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#26 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 1:52 AM
the home-school option on SimLogical is part of the "school chooser" file, so it does what you are hoping for - lets you choose what kind of school each individual kid goes to. (it also has private school & boarding school options.)

or if you don't even want to bother with the chooser, just download the "homework placemat" b/c it will let you spawn homework assignments out of thin air even if your kids missed school (and therefore it will boost their grades)
Field Researcher
#27 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 1:59 AM
fantastic, i downloaded the chooser and the one at the bottom of that page, the one that mentions user run institutions and uneducated children...the flextime shcool or something i think...

anyway, wish me luck, i'm trying to figure out how i'll kill the parent, i never have any luck intentionally killing sims off, i'm thinking maybe the children have to lock the parent in a bathroom cause they're infected, they'll die in there... delete the door to be sure no one sneaks in or out...
Field Researcher
#28 Old 8th May 2010 at 10:31 PM
i killed off mom with the runs with scissors playset i forgot i had. i locked her in the downstairs unfurnished bathroom with it.
i'm probally, in fact almost definately cheating a bit, i have pee anywhere tiles, they're minimaly helpfull for the girls in the house, but the boy loves it, i guess guys just love peeing just anyolewhere. i have a spongebathe in the sink mod that helps alot with the teenagers, but the child and toddler are constantly miserable. i'm having the boy teenager stay home with the child and toddler, and the girlchild is trying to advance in the science carreer.

i bring them in at night, their dead mother haunts their house, but they dont really care. it freaked out the teen girl once, but the toddler couldnt have cared less, kept right on playing with the lil toy pony that comes out of the toybox...

i did miss where it says 1 meal a day, but i was kinda skimping their meals anyway cause it made sense, i'd try to get it back in the fridge to save the leftovers.... is that allowed, or cheating?

for now, cause i just couldnt get them to do anything else without it i have a cheater bathtub that wont get you completely clean, but i know i have to get rid of it, cause it's still too good.

i'm wondering if an indoor pool or something would work, i tried a hottub, it looked like it might work for a minute, just to take that filftyh lil edge off, but kids cant use it
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 9th May 2010 at 9:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by katalina522
yes, you need to download a hack to keep the social worker from coming.

I have had all adults die on my lot a few times leaving teens with kids and toddlers and the social worker NEVER came and took them...and i dont have any hacks!
Field Researcher
#30 Old 10th May 2010 at 2:49 AM
i think she meant i was going to need a hack because of the no going to school thing, and the really low aspirations from that alone thing
Mad Poster
#31 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 10:36 PM
Without using mods, I only limited it to childrren using the bathroom/plumbing, because if they get stinky, they can't do homework (no homework >> bad grades >> risk of being taken away by the social worker). Until then, I'll unlock the room when one of the teens masters mechanical.
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