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Lab Assistant
#126 Old 20th Jul 2009 at 2:52 PM
OMG this next round could be interesting!
Lab Assistant
#127 Old 21st Jul 2009 at 8:34 PM
Bah as you've noticed I've had to drop out, moved and no internet access. So I'd like my scores for what I did do if possible, sorry guys I thought I'd have computer and internet but no dice T.T. Sorry for just leaving like I did .

I am L...I am...Justice

http://i33.tinypic.com/dmcyut.jpg - There be Dragons..
#128 Old 22nd Jul 2009 at 1:36 AM
Gak. I hope you guys do a cycle 2... lol. this looks like fun.

"You're born naked, and everything else is drag."
Lab Assistant
#129 Old 22nd Jul 2009 at 7:09 AM
Can I have a day extension? btw can I add like 1 more pic to each section?

Original Poster
#130 Old 22nd Jul 2009 at 8:26 AM
Well the Round only closes in 2 days' time, and I'll add that one more picture can be added to each section so that eveyone has that chance.
Original Poster
#131 Old 23rd Jul 2009 at 7:07 PM Last edited by TRIriana : 24th Jul 2009 at 12:30 AM.

The Other Family

Okay! So, your first week is well underway and this Round you get to tell everyone just how your "wives" are acclimatising to their new environment. Simple! Right?

This Round will be split into two parts: The first half of the week and the Rule Change, and it'll be your chance to not only describe how Hellish or wonderful it's been, but to pinpoint in pictures three key moments that sum everything up for both parts of the week.

You'll be travelling back to the "wife" you used in Round III.

Part I - Pre-Rule Change
Quite simply, what's required is three to four pictures to pinpoint how your "wife" dealt with how the new household works.

Part II - Post-Rule Change
Three to four pictures are required here to detail highlights of the household after the Rule Change has been enacted.

Total 6 to 8 pictures

Writing Requirements
Reactions and thoughts on how things are going from the key players in the household.
What the new rules are - they can be as few or as little as you desire.
Three or more lines per picture
Please include, in addition to the three lines a brief summary from both wives of their overall time in the house!

27th July 2009 at 10PM GMT
Field Researcher
#132 Old 23rd Jul 2009 at 10:16 PM
Default happyasabunny - Round 3
This morning is the first morning that I have to follow the rules that were given. I must see the girls off to school and make sure that they are wearing fashionable outfits. But before that I must choose a cute outfit. Well a black dress and heels is cute and it will be perfect for the job I have today.

"Delanie that outfit is not what you are suppose to be wearing is it?"
"No, but, nothing else fits so, this is all I have to wear. Can you quit bugging me and let me go?"
"Sure, but later you better tell me why nothing fits you anymore."

Leah's outfit was perfect and now that they are off to school I have to head to this photoshoot that was set up for me.

I don't like modeling it is really not my thing but, I must admit that this is a great picture.

"Tiffany now that I'm home from school I want to go shopping at my favorite boutique."
"Fine Delanie but, you still have to tell me whats going on."
"I will but, lets go shopping first."

"Ugh! I hate that you pay so much for these clothes you could find anywhere else for cheaper."
"Well, I like these clothes and knowing how expensive they are."

3 hours later

"Tell me whats going on."
"Tiffany you better promise you won't tell anyone."
"I promise Delanie."
"Okay well...I'm pregnant."
"Well at least your almost 18."
"Yeah but, that doesn't make it any better."
"I'm so worried."
"I'm really sorry Delanie."

6 days later

"Its time for rules change.
Rule number 1 no secrets.
Rule number 2 modeling won't be my job for the next week. I will be working as a website designer because I took a class on it a few years ago."
Rule number 3 Delanie you will be donating some of your old clothes that you don't wear anymore.

"Writing codes is a lot harder than I remember it being. I need to find a program that will write the code for me. It would make my life much easier."

"Dad there is something I have to tell you."
"Okay what is it."
"Dad I'm pregnant."
"Your What!!"
"Oh my gosh Delanie I thought you were smarter than that."
"I thought I was too...I was being so careful."
"Obviously not careful enough."
"I know I'm so sorry dad."
"I have nothing to say to you just please go to your room."

"I can't believe I gave away so much stuff but, it feels really good to donate. I don't understand why I was so selfish. I never want to be like that ever again."

Lab Assistant
#133 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 10:56 AM
Ohh can I put my round in tomorrow night? or morning?

Lab Assistant
#134 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 11:23 AM
hopefully i can get my round in by tonight!!!
Test Subject
#135 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 7:44 PM
Weeks in the Caviar Family - The Rule Change Round

Molly: I really like the Manual. It has told me to have fun, so I do. I spend time swimming, watching TV, sunbathing...

Molly: I'm in Vanessa's place now, so I have to be more elegant, like she is. Elizabeth gave me some advice - I've changed my make-up style and my hairstyle. I use Vanessa's cosmetics - now I can afford them. ;-) First time in my life I feel like an attractive woman. Silly, my husband has never helped me to feel like this, but my new lesbian mate has..

Molly: We are spending time together. :-) Elizabeth's company is sooo relaxing!
Elizabeth: Molly is nice, though simple and a bit boring, as I have mentioned before. She is in the Vanessa's place right now, so she has to act like her - I encouraged Molly to increase her IQ a bit... ;-)

Molly: Being in Vanessa's place is giving me also a chance to educate myself more. I have time to read. I am also learning how to play chess! And I have swapped "The Sun" for "The Times"!!!

Rule Change

Molly: The new rules that I created forbid us to hire a maid. We have to clean and cook by ourselves. I want Elizabeth to take care about the house a bit more. She is not into this, I'm afraid...

Elizabeth: Great! Now I have to clean and cook. I don't like it. Well, maybe Vanessa is a workaholic, but at leas she has money to hire a housekeeper...

Elizabeth: There is one thing I am not going to do! I will not eat meat, especially hot-dogs. Maybe the Cabbage family eat such things, but I don't want to be fat! No way!
Original Poster
#136 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 8:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Whatwedobest
Ohh can I put my round in tomorrow night? or morning?

The Round was already extended twice, so I'm afraid not. It closes 10PM on the 24th - a couple of hours from now.
Lab Assistant
#137 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 10:22 PM
sorry its a few minutes late

The first week at the Hirst household was very difficult and tiring. Getting up at 5am was hard enough work but then i was expected to cook and clean all day. I had hardly any time in the mornings and started to wear anythging, i just threw on any baggy trousers. I was also expected to cook in the space of 10 minutes whilst caring for a screaming toddler.
"Jo is that dinner done yet?"
"Almost, i've just got to-"
"Hurry up we need to get the kids to bed by 7 and then we can play a game, i was thinking don't wake the lolama"
I had no respect.

Doin't get me wrong the kids were lovely, little Alex was a great laugh and Charlie seemed nice. I was a little worried about Rachael though. She was a bit icy towards me.
"So what school do you go to Rachael"
"The high"
"Um.... ok Are you going out tonight, i can give you a lift..."
"Not allowed"

That evening we played 'Don't wake the llama'. It was actually quite fun but i'm not sure the kids enjoyed it. Charlie was very quiet but i could see Rachael just wanted to be out of there!


Ok so rule change. My new rules were basically, the kids had to help out with the chores. We were a lot more relaxed and that the kids had a lot more free time. Oh and NO MORE FAMILY TIME!

Charlie certainly struggled on the cooking front...

I decided that Rachael needed to experience teenage life and took her to her first club.
"The club Jo took me to was amazing! I had so much fun adn she was so relaxed about everything, she even let me have a little bit of alcohol. I've never had so much fun!"

I must say i think Jack took it a little bit too far when he found out.
"What the hell do you think you were doing taking her to a place like that! Anything could have happened to her!!!!"
"Well maybe if you let her out a bit more she wouldn't be having this argument. SHe was with me, nothing would have happened to her!"

I must say my time with the Hirst family was an interesting one and although me and Jack didn't leave on the best of terms i think i taught the family something.
Original Poster
#138 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 11:22 PM
Round II B Scores


Family: 7
Pictures: 7.5
Overall Creativity: 7.5
Rule Adherence: 2.5
Overall Score: 24.5

Family: 6.5
Pictures: 7
Overall Creativity: 7
Rule Adherence: 2.5
Overall Score: 23

Family: 8
Pictures: 8.5
Overall Creativity: 8
Rule Adherence: 5
Overall Score: 29.5

Family: 8
Pictures: 8
Overall Creativity: 7
Rule Adherence: 2.5
Overall: 25.5


Happyasabunny - The Thompson and Smith families
Family: 6/10
Pictures: 9/10
Overall Creativity: 7/10
Rule Adherence: 5/5
Overall Score: 27/35

3hannah3 - The Hirst and Coleman families
Family: 7/10
Pictures: 9/10
Overall Creativity: 7/10
Rule Adherence: 5/5
Overall Score: 28/35

Whatwedobest - The Nessie and Dirde families
Family: 9/10
Pictures: 10/10
Overall Creativity: 9/10
Rule Adherence: 5/5
Overall Score: 33/35

3mieszczanka - The Cabbage and Caviar families
Family: 9/10
Pictures: 7/10
Overall Creativity: 8/10
Rule Adherence: 5/5
Overall Score: 29/35


Family: 5/10
Pictures: 4/10
Overall Creativity: 4/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 14.5/35

Family: 3/10
Pictures: 3/10
Overall Creativity: 3/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 11.5/35

Family: 7/10
Pictures: 8/10
Overall Creativity: 8/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 25.5/35

Family: 8/10
Pictures: 6/10
Overall Creativity: 9/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 25.5/35

Overall Scores
WhatwedoBest: 88
3mieszczanka: 80
HappyasaBunny: 66
3Hannah: 62.5
Test Subject
#139 Old 26th Jul 2009 at 2:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TRIriana
27th July 2009 at 10PM GMT

Is deadline 27th or 26th? There is a different date on the first page.
Original Poster
#140 Old 26th Jul 2009 at 5:21 PM
Technically it's the 26th. but if an extension is needed to the afternoon of the 27th then I will grant it.
Test Subject
#141 Old 27th Jul 2009 at 3:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TRIriana
Technically it's the 26th. but if an extension is needed to the afternoon of the 27th then I will grant it.

Yes, please! :-)
Test Subject
#142 Old 27th Jul 2009 at 8:22 PM
Weeks in the Cabbage Family - The Rule Change Round

Vanessa: The first week was a chaos. I couldn't sleep because the baby was crying and screaming, so I was totally useless at work. I wanted it all to end, but it was just a beginning...
Poppy: Well, I like Vanessa, but she was far too bossy.

Vanessa: I had to take care of the kids... Which means: emptying the potty, changing nappies... It was horrible! I was stressed, tired and angry all the time!

Vanessa: And the kids showed me no respect! E.g. Danny was scaring me and then laughing!
Danny: I like Vanessa, she's a cool mate to laugh. We had so much fun! :-D

Vanessa: I had to cook as well... though I hate it.
Joe: She cooked, but she was useless... She claimed that this black something was a pancake... Yeah, right!

Vanessa: And then came the rule change... I could focus on my career. The main rules were:
1. My work is very important to me. I work at home as well and then kids have to be quiet.

2. I don't have time to clean. Our cleaning lady can do it. Or that lazy guy Joe...

3. I'm not going to cook. Joe can do it just as well. Or they can always buy a pizza...

4. I don't have time for kids, but I have money for a nanny. She will take care of Melvin and make sure that older kids do their homework.

Melvin: Ma-ma! :-((((

Danny: I want my mum back! Pizza is not healthy, even I know that!

Vanessa: Yes, during that two weeks I came to a decision - I am not going to have kids! Never!

Poppy: I am really glad that I met Vanessa. Now I'm almost sure... I'm a lesbian!
Lab Assistant
#143 Old 27th Jul 2009 at 8:34 PM
Back to the Coleman house where Nicola is experiencing her first week.

In the manual i was told that Jo was a very much in with the fashion, she loved reading magazines and going shopping, so thats what i did! I found a localk clothes store and set about picking out some stylish outfits. If i'm honest i've never been very good with fashion so i decided to ask Michelle, a nice lady who worked there. Soon i was trying on loads of outfits. I begun to really enjoy myself!

As i was paying for my new clothes i realised these week could be quite fun. I never got much time for relaxing at home and while i thought that was a good thing, maybe it would be good to have a rest. I obviously spoke too soon...

The rest of the week i found impossibly dull. Whilst i lounged around on the sofa doing nothing, Josh and Haley would run round looking after Becca and cooking meals. I felt awful! I would also spend hours getting ready in the morning just to waste time.
~Nicola seems really nice but its obvious she's bored. I never really noticed how much i did for mum. I don't mind at all she's done so much for me but seeing Nicola trying to be my mum made me realise that not everyone's lifestyle is like ours!

Swap over time. To sum up my ne rules i would say
'spend time as a family'

I started cooking dinners for everyone like i did at home. I told Haley to do her homework while i was doing it (I needed some order in the house) and i told Josh to go and sort out the weeds in the back garden. While i was preparing lunch i also bonded with Becca.

Whilst we ate i tried to get to know the family.
~Lunchtime today was great i really got to know Nicola and she told us all about family life at home. I didn't realise just how different it could be! She also made me realise how little time we spend as a family, so later when we were cleaning up me and Haley decided to try and do something together every weekend.

"Today we had some family time in our outdoor pool, it was ok..."
"Awww come on you enjoyed it really, i think Nicola's shown us the importance of our family"
"I guess... though i am not doing that every day!!!

I think i have taught the Coleman's how they should spend time with each other however i think i've also learned that its good to have time alone and to treat yourslef every now and then!
Original Poster
#144 Old 29th Jul 2009 at 1:07 AM
Round III Scores

Family: 6
Pictures: 6
Overall Creativity: 6
Rule Adherence: 2.5
Overall Score: 20.5
You had a good idea going with the pregnancy thing, but the entry seems rushed and the event - which is obviously serious, particularly in this family - comes across as very rushed.

Family: 6
Pictures: 6
Overall Creativity: 6
Rule Adherence: 2.5
Overall Score: 20.5
A little bit more writing would really help the flow between the pictures, and the pictures themselves are good. There's activity and colour and expressions. Try a few wider shots too - to let us take in the details of the scenery, as well as the Sim.

Family: 7
Pictures: 7
Overall Creativity: 7
Rule Adherence: 2.5
Overall Score: 23.5
I love what you have going with these families - and more writing would really make it stand out that little bit extra.


Happyasabunny - The Thompson and Smith families
Family: 6/10
Pictures: 10/10
Overall Creativity: 7/10
Rule Adherence: 5/5
Overall Score: 28/35

3hannah3 - The Hirst and Coleman families
Family: 7/10
Pictures: 9/10
Overall Creativity: 9/10
Rule Adherence: 5/5
Overall Score: 30/35

3mieszczanka - The Cabbage and Caviar families
Family: 9/10
Pictures: 6/10
Overall Creativity: 9/10
Rule Adherence: 5/5
Overall Score: 29/35


Family: 3/10
Pictures: 3/10
Overall Creativity: 3/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 11.5/35

Family: 5/10
Pictures: 5/10
Overall Creativity: 4/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 16.5/35

Family: 7/10
Pictures: 8/10
Overall Creativity: 7/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 24.5/35

Round III Overall Scores
3Mieszczanka: 77
3Hannah3: 67
HappyasaBunny: 60
Original Poster
#145 Old 29th Jul 2009 at 1:22 AM
Final Round Scores


Family: 4/10
Pictures: 4/10
Overall Creativity: 4/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 14.5/35

Family: 7/10
Pictures: 6/10
Overall Creativity: 7/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 22.5/35


Family: 6/10
Pictures: 5/10
Overall Creativity: 6/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 19.5/35

Family: 7/10
Pictures: 7/10
Overall Creativity: 6.5/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 23/35


3Hannah3 - The Hirst and Coleman families
Family: 7/10
Pictures: 6/10
Overall Creativity: 7/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 22.5/35

3Mieszczanka - The Cabbage and Caviar families
Family: 9/10
Pictures: 8/10
Overall Creativity: 8/10
Rule Adherence: 2.5/5
Overall Score: 27.5/35

Final Round Overall Scores
3Mieszczanka: 73
3Hannah3: 56.5
Original Poster
#146 Old 29th Jul 2009 at 1:31 AM
Overall Scores - and Winner Announced!

Round I Overall Scores
3mieszczanka: 80.5
3Hannah3: 80

Round II Overall Scores
3mieszczanka: 76.5
3Hannah3: 75

Round IIB Overall Scores
3mieszczanka: 80
3Hannah: 62.5

Round III Overall Scores
3Mieszczanka: 77
3Hannah3: 67

Final Round Overall Scores
3Mieszczanka: 73
3Hannah3: 56.5

The Winning Scores
3Mieszczanka: 387
3Hannah3: 341

Congratulations to 3Mieszczanka for nabbing the winning place. . And a huge thank you to all of the judges, and especially the emergency judges who helped out in the last few Rounds! :D
Lab Assistant
#147 Old 29th Jul 2009 at 6:37 PM
well done 3Mieszczanka i cmae 2nd lol, by default of course!!! (I guess that means i came last too)
Test Subject
#148 Old 31st Jul 2009 at 3:23 PM
Thank you all for the fun! :-D
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