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Mad Poster
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#1 Old 22nd Feb 2016 at 6:19 PM Last edited by gazania : 23rd Feb 2016 at 3:22 AM.
Default A bell tower bell (bell only) ... POSSIBLY SOLVED.
I know there is a bell tower here, but I'd like just the bell. Or a reasonable facsimile of a bell.

Right now, I'm working on a small Colonial-style chapel for my vacation hood. I've downloaded a few from the Sims Community Project that look great, and using a picture of a real-life colonial chapel, might try my hand at one myself, then pick which one of the four will go with the effect I'm seeking. (EDIT ... Got a little lazy, and used one of the downloads. Oh, well. )

But without a bell, a colonial-type church or chapel seems .... lacking. A decorative bell (bell clutter) would be fantastic. Many old-time bells no longer work! If I'm that desperate, I can always find recordings of bells, make a custom station, and stick my tiny transistor radio CC inside or near the bell. But I would still need a bell shell. Googling is not proving fruitful for me, but I am continuing to consume caffeine in the vain hope that maybe I need to be more alert to search terms. (I've found at least five Sims 3 bells, though! Oh, and one Sims 2 hand bell from Plumb Bob Keep. Getting warmer!)

Is this bell located anywhere? Thanks for any assistance. Right now, I'm perusing the usual sites that might carry this as well, but it's very, very possible I might miss it.

EDIT ... I believe I found one. I was looking under "Church Bell", and was probably wayyyy too specific. This time, I kept the search term simple ... "Bell". This one may do. I may have to make sure that no Sim can get up there to turn the bell on, though. That might ruin the effect just a little.


If anyone knows of any other bells, great!

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#2 Old 22nd Feb 2016 at 7:44 PM Last edited by maxon : 22nd Feb 2016 at 9:57 PM.
I have this if you're interested. I was going to do something else with it but haven't got around to it yet. It's based on the bell you linked to except that I tweaked the mesh a little, put it onto a hanging decorative base (instead of being based on a light - it will turn on otherwise) and retextured it. I still have stuff to do.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
#3 Old 22nd Feb 2016 at 7:55 PM
That's really cool Maxon. Might I also have it? The other one is neat, but yours looks more ... umm.. defined? to look more like a bell.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#4 Old 22nd Feb 2016 at 8:42 PM Last edited by gazania : 23rd Feb 2016 at 3:24 AM.
That newer bell is cool!

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#5 Old 22nd Feb 2016 at 9:52 PM Last edited by maxon : 23rd Feb 2016 at 10:11 PM.
One of the things I did was square off the bottom of the bell and fiddled with the curve a bit - looks more bell like to me. And then the texture was taken from a real bell. FeeEssen's bell was fine but I admit I like mine better. However, it is not perfect - let me take a look at the file tomorrow and check the version I have is in a usable state and in particular to test what happened to the hanging rope - it seems to have disappeared. It might be that when I imported/exported the GMDC, I forgot the secondary bit. If I have, it's not too much of a fix. Tomorrow though. Bit late tonight and I have work tomorrow.

Edit: I had a look at the mesh tonight and tried to alter it. The mesh part worked but the UV Mapping wasn't being helpful. I suspect I will have to rebuild the mesh from the bottom up. I am both tired and very irritated by this because I can't see what's going wrong, I've been working all day and have to work tomorrow too. I'm just too frustrated to work out the issue today.

However, in the meantime, you can have a copy of the current working mesh if you like which is version 2 - here at sims file share:
I will be updating this object at some point - hopefully you'll see it in the Download section on here and you can replace the file then.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
#6 Old 12th Sep 2024 at 9:22 PM Last edited by Softlism : 12th Sep 2024 at 9:34 PM.
@maxon, have you ever gotten around updating this object?
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