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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 4:29 AM
Default Can hair meshes be made using wings 3d?
Can hair meshes be made using wings 3d or edited. And how about clothes? Can you make like a really different shape or only a little movement of the vertices? I heard that with wings 3d u cant delete vertices so i was just wondering if anyone used this program for clothes or hair, if its a pretty good alternative to Milkshape.

And what about Anim8tor. Same question above.
Admin of Randomness
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#2 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 8:08 AM
My recent test with meshtool and hair did not produce hair with good transparencies/animation - but I only tried one. I believe that meshtool (which is what you'd need to use with Wings 3D, with the vertex mapper) is really only good for body edits - and yes, only relatively minor ones.

You need to find a 3D editor that supports 4 bone assignments per vertex, and can properly read in smd files... or use milkshape and Wes' Unimesh plugin, which is quite an impressive plugin.
#3 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 8:23 AM
You can do very limited editing of body and hair meshes with Wings since it does not support bones or vertex assignments. This means you can move the vertices around a bit, no adding, removing, or elaborate shape changes.

See more info here:

Anim8tor looks like it is meant for creating animated videos, I couldn't find any list of mesh export formats on the site. I think it only saves in it's own format.
If it does have import and export of .obj files it might work, again only for limited editing.

If you want to do anything more advanced with body and hair mesh editing you must either use MilkShape or a 3d editor that can import/export .smd files.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 11th Apr 2006 at 8:52 PM
Default Simhunter
Ok thanks guys. I would have used milkshape but i have to pay, which i cant right now, mabey i will buy it soon. I guess i will try wings 3d for now. Thanks.
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