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#1 Old 22nd Aug 2013 at 10:59 PM
The Time of Our Lives
Before the dawn of time the Zodiac signs we had thought were unimportant the things that were just for fun. Were more then that. They lived before us, walked the earth before the dinosaurs even. They had lived in peace and harmony. Everything was in balance. Meetings had been held deals and promises have been made. Relationships have been formed. If you now wonder how they got there place as just objects or constellations this is the place. They're world had broken. A zodiac had upset the balance. These signs had shaped there own personalities, the devilish Zodiacs didn't mean to, as a matter a fact they didn't understand how this may have happened it was just a little prank. Though little things can turn into a big problem right before your eyes. Before they even had a chance to meet about this problem. A curse was laid upon them. There souls would become nothing more then a fragment of stars in the sky. They set out ti do what they must to fix it, and yet still spending as much time with one another as much as possible. How will there fate end? Will they still yet to exist and live among us modern day humans or just live atop us?









Scorpio: Vriska


Capricorn: Jason



Age (20-25)
Personality (Please research your Zodaic do this!!!)
Ability: (Please follow your Zodiac sign you chose!!)

My C.S:
Name: Vriska (I'm obsessed with homestuck!)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Personality: Loyal, Passionate, Resourceful, Observant, Dynamic, Suspicious, manipulative.
Zodiac: Scorpio
Ability: Able to summon Scorpions and has a venomous bite like a snake instead of having a scorpion tail.
Looks: Dark blue hair that reaches her waist, has strange blue lipstick that she wears a bit. She mostly wears jeans and a t-shirt.
Other: She is very annoying, She loves pranks but wouldn't go to far.

Name: Jason
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: Responsable, Patient, Ambitious, distrusting
Zodiac: Capricorn
Ability: Able to call on the capricorns, Can summon goats and fish nearby.
Looks: https://si0.twimg.com/profile_image...72308bfdef9.png
Other: He's just insane.

If you want to be a friend (good or best) lover or enemy of someones character ask them first!
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#2 Old 25th Aug 2013 at 9:02 PM
I feel this was a lost cause.
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#3 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 4:52 PM
I would join if you have openings. Send me a message?
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#4 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 10:31 PM
Its still open glad someone wants to join.
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