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#1 Old 3rd Aug 2018 at 5:01 PM
Default Custom Food has no "Create blend groups?" Pop-up in Milkshape
I'm pretty sure I understand how to create custom foods but Milkshape just won't cooperate with one part. I'm cloning the toaster pastry but I've tried and failed with other foods too.
I can successfully work with
foodpreptoasterpastry, foodcooktoasterpastry, and foodservetoasterpastry
in Milkshape.

It's only when I try to edit the GMDC for a single serving with a plate that I get stuck.
Here's what happens:
SimPe: right-click the foodcooktoasterpastryandplate GMDC in the ResourceList and extract
Milkshape: Import > Sims2 Unimesh Import V4.09
Instead of a pop-up asking Create blend groups? I either get a pop-up stating Model name(s) were truncated. or I get no pop-up at all. Then the Groups tab contains platedessert_clean, foodcooktoasterpastryandplate_groundshadow, and foodcooktoasterpastry_baked
but no morphs.

I've tried different versions of SimPE and Milkshape, and I've tried reinstalling the Unimesh plug-ins.
I've read and re-read tutorials and advance-searched 'truncated' here as well as googling but I'm stumped.
@Honeywell, thank you again for your kind and smart help yesterday with my file! If you edited more than just the foodcooktoasterpastryandplate group to get it to work, then I obviously don't understand how to create custom foods and should edit my first sentence.

I still have 2 or 3 custom foods that I'd like to make so any help is appreciated, thank you!
#2 Old 3rd Aug 2018 at 5:19 PM Last edited by Honeywell : 3rd Aug 2018 at 5:30 PM.
I'm so glad you posted this. The plate one doesn't have any morphs and I didn't edit that at all. I edited the foodcooktoasterpastry gmdc. Here's a couple of pics that will hopefully make sense. Argh! The second pic is not what I edited - see pic three. (Pics 1 and 2 are what you did and they were perfect - I didn't do anything with them.)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 3rd Aug 2018 at 5:30 PM
Ack! I DO need to edit my first sentence haha
When I didn't get the "Face Count Mismatch" message, I thought that group was okay but I think I get it now (finally). Thanks again!
#4 Old 3rd Aug 2018 at 5:32 PM
You're welcome. :lovestruc
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