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#1 Old Today at 3:27 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default sim won't enter car
When my sims go to school or work, they don't walk into the car door, but walk to the front of the car and disappear. I didn't add any mods when this happened. I recreated a community and it still happens.
Mad Poster
#2 Old Today at 3:49 PM
Sounds like you accidentally loaded up Sims 3 instead lol.
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Original Poster
#3 Old Today at 4:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Sounds like you accidentally loaded up Sims 3 instead lol.

The reason why I play ts2 is to see such awesome vehicles! This bug killed my enthusiasm for ts2.
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Original Poster
#4 Old Today at 4:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Sounds like you accidentally loaded up Sims 3 instead lol.

I'm pretty sure I don't have ts3 turned on.I have a friend who also encountered this situation, but he just changed the family and no longer had the problem. I had damaged the original nhood trying to fix it and the problem reappeared in the new nhood and I almost cried.
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