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#26 Old 3rd Sep 2018 at 1:14 AM Last edited by cespencer7 : 3rd Sep 2018 at 1:15 AM. Reason: grammar
Default Bachelor Challenge: The Two Finalists and Tiffany's Visit
After Brad’s visits to the ladies' homes, the producer (Tom Burbank) invited everyone back to the studio for the announcement of the two finalists. After welcoming everyone, Brad announced that he was breaking up with Kelly and inviting Tiffany and Molly to his home. This excited Burbank and he gave a little fist bump into the air. Brad and Molly exchanged a quick glance before Molly quickly looked away.

Kelly immediately said that Brad couldn’t break up with her because she was breaking up with him. Tiffany expressed that she was unhappy with what she perceived as an obvious final decision having been made between Brad and Molly. Molly reassured her that this wasn’t the case, but I don’t think everyone believed her. After the announcement, Burbank sent Brad home to get ready for Tiffany and Molly’s visit.

Tiffany’s Visit

Brad spent one day resting and catching up with his father at home before he called to invite Tiffany over. When she arrived, Brad gave her a quick hug, then invited her into the house to join his father, Bud for some Chinese take-out.

Bud was very friendly and he asked Tiffany how her travel had been. Then he asked about her home and her family. Brad didn’t add much to the conversation. At the end of the meal, Tiffany suggested that they play some games. Bud excused himself saying he had to get ready for work (Bud is a medical doctor).

During their pool game, Tiffany talked about Kelly and the break-up. She said she understood how Kelly felt, but she assured Brad that if he broke up with her they would still be friends. At this point, Brad invited Tiffany to spend the night. Tiffany joined Brad in his room rather than the guest room (no woohoo).

The next day the couple swam in the pool and talked over meals before watching a football game. Brad held Tiffany’s hand during the game, but nothing else much happened.

At the end of the game, Tiffany confessed to Brad that she didn’t like his father. This was a deal breaker for Brad because he and his dad were best friends. Brad was sad. He couldn’t imagine marrying someone who didn’t like his dad. Soon after that, Brad said goodbye to Tiffany.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#27 Old 3rd Sep 2018 at 1:21 AM
Default Bachelor Challenge: Molly's Visit and a Surprise
Brad invited Molly to come and visit the very next day. He was so excited to see her that he ran out to meet her and gave her a big kiss. Molly was also very excited to be there.

Brad’s father Bud also came out to greet her. The two became instant friends. They chatted and laughed about many things. Once again, Bud ordered Chinese food before heading to the hospital for work. After dinner, Brad and Molly went for a late night walk in the garden. They played in the hammock and ended the evening cuddling in the grass, gazing at the stars.

The next morning, the couple went for a swim and chased each other around the pool playing Marco Polo. Then they came in and played billiards with Bud. As the day came to an end, Brad pulled his father aside and whispered to him that Molly was the one he was going to ask to marry him. Bud was excited for his son and promised to keep his secret.

When it came time for Molly to leave, Brad offered to drive her home saying he wanted to see everyone again because they had all become friends. Secretly, he wanted to ask her father’s permission to marry her. Once they arrived at the McDermott vineyard, Brad pulled Seamus aside and asked for his blessing. Of course, Seamus gave it. Then, Brad dropped to his knees and asked Kelly to marry him.

Molly was so surprised, as she didn’t expect this to happen until the TV show arranged the time for Brad to make the announcement. Of course, she said yes. Then Brad swore everyone to secrecy so that they could do this again. Even the camera crew agreed to keep it a secret so they could recreate this moment for the TV show.

Molly’s mother, Katie invited everyone to go into the backyard where she had prepared a surprise engagement party. There was lots of great food and Seamus brought out one of his best champagnes to celebrate.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#28 Old 3rd Sep 2018 at 6:51 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge: Proposal and Ladies Tell All Reunion
The Proposal

The final episode of the Bachelor took place at the Polynesian Beach Club. Both Tiffany and Molly were invited to join Brad there. Set up at the edge of the ocean was a table with the final rose and an engagement ring. First Brad thanked Tiffany for being there. He told her they would always be friends and he would continue to be friends with her son Billy. While she was sorry they weren’t getting married, Tiffany thanked him for his friendship and kissed him goodbye.

Then, for the sake of the TV show, Brad recreated his proposal and once again knelt down and asked Molly to marry him. The camera crew zoomed in on the engagement ring and Brad’s smiling face. Molly put the ring on her finger and smiled as she said yes. With that, the Bachelor TV show was over, or was it?

The Bachelor — The Ladies Tell All Reunion

Just when you thought the Bachelor Show was over, the producer (Tom Burbank) decided to invite all the ladies and Brad back to the studio to discuss things. After everyone was settled on the couch, Moonbeam started off the conversation by saying how much she enjoyed becoming friends with so many of the other ladies. Molly added that she also loved being friends with the other ladies, excluding Kelly. Kelly got upset and said that the whole show was a mockery. She didn't consider any of them friends and she never wanted to see any of them again. With that, she got up and walked off of the set. Burbank thanked everyone and then ended the show.

After the Bachelor: Ladies Tell All episode was finished
Tom Burbank asked Tiffany if she would be willing to do a show called the Bachelorette. In this show, she would be the one in control and she would propose to the man she wanted to marry. Tiffany really wanted to get married so she said YES! What Tiffany didn’t know was that Tom had already asked Doris and she said no because he had a job as a journalist and he wasn’t going to ask Kelly because she said she didn’t want to get married.

To see what happens next in the Bachelorette Show, I will work on my story-telling skills and post chapters in the Sims 2 Stories thread. . .

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
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