aug 2014 at 7:08 PM Last edited by Vss2eip : 24th Aug 2014 at 7:29 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by DJ.
What happens when you try to travel to the neighboring lots via lot portals? For example, when you are on Village Residence lot, you have two lot portals: the raft and the totems. The raft will take you to the Volcano Shores and the totems will take you to the Village Harbor. Are you able to access community lots using this method?

Bottom line - have you finished the story between the game's installation and applying my templates?

1) I haven't tried this, but I will (and I will report what happened).
2) No. That's why I asked if I could just use your templates without having to start and finish another story.

ETA: I tried clicking on different portals, but the blank map pops up when I do it. The map popping up thing when clicking on portals is normal after completing the story, I remember that from my previous playthroughs.
#9 Old 26th Aug 2014 at 9:54 AM
If you happen to find the time, I'd like to ask you to finish the story using Maxis templates. As I said, something like this never occurred in my tests, and I don't have Castaway Stories currently installed to investigate this issue further. If you manage to complete the story and then use my Felicity Island template without any issues, that will be very helpful. It means that story rewards objects "list" and unlocked community lots "list" is stored outside of the N001 folder. If the problems continue, then it means there's something faulty in your game installation, and you'll probably have to reinstall, again. But it doesn't mean it is. You should definitely play the story once more before you think about reinstalling.
Quote: Originally posted by Vss2eip
The map popping up thing when clicking on portals is normal after completing the story, I remember that from my previous playthroughs.
Are you sure you're clicking on lot portals on Village Residence? Non-Village Residence residental lot portals only give an option to "Explore" (resulting in map popping up), while Village Residence lot portals (and all community lot portals) give an option to travel to a community lot that the portal is linked to.

DJ. who?
opin suomea, kerro mulle vitsi DM:ssä (ja ole valmis selittämään se)
Original Poster
#10 Old 26th Aug 2014 at 9:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by DJ.
Are you sure you're clicking on lot portals on Village Residence? Non-Village Residence residental lot portals only give an option to "Explore" (resulting in map popping up), while Village Residence lot portals (and all community lot portals) give an option to travel to a community lot that the portal is linked to.

Yes, it was definitely Village Residence with the 'Travel...' option, though the map appeared anyway.
I started a new story yesterday. I had issues with that as well, though it wasn't connected with your templates. Hopefully I'll complete it in a few days since I'm downloading the Ultimate Collection now (and that will take forever), so no playing Sims 2.

By the way, thank you a lot for taking your time to help me solve this; it seems every time I install a Sims game a problem pops up.
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