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#1 Old 14th Apr 2021 at 10:55 PM
Default Edgy body after exporting from MilkShape
Hello, i have a little problem with body groups after i export mesh from MilkShape. It happens every time, doesn't effect anything accept estethic look. I don't know where is the problem. I never saw anybody mentioned this in any 4t2 clothing tutorials. It happens ONLY with body group, doesn't affect converted mesh. Is it problem with Milkshape? Because when i export mesh from SimPE it looks fine. When i import it in bodyshop it becomes like this. What the hell is it?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 14th Apr 2021 at 11:06 PM
Make sure "auto smooth" is not ticked under "Groups" in Milkshape.

Also make sure the mesh you import in is properly smoothed, and preferably doesn't have edge splits all over it, like yours appears to have. If the mesh has been imported from another program (like Blender or similar), split edges between the edges/vertices where they're technically not meant to be will cause visible splits in the mesh and mess with the "normals".
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Original Poster
#3 Old 14th Apr 2021 at 11:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Make sure "auto smooth" is not ticked under "Groups" in Milkshape.

OMG, thanks. Another solved mystery with MilkShape))
Mad Poster
#4 Old 14th Apr 2021 at 11:27 PM
I'm guessing you're using Blender if you're doing 4t2? That's often the reason you're getting these issues, because Blender doesn't properly translate the smoothing over to Milkshape.

In Blender, before exporting to Milkshape, you can select individual parts of the mesh (with L) and do "Remove doubles" in the "Tools" panel (I'm using 2.76, could be elsewhere if you're using a newer version). This gets rid of the worst of the edges.

If you're having issues selecting some of the vertices, or want to select or deselect something, you can use the selection tools down at the bottom in Blender (one sets the mesh to see-through, the others toggle between vertex/edge/face). Ctrl+ left click for selecting, add on shift for deselecting (there's several combos for ctrl/shift/alt and left/right clicking depending on what you're doing, probably best to try it out or find a tutorial if you want more in-depth).
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