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Mad Poster
#176 Old 23rd Oct 2019 at 1:37 PM
Line up! LOL.

I think that's just their plan for fire season. If they tried turning off in the summer, I imagine everyone would storm their castle with pitchforks and torches! At least that's what would happen here.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#177 Old 23rd Oct 2019 at 7:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
Line up! LOL.

I think that's just their plan for fire season. If they tried turning off in the summer, I imagine everyone would storm their castle with pitchforks and torches! At least that's what would happen here.

I figured fires would be more likely in summer - not autumn. You know... blistering heat and stuff?
Mad Poster
#178 Old 24th Oct 2019 at 5:07 PM
yeah, the heat is bad, but the wind's are what spreads the stuff.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#179 Old 25th Oct 2019 at 10:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
yeah, the heat is bad, but the wind's are what spreads the stuff.

Well, power went back on a few hours ago but it's probably gonna go off AGAIN on the 26th. I mean, there's making a point and then there's excessive assholery.

But anyway... here's a couple belated cute budgie pics:

Day 28 - Blue and white birb knows he's pretty: https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...RETTY-818004588

Day 29 - Birbs giving me 'the look.' https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...ng-At-818004917
Mad Poster
#180 Old 25th Oct 2019 at 8:03 PM
LOL. I get that look from the Coon-ys whenever I approach them with the phone. I don't know how they know it's a camera, but they apparently do.

White birb is very pretty.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#181 Old 26th Oct 2019 at 8:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
LOL. I get that look from the Coon-ys whenever I approach them with the phone. I don't know how they know it's a camera, but they apparently do.

White birb is very pretty.

Blue and white birb fledged the nest today. He was out with Mama and Papa, and looking VERY pretty :D

Day 30 - Fledge! https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...edged-818110728

Blue and white birb fledged and was exploring outside the nest box. And he's still so fluffy and cute!
Mad Poster
#182 Old 26th Oct 2019 at 5:39 PM
He is just so pretty. Isn't it odd that he doesn't look like either of his parents?

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#183 Old 29th Oct 2019 at 4:08 AM Last edited by JDacapo : 29th Oct 2019 at 10:39 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
He is just so pretty. Isn't it odd that he doesn't look like either of his parents?

He actually looks like his dad. Both are blue and white, and both have violet blue feathers.

Edit: Here are the pics I took during and just after the latest blackout:

Day 31 - https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...g-Up--818467008

Day 32 - https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...dgies-818468287
Mad Poster
#184 Old 29th Oct 2019 at 3:33 PM
Oh, look! He's saying, "I can perch"!!!!

They just grow up too fast. It's not fair. I feel like I barely get to enjoy them and suddenly they are big birbies.

Are they noticing the power outages? I have cats and the don't like it when the power goes out. Their hearing is very sensitive and they can hear the power inside the walls. I guess they habituate to it the way you do a fan running. But when the power goes out they both get a little spooked for a minute.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#185 Old 31st Oct 2019 at 8:41 PM Last edited by JDacapo : 31st Oct 2019 at 9:11 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
Oh, look! He's saying, "I can perch"!!!!

They just grow up too fast. It's not fair. I feel like I barely get to enjoy them and suddenly they are big birbies.

Are they noticing the power outages? I have cats and the don't like it when the power goes out. Their hearing is very sensitive and they can hear the power inside the walls. I guess they habituate to it the way you do a fan running. But when the power goes out they both get a little spooked for a minute.

The outage affected Mama and Papa Budgie... the same way outages tend to affect humans. They were getting 'busy' and Mama laid an egg. Gotta separate them soon, it seems, or find some other way to keep them from reproducing so much during the cold months. We now have thirteen budgies - one of which we bought as a mate for Sunny D. Will hafta upload the pics soon before PG&E decides to jiggle the switch again.

Edit: OMIGOSH! When did I become a Mad Poster? Awesome!
Mad Poster
#186 Old 31st Oct 2019 at 11:52 PM
Yup. You gotta either separate them or give them some big puzzles to put together to occupy their time, cause it seems like they just have the one hobby. :3

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#187 Old 1st Nov 2019 at 9:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
Yup. You gotta either separate them or give them some big puzzles to put together to occupy their time, cause it seems like they just have the one hobby. :3

Yup. We already got two eggs. We might need to give Mama Budgie some full-spectrum light treatment, or at least remove Papa and not give her as much food.We'll also need to remove the nest box pretty soon, so she can replenish herself. Here's some pics:

Day 33: https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...eness-818809084

Day 34: https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...s-Old-818809448

Day 35: https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...Weeks-818809869

New Egg: https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...r-Egg-818859871

Two Eggs: https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...udgie-818860969
Mad Poster
#188 Old 2nd Nov 2019 at 1:10 PM
Oh, my word. You are going to be overrun with birbies!

The three in the second clutch are beautiful. Do they have names yet?

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#189 Old 3rd Nov 2019 at 1:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
Oh, my word. You are going to be overrun with birbies!

The three in the second clutch are beautiful. Do they have names yet?

They have names: Henley, Snappy, and Charlie. Might take some pics of them when they're eight weeks old. Right now they are in with their big siblings, and I hope they get along. We tried putting leg bands on them, but they weren't having any of that nonsense.
Mad Poster
#190 Old 3rd Nov 2019 at 4:55 PM
lol. that's what comes from being raised by people as well as their parents. They are people, too. You don't have bands around your legs. Why should they?

Love the names.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
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#191 Old 4th Nov 2019 at 12:29 AM Last edited by JDacapo : 8th Nov 2019 at 9:33 AM.
Aww thanks! Henley was the name of my budgie, as well as a budgie my mom adopted when she was a kid. Her Henley was blue and white, but had more blue. My first Henley was green and yellow.

Edit: https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...-Four-819366961

Three eggs, and yes, they would've been four if someone hadn't destroyed one of them. I doubt it was Mama Budgie, but who knows? She hasn't hurt the others, and she's setting, so yeah, here's hoping everything will be alright for the third clutch and brood. Gonna monitor the babies, and I hope one of them will be an albino. Those birbs look STUNNING!

Edit: Four eggs - https://www.deviantart.com/sanjouin...-Eggs-819588858

Here's hoping we will get a lutino or albino in the bunch!
Mad Poster
#192 Old 4th Aug 2020 at 11:29 PM Last edited by Sunbee : 7th Aug 2020 at 11:15 PM.
Lemon Skittle has decided to lay again. She's got one egg, and she's all broody and protective over it, acting just like a broody hen, it's hilarious when she does the "I'm gonna mess you up" face because she's so tiny! Little Boy Blue sits on top of the nest box and sings and sings and sings. Sometimes she tells him to come in and visit her, but mostly he is Not Allowed in Her Nest. They are so funny.

Son is ecstatic. Here's hoping all goes well. Another egg or two wouldn't go amiss, but one healthy chick would be quite satisfactory, too.

(They are, if it was unclear from their names, a yellow female and a blue male budgie. Skittle is half-wild, as she wasn't handled before we got her, and my son picked her out specifically as a female to be his male's mate. Little was tamed, but gets infected by Skittle's panic now. I have no pictures because even standing two feet from the nest and shining a light in to see the egg gets here all bothered, and I can't get a good picture inside the dark nest.)

Edit: Today, the 7th, there are three eggs in the box. Yesterday we caught Little feeding Skittle at the door of the nest box. They're adorable. @jdacapo are you still raising budgies at all?

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
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#193 Old 14th Aug 2020 at 2:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
Lemon Skittle has decided to lay again. She's got one egg, and she's all broody and protective over it, acting just like a broody hen, it's hilarious when she does the "I'm gonna mess you up" face because she's so tiny! Little Boy Blue sits on top of the nest box and sings and sings and sings. Sometimes she tells him to come in and visit her, but mostly he is Not Allowed in Her Nest. They are so funny.

Son is ecstatic. Here's hoping all goes well. Another egg or two wouldn't go amiss, but one healthy chick would be quite satisfactory, too.

(They are, if it was unclear from their names, a yellow female and a blue male budgie. Skittle is half-wild, as she wasn't handled before we got her, and my son picked her out specifically as a female to be his male's mate. Little was tamed, but gets infected by Skittle's panic now. I have no pictures because even standing two feet from the nest and shining a light in to see the egg gets here all bothered, and I can't get a good picture inside the dark nest.)

Edit: Today, the 7th, there are three eggs in the box. Yesterday we caught Little feeding Skittle at the door of the nest box. They're adorable. @jdacapo are you still raising budgies at all?

Yes I am So far, we got fifteen home-bred babies and Sunny D, our lutino from the first brood, has laid her first egg. Mama Budgie is gonna be a Gramma Budgie :D

Also, our lovebirds have another clutch of eggs. Here's hoping we can socialize those babies better than the previous brood.
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