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#1 Old 6th Jun 2016 at 8:33 AM
Default Seeking some game recommendations
Hey guys. I've been struggling to really get into a lot of the games I've been trying to play lately (which includes any Sims games unfortunately), so I was hoping to get some recommendations. I'm mostly looking for anything fast paced that doesn't have a lot of cutscenes or down time between the action, and would also prefer single player games for now. I figure playing something that keeps me on my toes constantly would be great to keep my mind off my personal troubles. Trying to play some of these slow paced games just lets my mind wander too much, which isn't good for me right now. I'm open to any suggestions, as long as it isn't a FPS that is. This board seems kinda dead so I'm really not expecting responses, though even one or two would be nice!

Here's a list of my games in case anyone wants to go over it so they aren't suggesting anything I already have: GameFAQs game list
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#2 Old 6th Jun 2016 at 10:53 AM
Hi there, being a keen PC gamer and having taken a look at the PC games on your list (I don't play console games), I see you have the Elder Scrolls series, of which I have Skyrim (the only game I've played in that series). If you like Skyrim, you might like the Fallout series, which have a similar look and feel to Skyrim but set in an apocalyptic future with a nifty retro 1950s ambiance. Am currently playing Fallout: New Vegas and finding it tons of fun.

If you like RPGs in general, they're my favourite genre and I would recommend some of my faves: as well as Fallout games, you could try Dishonored (also made by Bethesda like Skyrim and Fallout), Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the first two Thief games and System Shock 2 if you can cope with late 1990s graphics, and Deus Ex if you can cope with 2000 graphics. Also Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines if you don't mind vampires and a bit of gore, but it has a great story and characters. Outside of the pure RPG genre, I like the Bioshock series which although apparently classed as an FPS, is more an FPS/RPG hybrid and will definitely keep you on your toes.

Just a few suggestions - hope they might be of at least some help. Good luck with your game-seeking!
Original Poster
#3 Old 6th Jun 2016 at 9:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Esmeralda
If you like Skyrim, you might like the Fallout series, which have a similar look and feel to Skyrim but set in an apocalyptic future with a nifty retro 1950s ambiance. Am currently playing Fallout: New Vegas and finding it tons of fun.
Actually I have Fallout 3 and New Vegas, 3 on both the 360 and PS3 and New Vegas on the 360. I've actually been trying to work on New Vegas myself. I finished the main story and two of the add-ons, and the only major content left would be Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road. Obviously I know I'd have to play through several times to really do everything since there are so many branching paths, but trust me I'm in no rush to do that any time soon.

I have a game called Thief on my 360, though I don't think it's what you mentioned. I think the one I have is a reboot of the games you're talking about, and I thought it was a pretty fun game. I've thought about Deus Ex: Human Revolution before, so I might give that one a try sometime.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 11:41 AM
Ah, if you have the reboot of Thief, the only similarity between it and the original is that the game is called Thief and the player character is called Garrett. The people who made the reboot (who were not the original creators) changed everything drastically. The original is a zillion times better. There's a good Let's Play of the first Thief that can help you decide if you can get along with the 1998 graphics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?li...D5167AFA4040E7A . Unlike the reboot, it's a pure stealth game where you strive to remain unseen and only 'dispose' of people who get in your way by hitting them over the head with your blackjack to render them unconscious - NEVER attack or kill anyone. Definitely a game that keeps you on your toes. The other two in the original series, Thief 2: The Metal Age and Thief 3: Deadly Shadows are also great. Imaginative storylines and memorable characters in all of those.

Hope you enjoy New Vegas! I don't have any of the DLC, will get it after I complete the game - don't want to get it yet because the 'Unlimited Companions' mod gets broken by the DLC, and I want to continue having ED-E, Rex, Cass and Raul as my 'posse' instead of being limited to only two companions! Also hope you do give Deus Ex Human Revolution a try, it's a lot of fun.
#5 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 1:56 PM
The Mass Effect series always leaves me feeling better about things when I play it. Just be sure to get the PC versions and play them in order with the happy ending mod for game 3 or it gets a little depressing and doesn't make much sense, don't worry that is easy to install and all three games give you hours of gaming goodness that leave you feeling like a real life Captain Sheridan in the end.

Another great series you can get on good old games if you want some action is Wing Commander, starting with the third game it became the only series to do FMV well IMO.

Civilization Revolution for the 360 is a great intro to the series and it has a sense of humor and I have lost countless hours to it in the past couple of months trying to get every victory condition with every civilization, if you are not used to this type of TBS don't worry, the lowest dificulty level does a great job breaking down the game into bite sized chunks that will have you playing like an expert in no time.

Another great TBS on both console and PC is XCom Enemy unknown.

Saints Row 4 is a game I like a lot more then the game it is knocking off(GTA)because it gives you a lot more freedom them those games, you can run around for hours and not even touch the main story and still have tons of fun and most of the game content is not locked away like in GTA.

The Roller Coaster Tycoon series is well worth checking out if you like the Sims and again can be found pretty cheap on GOG or Amazon marketplace.

Oh and I believe there is an HD version of Banjo Kazooie on XBox live, I can't get Xbox live where I live but if you can that will kill countless hours and is still a great game.

Well I hope some of this helps.

Take care.

My PC specs.
Windows 7 64 bit,AMD FX 4300 quad core processor, 8 gigs DDR3 ram, 1 gig Geforce 9500 graphics card, patch 1.67.2
Every time I reinstall the game I run it clean without any CC, not even the store bought stuff so it isn't CC or mods that cause me trouble.
Original Poster
#6 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 2:54 PM
@Esmeralda I still play NES games, so yeah graphics don't matter one bit to me (or even 8 bits, yeah I couldn't resist). I actually felt like the reboot of Thief was mostly stealth based. Yeah there is some combat involved, but you are meant to stay hidden and the combat was usually only there when you are detected. With New Vegas I bought the Ultimate Edition that comes with everything, so that's why I have all the extra stuff. Why no love for Boone? I use him with ED-E and a lot of enemies don't even get close to me. Combine Boone's sniper rifle with ED-E's nice attack and sometimes I don't have to fire a shot, unless it's a big group of enemies like those Caesar's guys that seem to come out of nowhere.

@EvilMcNastySim2015 I have the Mass Effect trilogy on my PS3, I've just been struggling so much lately I just can't find the urge to start. I have those and at least 3 other games on my PS3 I haven't even started. I have Saints Row 4 on my 360 but again I just can't find the urge to play. I might actually try playing that next, from what I've seen it looks pretty crazy which just might be what I need in a game right now. I've always been tempted to try Roller Coaster Tycoon, I used to play a game called Theme Park so if it's anything like that I would probably enjoy it. I always enjoyed putting together my parks in Theme Park.
Mad Poster
#7 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 5:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by haywud
Why no love for Boone? I use him with ED-E and a lot of enemies don't even get close to me. Combine Boone's sniper rifle with ED-E's nice attack and sometimes I don't have to fire a shot, unless it's a big group of enemies like those Caesar's guys that seem to come out of nowhere.

I haven't met Boone yet. When I do, I'll add him to my fearsome entourage. I've had ED-E's zapper upgraded, got Rex his new brain, and gave Cass the flamethrower that belonged to Cook-Cook and she's making excellent use of it. Only just found Raul, haven't seen him in combat yet but as he's supposed to be good with a pistol, I gave him a .357 and a .44 Magnum. When we get Boone, we should be unstoppable! And agghh, those Caesar's Legion guys. I try to avoid them as much as possible. I'm still Neutral with them even though I helped the NCR take back Nelson, so they're not acting like enemies... so far.
Original Poster
#8 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 5:44 PM
I made the mistake of becoming enemies with Caesar's Legion really early on, so I was constantly looking over my shoulder for their ambush. It did provide a decent way of earning caps and other items since they were always attacking me, so I'd just take most of their stuff and sell it. Boone is in Novac, not sure if you've been there yet. He hangs out in the mouth of the big dinosaur there, only around night time I think. I thought he was kind of a jerk at first, but then his story is a bit of a sad one so I grew to understand why he acted the way he did. Once you get him don't give him anything other than a sniper rifle, and also his default weapon seems pretty good so I never gave him anything else.
#9 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 7:16 PM
Paradox Games are best games. Play Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 2, and the new release of Hearts of Iron IV. Then pick up Cities Skylines for the most fun possible playing with traffic, but wait a year to see if Stellaris can patch itself out of boring.
#10 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 11:23 PM
You don't seem to have a lot of fast-paced pc games ( I filtered the list ). For pc I would recommend Shantae - Risky's Revenge and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. Whipped me out of my funk because its engaging, the last boss levels had me yelling in fury because I was invested. For faster pace consider Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved. If you like underwater, Subnautica is a good timesink made better by turning off the music and listening to an interesting podcast. Battleblock Theater and Axiom Verge always got me off my troubles for as long as they lasted. Doom & Destiny is another good podcast-listening while you grind if you like rpg games. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition, highly recommended to crush funk. LISA is unique comedy in a dark world, stay away from the dlc, though. The Magic Circle is interesting but short and expensive for its content, imo. Orcs Must Die!, hell to the yes. Finally, Rock of Ages for some sarcastic history and Undertale if you play for the true pacifist ending. For strategy, Shogun 2: Total War is awesome but be aware that it's a big fat time-hog. These are all steam games.
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#11 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 11:53 PM
Orcs Must Die! looks pretty crazy, It looks like something I would enjoy. Those Shantae games look like nice old school games. I'm sure a lot of those games are more fun than the big budget games. Those big budget games seem to focus too much on presentation than gameplay. It gets a little boring sitting around for several minutes staring at the screen for some cutscene. Like I love the gameplay in the Metal Gear Solid series, but wow the cutscenes!! Play for 5 minutes then watch for 10, that's basically MGS.
#12 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 12:40 AM
If you're looking at Orcs Must Die! it's perfect to pick up whenever you want and leave when you feel like. I never had any funk problems with it because it's busywork to set traps while holding off the assholes. But it's an enjoyable game that's good in short bursts, I don't remember playing it for two hours in a row because it's sort of like a puzzle, in a way. The first game in the series is the good one and it's best to ignore the easy difficulty option or else the orcs will be severely slowed. Shantae games are really enjoyable and well-made metroidvanias, just know that the designer of the last boss levels probably enjoyed his or her job too much. Shantae had a formula to curbstomp the blues out of me, and I HAVE played them for two hours in a row. The regretful part is when the game is completed and it's all over. What I know about Metal Gear Solid is that it has stealth... so, well have a look at Mark of the Ninja but I didn't feel it's good enough of a gaming anti-depressant. It's highly praised, but I felt kind of meh because the last levels are heavily about avoiding traps when they should have been more about action outsmarting the goons. They give you big powers and they have you use them to avoid boring, lousy traps.

Between Orcs Must Die and Shantae, it's tough for me to recommend one over the other. OMD if you like a short burst session game of horribly squishing orcs that think their own teammates are idiots, or Shantae if you like cute and fun, well-made, memorable music, stupid but likeable characters, great game world that I think is based on an actual anime. Both games are strong, both games have potential ragequit at some point, it's only Orcs Must Die 2 that sucks in level design.
Original Poster
#13 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 12:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Shoosh Malooka
both games have potential ragequit at some point
Actually that might be a good thing for me right now. I could use a bit of anger the way I've felt lately. It's been too long since I've felt like throwing a controller into my tv or smashing my keyboard against the wall (which I've never actually done those things), and believe me before the depression kicked in I had a habit of wanting to do both things. Every other word out of my mouth was probably F this and F you and go F yourself you stupid F'ing game. I'm trying to change who I am, which means no more swearing so I have to remember to somewhat keep my anger in check. But yeah I think some frustration would actually be good for me at this point.
Mad Poster
#14 Old 9th Jun 2016 at 10:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by haywud
Boone is in Novac, not sure if you've been there yet. He hangs out in the mouth of the big dinosaur there, only around night time I think.

Found him! I'd been to Novac but never saw Boone, probably because I only went in the dinosaur tower during the day and met the daytime lookout guy (Manny?) Now I've finally met Boone by going there at night. Thanks for the advice!
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#15 Old 9th Jun 2016 at 10:36 PM
Glad I could help. Another nice thing about Boone is that he gives a perk (I think it's called Spotter) that can really come in handy. When you zoom the camera in any enemies within range will have like a red glow around them so you can spot them easier. It's really nice for not only using sniper rifles but to also see where enemies are that you might normally miss. I'd also recommend using a guide of some sort when doing the quest to get him as a companion. I remember there being all sorts of potential bugs with the quest, and it's best to know about them before you accidentally run into one.
Mad Poster
#16 Old 10th Jun 2016 at 3:29 PM
Thanks for the heads-up re Boone's quest bugs - I've now read the quest's page on the Fallout wikia and saw the Bugs list, yikes! Good to be forewarned/forearmed!
Original Poster
#17 Old 10th Jun 2016 at 5:27 PM
I usually play through games without guides for the first time through, but with the Bethesda games I've learned that you almost can't do that. There are so many potential bugs with just about every quest that you have to know what they are ahead of time so you don't run into one and end up stuck.
#18 Old 13th Jun 2016 at 10:35 PM
Another one to recommend, Ghost 1.0

This is a metroidvania about an AI who's hired by two lowly hackers to break into nakayama corp to take whatever it is they're hiding. She can ghost out of her body to take over hostile robots to do things like go traitor and pull switches, and just explore areas beyond the map cell where her body is. Voiced dialogue and brief cutscenes I saw were sort of anime, sometimes there just for humor. The only thing is sometimes the gameplay can slow down because she's controlling a slow-moving robot. Nice metroidvania so far, hope the stealth plays a part later and wasn't only mentioned to get hopes up, I mean actual stealth as in staying in the dark and out of line of sight.
Original Poster
#19 Old 13th Jun 2016 at 10:47 PM
Sounds interesting. I usually like metroidvania style games. Games that are even remotely similar to things like Symphony of the Night or the Metroid games I can really get into. Speaking of Metroid, Nintendo needs to make another true Metroid game, another Prime maybe or even go back and do another 2D side scroller.
Test Subject
#20 Old 29th Jun 2016 at 2:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by haywud
Sounds interesting. I usually like metroidvania style games. Games that are even remotely similar to things like Symphony of the Night or the Metroid games I can really get into. Speaking of Metroid, Nintendo needs to make another true Metroid game, another Prime maybe or even go back and do another 2D side scroller.
hmm then you might want to look into picking up Shadow Complex, very metroidvania. It is a lot of fun, and for 14$ you get quite a good amount of play time out of it.
#21 Old 29th Jun 2016 at 8:05 PM Last edited by Shoosh Malooka : 29th Jun 2016 at 8:20 PM.
Downfall was released a few days ago. It's a prequel / sequel to The Cat Lady. However, since it's only a 6 hour game I would recommend The Cat Lady which is at least 12 hours. It may have depressing content and deal with depression at first but character development leads to a stronger person in the end and the intermittent carnage makes gory amusement. I felt pretty entertained upon finishing it.
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