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#51 Old 8th Jan 2012 at 3:24 AM
grammapat, I believe you must have misread me. I wrote, "I believe the intent is to keep all torch holders and their spouses (past and present and graves) on a single lot."

So non-torchholder siblings absolutely get moved off the lot when they reach adulthood (or YA, if you want to send everyone to Uni). It's just the torch holders and their spouses, including the previous generation's torch holder + spouse, that should stay on the lot.

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Original also said that if a teen was in love they could take their intended with them (HOW?!) and then you COULD control both while in college.

I'm surprised the original rules let you control two Sims in Uni, but I suppose that's to make sure the Sims graduate. Without control, an unskilled Sim is almost sure to flunk out. The "how" of sending a teen you're not playing to Uni is easy -- there's an option to send Sims to Uni from the neighborhood view. The great thing is that this applies to any teen in the neighborhood (except teens from Vacation 'hoods), so you can send townie teens or teens from other households.
Mad Poster
#52 Old 8th Jan 2012 at 4:44 PM Last edited by grammapat : 21st Jan 2012 at 11:08 PM. Reason: added last bit...
Default Well, never mind then.
Thanks. Odd: he was in his own house (OK, a vacant lot - he ran out of money) when he repeatedly invited her over, but never got option to "move in" or marry! He had 2 lovers in college and THEY wandered past all the time, he would want to get engaged/marry THEM (althought still engaged to the intended), and DID have option to move them in! RATS! I had to cheat to move her in. And then never get option to make baby! What the hay...barely started and already wacked. (PS, I had removed ACR)

Finally peeked at her: she still shows the college stuff (still mid soph year)! Must be a glitch, as I HAVE invited college people to move in. I had forgotten when you do that you can SEE them become adult. So I used tombstone to age her..WRONG! She went right to old age! But she HAD one child. He's now a teen and this is draaaagin on. At least dad is plat (but don't know why, he's not max skilled. And even though he's at top of job, it's not what he wanted (I picked random, as I think that is required).

I'm on 5th generation, was going to post some pics, but it's no fun if nobody is watching, playing, responding.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#53 Old 3rd Mar 2013 at 6:22 PM
I'm trying this challenge but not doing the rules exactly the same. I made a family of eight in CAS: Mom, Dad, 2 teenage boys, boy child, girl child, 2 toddler boys. The girl child (Carly) is the one I play. I'm not playing with the same point system, just +1 point for every generation. So far, Carly has started a book called Space Kittens! in her free time after school and on weekends. The other kids are inviting friends over a lot and staying up all night. The mom is on some crazy sleep schedule. Because neither of the parents are the sim I play, I broke the rules for five seconds and told the dad to get a business job.
Lab Assistant
#54 Old 14th Oct 2013 at 2:23 AM
I have a question regarding this challenge. Would using the toddler's blanket or the toddler's bed (which allows Toddlers to use it on their own) be considered cheating? I mean, some players get away from using the cribs by putting in pet's bed (maxis item) because these toddlers would use it as a bed when they're sleepy. So if that's possible, then I don't think using the toddler's blanket or the toddler's bed to be cheating. what do you think?
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:15 PM
Sounds like something I could do in my neighborhood that's a mash up of families from other neighborhoods, my made sims, and townies! I love it! :D
Mad Poster
#56 Old 5th Jan 2014 at 4:31 PM
I'm going to sort of try this again, only in a cheaty kind of way as I don't want to remove any of my CC - apart from the no social workers mod that is! So it will be a bit easier for me as I do have some mods to lessen certain irritating things that sims do, but I'm pretty sure they'll still manage to die when I'm not controlling them! :-) Shall keep you all posted on how it's going :-)

**ETA** Actually, having just reread the rules the mods I use aren't actually that cheaty :-) So it'll pretty much be a standard ISBI challenge, really.....
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 2nd Feb 2014 at 7:11 PM
I already started mine, but i didn't know there was a Thread on MTS about it, so i'll post updates here

I started with my founder, Izetta Snow. She married a man from a family of siblings i made (the site for rules said i could do that as long as i didn't play the partner's family)
He was named Gage, and they had 2 children, Marcos and Saul (im using names i generated online at Listofrandomnames.com)
I decided to go with Marcos as Torch-Holder And her married Snowfall , a girl from a house-full of roomies. They had Chas, Graham Susana and Ahmed, Izetta decided to make cheesecake on Snowfall's Final pregnancy
During Snowfall's pregnancy with the twins, Izetta died at 66 days old Two days later on Chas's teenage b-day Gage died . i went with Graham as Torch-holder and then got my first were-wolf in-game (Marcos) so i decided to make every Torch-holder and partner were-wolves. Graham married Stewette, one of Snowfall's Roomies, While stewette was pregnant with her only child Betsey, she died. Luckily i had a Grim phone, so i got her back. but she came back as a zombie. so i have 3 were-wolves, a zombie were-wolf, and a toddler right now. D:

( i'm trying to go SIXTEEN generations wish me luck!)

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Test Subject
#58 Old 10th Aug 2014 at 8:58 PM
I'm re-trying this challenge. Haven't done it in a while.
#59 Old 27th Nov 2016 at 11:10 PM
I'M going to try this since my good computer is getting A much needed upgrade so for the time being I,m using my VERY ancient first ever computer until I get my good one back
#60 Old 21st Dec 2016 at 4:51 AM Last edited by Elynda : 5th Sep 2019 at 12:24 PM. Reason: correcting
I've been considering attempting this challenge for some time, ever since reading TigerAnne's MacAvoy ISBI and alittlestrange's Dimwits. Also I considered it an excellent way to break myself of the habit of cheating. Besides, I've just re-installed Sims 2 on this computer and I fancied doing something... well, challenging. So here goes.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
#61 Old 25th Dec 2016 at 5:43 PM Last edited by Elynda : 5th Sep 2019 at 12:31 PM.
Sorry I'm not taking nearly enough pictures of this challenge, I'm really not used to taking so many screenshots whilst I'm playing. I'll get used to it.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Test Subject
#62 Old 4th Jul 2018 at 1:30 AM
ISBI challenge isn't as popular as it used to be huh? Anyways, I have been playing one for a while now and it's currently in 4th generation. Soon to be halfway done! I've cheated on one aspect though; I've controlled both the spares and the heir through the university, but only made them study if they had wants for it.

Here's a quick summary of things so far:
-1st generation founder Jane had one child, a boy, John, with one of her 50 dates. After fulfilling her crazy LTW, she finally settled down, marrying a local postman called Barney.

-Later, her son, 2nd gen heir John, asks his townie father Carbrey to move in with them also. John finds a beautiful criminal wife, Kellie, trough a blind date. John and Kellie have 4 children in total. Barney and Carbrey become enemies, fighting daily, for both of them are in love with Jane. Speaking of Jane, she is enjoying the situation. Finally Barney throws the towel on the ground and gives up with his marriage with Jane. Kellie and Barney have a fling and Kellie becomes pregnant with Barney's child. John cares for the new baby as if it was his own. When said baby, Barney II becomes a teenager, he has a classic dance with John, which starts a huge family drama with Kellie accusing John of having an affair with her son Barney II. Their butler keeps calling the police after Kellie almost daily.

-Finally 3rd gen heirs Kolina and Janette are taking the throne. Everything is okay after Barney II moved out of the house, except John who is now elder, hates one of his daughter's husband and fights occur daily again. Kolina has 5 children in total and Janette 2. Social services are threatening the family because of poor school grades. Of Kolina's children, her latest triplets are fighting constantly when they hit teenage. I regret choosing to double heir.

-Once all of them are done with university, graduated or not, I can't decide on next heir, so I make a mini survival challenge for them. Again, I end up with double heirs. I hope that they don't make as many babies as the last ones. And that's where I currently am with playing.

Here's a link if anyone wants to have a proper read with pictures: https://strangebumb.livejournal.com/8060.html
Mad Poster
#63 Old 4th Jul 2018 at 3:49 PM
Glad to see your stuffs. I continue to play random ISBI families - I just like the hysteria. Too bad prior entries don't show pictures of all the fun.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#64 Old 5th Jul 2018 at 10:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Glad to see your stuffs. I continue to play random ISBI families - I just like the hysteria. Too bad prior entries don't show pictures of all the fun.

Hope that you enjoy. Yeah, it would be nice to see everyone's pictures. This is my first proper ISBI family and I've really enjoyed it!
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 19th Jul 2018 at 1:20 AM
I started it yesterday! And i am already gen 3 uni.
The beginning was really hard, because the founder was single mom of 5, 2 girls and toddling triplets when her sweet(President, business career, 1400 per day), stupid husband died of starvation after bathing his son... Luckily, the oldest, and now torch-holder grew up into teen just day after.
And now, while current torch-holder's husband and ex royal butler make friends, mother(and founder) make lovers of newspaper boys and co-workers, and babysisting around, snapdragons are producing like in a factory.
Parenting skilled ex-torch-holders and snapdragons can save the day! And normal nannies who prefer bathing than putting babies out of cribs!
Field Researcher
#66 Old 7th Aug 2018 at 7:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kailacat
Wow, I really want to try this. Controlling multiple sims for multiple generations can get boring, I guess, if it's a challenge. But this seems less ... I don't know ... high maintenence? Just control one sim and ignore everyone else.
I don't have the heart to treat my cute, little Simmies this way. Guess I'm just a big, old, softy.
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