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#1 Old 8th May 2024 at 3:36 PM Last edited by AmyPond : 8th May 2024 at 4:10 PM.
Default Help finding tutorial for less restricted lot height
Hi! Wasn't sure whether to post this in general, WCIF or help, so sorry if I'm posting in the wrong category.

I vaguely remember from years ago that I found and used a tutorial (I think) for how to change files so that lots could be placed more freely with regard to neighborhood terrain elevation and variation, allowing me to build cliffside houses with sharp cliffs as part of the lots. Having recently returned to TS2 again I want to build more cliffside houses, but cannot for the life of me find any such tutorial, nor do I remember the content of the tutorial I used then.
Do any of you have an idea of what I'm talking about, do you have a link or know what to do to change the parameters of allowed elevation when placing lots?

Edit: Nevermind! Realized it's a mod I was looking for, and it's this one: https://modthesims.info/d/669941/ma...-on-slopes.html
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