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#1 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 12:27 AM
Default unrecolorable part
i have milkshape-newest version
1.7.8 beta
newest SimPE i made a new mesh
form hula skirt
i replaced first group with swimwear
now i made a second alpha in milkshape-i use afbodydreslongloose as base
removed upper part and just kept lower part and modified
used the cylinder provided by milkshape to add extrapart around it-|(see pic)
exported as milkshape3d.ascii and imported it-
the mesh appears tottaly fine0as i wanted-
but the cylinder part i added is there but unrecolorable-
it stays black

i didnt assign it-i checked uvmap (it was all over the screen-i ffixed it) but still mno luck--

i regrouoped it too with the extra part(body_alpja)

exported as mikshape-
imported it insimpe
and it showed fine
jsut black aprt is unrecolorable

i did not assign it anywhere-
#2 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 8:38 AM
When you create new parts like your cylinder, if you have "autosmooth" un-checkmarked they have no normals and will appear black.

The normals are what tells the game which direction the light will reflect from the surface of your mesh. No normals means no reflected light, so it will always look black.

But if you have "autosmooth" checkmarked, your entire mesh will get it's normals re-aligned and this can create other problems such as visible seams and strange shadows.

The solution is to save your mesh before creating the new part as a .ms3d file.

Then create the new part and bring it into position as you want it.

Now delete all the original mesh groups except your new part.

Select it, then use "Smooth All" on the menu. It should turn from black to silver-grey.

Export this as an .obj file.

Now open your saved .ms3d file, then import your new .obj file to bring it back with proper normals.

Now you can uv_map it and assign all it's vertices, then regroup it into one of the original groups.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#3 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 11:52 AM
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