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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 8:50 PM
Default Replace Adult-Sized Skeleton With Child-Sized One
Hi guys,

Can anyone explain to me (or link a tutorial) on how to replace the adult-sized skeleton attached to this mesh in Milkshape 3D with a child-sized one? This is something I want to convert from TS3 to TS2, but weirdly enough (in my opinion) when I exported it from S3PE into Milkshape 3D, it came with an adult-sized skeleton instead of a child one, which makes recreating the T-Pose style needed for TS2 a bit difficult.

Thanks in advance!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 9:49 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 25th Apr 2021 at 10:00 PM.
Did it come with the adult skeleton before or after you'd converted the bone assignments?

If it's a TS3 skeleton, something could've gone wrong in the conversion process.

I think if you want to convert outfits you may have to start out with a child outfit/skeleton in TS3/TS4 to get the sizing proper for the tool that converts the bone assignments (the name escapes me atm), but I'm not too sure.

To fix a TS2 skeleton you need to extract a child outfit, import this into Milkshape in an empty window, then import the adult mesh over it. If you get a question about whether you want to import a second skeleton, click "no" to this (depends on version of plugins).
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 10:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Did it come with the adult skeleton before or after you'd converted the bone assignments?

If it's a TS3 skeleton, something could've gone wrong in the conversion process.

I think if you want to convert outfits you may have to start out with a child outfit/skeleton in TS3/TS4 to get the sizing proper for the tool that converts the bone assignments (the name escapes me atm), but I'm not too sure.

To fix a TS2 skeleton you need to extract a child outfit, import this into Milkshape in an empty window, then import the adult mesh over it. If you get a question about whether you want to import a second skeleton, click "no" to this (depends on version of plugins).


Thank you so much for your reply! I think the skeleton is from TS3, but as I'm not that experienced with skeletons/bones yet, I'll just show you the steps I took:

- Extracted outfit from TS3 using S3OC.
- Accessed the previously from game extracted .package file with S3PE.
- Extracted the three GEOMS in the .package file.
- Opened the largest one in Milkshape 3D (this one is the complete outfit).
- Changed the (only) group name to "group_base".

Then I wanted to adjust the skeleton, so I ticked "Show Skeleton" in the "Joints" tab in Milkshape 3D and discovered it had an adult skeleton.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 11:18 PM
Is it an outfit from the game files or fom a CC outfit? If it's from a CC outfit, it's possible the outfit was resized for kids without fixing the skeleton.
Lab Assistant
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#5 Old 26th Apr 2021 at 1:56 PM
It is an outfit from the game itself (base game).
Lab Assistant
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#6 Old 2nd May 2021 at 1:24 PM
So, does anyone know why this could be the case? It would indeed make a bit more sense if it was a CC outfit, but as it is a base game one, I find it a bit weird...
Mad Poster
#7 Old 2nd May 2021 at 5:17 PM
Do you have the name of the outfit? I can see if I get the same result (if I've installed all the plugins/programs...)

Maybe it's possible to clone the outfit in TSRW and make a package file there? Perhaps the skeleton issue happens in the S3OE step.

(I don't use TSRW for much else than extracting files, and I've never bothered looking up tutorials for making TS3 CC except for once and that item never worked for me - but it is possible to save package files there, so it would probably work just for extracting the outfit. Might need a tutorial for how to properly clone an outfit mesh, though - but that's all you'd really need to do).
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#8 Old 2nd May 2021 at 7:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Do you have the name of the outfit? I can see if I get the same result (if I've installed all the plugins/programs...)

Maybe it's possible to clone the outfit in TSRW and make a package file there? Perhaps the skeleton issue happens in the S3OE step.

(I don't use TSRW for much else than extracting files, and I've never bothered looking up tutorials for making TS3 CC except for once and that item never worked for me - but it is possible to save package files there, so it would probably work just for extracting the outfit. Might need a tutorial for how to properly clone an outfit mesh, though - but that's all you'd really need to do).

The name of the outfit is: cuBodyPajamas

I'll look up if I would be able to extract it from TSRW, I hadn't yet thought about doing that!

Thank you for your response!
Mad Poster
#9 Old 2nd May 2021 at 10:27 PM
I tried extracting the mesh with TSRW, but it looks like you can only save the file as Sims3pack (thought there was a package format too, but maybe not?). You can only extract the mesh directly as either OBJ or WSO (I think the WSO format can be used in Milkshape - but I know I had some issues with it previously. Can't remember exactly what it was, though)

Tried extracting there and then using the multi-pack extracter to get a package file, then S3PE to extract the Geoms, but I keep getting an error, and I too get the problem with it not wanting to import a child skeleton (it imports the "default skeleton" which looks like the adult one). I even tried extracting every single part of the file just to see if it needed anything else in it (seemed to lack the "bones") but no luck.

Not sure if it's just this mesh or anything other than adult outfits. Could be something is lacking, for instance missing some part(s) of the plugins.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with TS3 files to know what's causing this error. I use TSRW, S3PE and the other TS3 tools mainly for extracting, plundering the textures and meshes and then I'm outta there...
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 2nd May 2021 at 11:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I tried extracting the mesh with TSRW, but it looks like you can only save the file as Sims3pack (thought there was a package format too, but maybe not?). You can only extract the mesh directly as either OBJ or WSO (I think the WSO format can be used in Milkshape - but I know I had some issues with it previously. Can't remember exactly what it was, though)

Tried extracting there and then using the multi-pack extracter to get a package file, then S3PE to extract the Geoms, but I keep getting an error, and I too get the problem with it not wanting to import a child skeleton (it imports the "default skeleton" which looks like the adult one). I even tried extracting every single part of the file just to see if it needed anything else in it (seemed to lack the "bones") but no luck.

Not sure if it's just this mesh or anything other than adult outfits. Could be something is lacking, for instance missing some part(s) of the plugins.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with TS3 files to know what's causing this error. I use TSRW, S3PE and the other TS3 tools mainly for extracting, plundering the textures and meshes and then I'm outta there...


First of all, thank you for wanting to put so much effort in trying to help me solve my problem! I really appreciate that!

Hmm, very weird (in my opinion) that you have the issue too, especially because it's a base game outfit. I thought I maybe did something wrong or something, as I've never edited a TS3 child-sized clothing mesh in Milkshape 3D before. But that doesn't seem the case, according to your conclusions...

Anyway, maybe I should try again in the TS3 forums on this site, to find if anyone over there is familiar with this issue.
But again, thank you so much for trying to help me with this issue! I now know it is probably an extraction issue or something and not something I did wrong!
Mad Poster
#11 Old 3rd May 2021 at 12:45 AM
I tried the WSO format (with the "TSRW object" import), and it does import the skeleton without any errors popping up - but all the bones import to one point, so in that state it's even more useless than the adult one. There's probably a way to make it work, but I don't know how.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 3rd May 2021 at 11:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I tried the WSO format (with the "TSRW object" import), and it does import the skeleton without any errors popping up - but all the bones import to one point, so in that state it's even more useless than the adult one. There's probably a way to make it work, but I don't know how.

OK, I think I'll ask in the TS3 forums then! Thank you very much for your help!
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