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#1 Old 18th Oct 2023 at 4:02 PM
Default Finding relevant game code to understand scripting
I'm new to mods, to this may be a stupid question, but hopefully easy to answer. I also wasn't sure whether this is relevant enough to add to the scripting thread, but I can change that if that's better.

I was looking through the tutorial for script mods in TSM (https://simswiki.info/wiki.php?titl...ripting_Modding) and was trying to understand how parts of the tutorial correspond to code in the game files, but I couldn't find relevant code. There is for example a section on EAxian naming conventions, and I've opened a couple of (package) files, but I couldn't find code to see these naming conventions in practice.

Is there a place to find this code? Or did you folks figure this information out in another way? I'm mostly interesting in viewing the code for the quests themselves.
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