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Mad Poster
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#1 Old 3rd Jan 2017 at 5:51 PM
Default Minecraft Challenge
1.Start the game with any sim you want
2.Only one sim can exist per household. Pet’s allowed though
3.The Challenge ends when your sim dies.

Every week you must roll a die. The Number you got determines how many times you have to role the die again. After you role the die required of times, add up all the resulted numbers to get the total number.


*Rolls the die and it lands on 5* >> *Rolls again 5 times* >> *Gets 2, 4 ,4 ,3 ,6*

The Total numbers determines on how many titles per wall you can build. So in the given example, the number is sum to 19, so since that’s a decend number - lucky you! - you place down 19 walls per title. With that number, you can create a room roughy about 4x4 big (or may vary if you don’t square rooms; prefer rectangular).

This Number also determines how many “wooden blanks” you gain. They’re useful, since all objects locked and you can only unlock them by having the following amount of materials listed below. Note that once you purchase the unlock object, you spent it off the corresponding amount of materials that unlocked it.
- Door: 6 wooden planks.
- 1x1 table: 8 wooden planks (to get longer, multiply it per one title longer table)
- Workbench: 9
- 1x1 roof: 6 wooden planks.
- Floor title: 1 wooden plank.
- Window: 6 sand (to get sand, the very first role of the dice must be a odd number (1, 3, 5), with the total number also determining how many sand you get along with wooden planks).
- Stove: 8 stone (1 wall can be exchange into 1 stone).
- Easel: 6 sticks and a stone slab (3 stone for 1 slab).
- Any musical instrument: a money tree (place it in a inventory and DO NOT use it) and 8 wooden planks.
- Any stereo,karoake machine, dj booth: a elixir of life (place it in a inventory and DO NOT use it) and 8 wooden planks.
- Lamp: 4 money trees (...) and a jar of fireflies (for Seasons ep, haven’t thought anything for basegame compatible).
- Bookshelf: 6 wooden planks.
- Bed: 3 wooden planks and 3 pet beds (place it in a inve….) (pet bed is suppose to represent “wool”)
- Gardening plots: 2 sticks and 2 wooden planks:
- Paintings: 8 sticks and 1 pet bed.
- Decoration object: 8 sticks and 1 leather (leather - clothing piece purchase from the shop or sewed by your sim).
- Stairs: 6 wooden planks.
All pet essentials are unlocked.

Other Stuff To Know:
- To participate in fishing activity, your sim must have two wooden planks (which can be turned into 4 sticks, out of 3 used to craft the fishing rod hilt) and two strings (4 strings can be earned by squashing cockroaches).
- Stray pets can only be adopted; not through phone or pet shop.
- If you have Seasons and Bon Voyage installed, you must have a bone in your inventory before you can adop a pet (afterwards sell it), as for cat - fish (also afterwards sell it).
- Phone can’t be used other than just for the purpose of inviting zombie(-ish) sims, having a talk with them, and calling taxi.

Now, when it’s night time, have your character invite over some zombies. (If you have University, if not - just invite over any mortal or non that creature. Before the challenge, you must spawn in or create zombies in the neighborhood, vanilla or hack wise. Also its recommended to maintain a great relationship beforehand the start of the challenge to invite those sims with better odds of success.). Since their zombies, you’ll have to avoid making contact with them - so NO TALKING TO THEM. 10 seconds of conversation will lead to your characters demise (kill the sim!). You must not have them leave the lot, unless they do it on their own, before the day approaches. When it does - you’re save to start a conversation with them.

Forgot to mention, you can also use the same method at each night to determine on how many zombies should come.

--You win this challenge when your sim dies by old age. If you want, reward the sim with 50k§ (use motherlode cheat).
--You lose this challenge when your sim dies by other means.

  • It’s a better to play this challenge in a populated neighborhood, such as a maxis given.
  • Vampires can act as the replacement for zombies: as in the minecraft game, zombies do burn in sun, so it would be accurate representation of them (also I believe vampires do wander around the night, while zombies could present an issue where they might leave at night with the “how late it is” message upon their flee).
#2 Old 27th Jan 2017 at 7:14 PM
Very creative!
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 27th Jan 2017 at 8:04 PM
Why, thank you
Test Subject
#4 Old 18th Jun 2017 at 11:37 PM
Love the idea!
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