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#1 Old 22nd Jan 2021 at 5:54 PM
Default 4t2 Clothing Conversion Help
So I've been following Vulrien Sims tutorial to convert fully body outfits from 4to2 (https://vulrien-sims.tumblr.com/pos...thing-tutorial).
I've tried with several different ts4 af snowy escape full-body outfits but every time I link the mesh and load Bodyshop, go into projects and click it, it crashes the game. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What do you need from me to see what it is I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 22nd Jan 2021 at 7:43 PM
Can you upload the mesh and recolor file (package) plus the Milkshape file, if you have that? Bodyshop crashing or throwing errors usually means there's something in the file(s) it doesn't like, but exactly what is difficult to say without looking at the files.

The tip about using a mesh with the proper number of groups is important, so make sure you do that, and use this file to work with (you usually need two groups, one for the "body" where all the skin parts should be, and one for the converted outfit. Rarely you'll need more groups, like when adding shoes or large details from a third outfit). You can add groups if need be (if you need tutorials I'll link some).
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Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Jan 2021 at 7:58 PM
Thanks for replying so quickly!
Attached files:
File Type: zip  4t2snowsuitconversion.zip (912.3 KB, 10 downloads)
Mad Poster
#4 Old 22nd Jan 2021 at 8:50 PM
Looks like the mesh file has a CRES hierarchy issue. I'm not entirely sure in which step the corruption usually happens, and I don't know if there's a way to fix this in a file, but the easiest way is to make a new mesh package file (thankfully quick and easy).

Personally, when I make a mesh file for a CAS project, I extract the mesh parts with the PJSE tool, do Fix Integrity (giving it a new internal name), save the file, and then do "File --> new". Then I open the file again, and continue working. This seems to stop this kind of CRES corruption from happening, at least for new files. Just as a tip.

I also saw you'd kept the "MorphRefNum: 1" line in the "body2" group. This could possibly be a problem (could be the file thinks there are supposed to be morphs available, but fails in making them).

If you remove the morph line, export the file again, and remake the mesh package file, it should work fine.

I also noticed there are visible mesh normal lines, but those are usually from the Blender step (it doesn't do normal smoothing between edges automatically, so it's a common 4t2 issue). It's fixable, though (not sure if I saw a tutorial somewhere, but it's not too difficult so I can write how if you're interested).

(Just as a reminder since you hadn't added in a recolor file - remember to use the Package files from SavedSims for your projects, and not the ones from the Project folders. The Project ones are just templates, the SavedSims ones are the files that actually show up in the game).
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