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#1 Old 26th Dec 2018 at 7:42 AM
Default Sims 4 Superhero Showcase
Show off your best superheroes and supervillains from your games. Originals, re-creations, all's fair game. The more credibly they appear to be behaving, the better. All poses are allowed (so long as they're within PG-13 guidelines), and Photoshop is okay too.

To get things started, here are three images in a set I'm dubbing: "A Centipede Lost in the Spiderverse," reimagining Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse if Candi Flippo / Ciem were shoehorned into its plot.

Recruitment and origin story sharing. Noir begins crushing on her immediately, and the others...really don't care.

Being only 5% centipede, she needs Campo vacuum-suction gloves to stick to walls. And...needs to find another way to the basement, because none of the cosplayers below looks anything like a centipede.

The collider going off (won't say too much more, so I don't spoil the movie) brings back bad memories of that time she Percolated to Camelorum. By this point, Miles has his own suit.

You can find me on the Sims 4 Gallery as DozerfleetProd. If you have XBox One or PS4, please test out my creations, and let me know if / how well they work on consoles.
Test Subject
#2 Old 26th Dec 2018 at 1:51 PM
Good work.
Test Subject
#3 Old 23rd Feb 2019 at 1:27 PM
I just found something I didn't realize I needed.
Original Poster
#4 Old 14th Mar 2019 at 9:14 PM
Default Revival - Spider-Gwen update

I noticed this thread needed some TLC, so I thought I'd throw a bone.

Using a mix of Sims 3 and 4, I made this poster for a proposed Sony Spider-Gwen film, that could be a standalone or possibly reworked to make it lighthearted but still have the same plot and themes, and make it a Spider-Verse spinoff. I've dubbed it Spider-Gwen: Gratia Ruinam. ("Fall from Grace")

The plot and themes take cues from:
  • The 1994 animated Spider-Man TV show's "Hydro-Man" episode,
  • from my own Ciem: Inferno and Ciem: Ash Cloud books-in-progress,
  • from my Camelorum Adventures TV show proposal's proposed episodes "Armed and Citrus" and "Demolition,"
  • from Sodality: Vindication's plot arc of Celia "Taterbug" Winehart's surrender,
  • and most of all, from the Earth-65 Spider-Gwen: Life of Gwen Stacy series (mostly Vol. 2 Issue #33.)

I Nolanized the Chameleon, as you can probably tell from the cheap hockey mask. The harder-to-see villain is Hydro-Man, who's stalking MJ (not shown) just like he did in the old cartoon. The top characters were rendered in Sims 3 and greenscreened in. The top background and bottom panel were made in Sims 4 with help from ReShade. Everything else is Photoshop CS6. The Spider-Woman suit being used is modified from CrazyMammoth's Spider-Gwen TS4 outfit.

If you're interested in the plot, you can read my pitch for this story here. In 2016, Netflix wanted to make a very similar project with its own take on the idea of Spider-Gwen. However, they couldn't secure the rights. I'm hoping someone at Sony takes notice of this, and contacts me. But...I won't hold my breath.

So...if you have your own pics of superhero Sims, by all means share them here.

You can find me on the Sims 4 Gallery as DozerfleetProd. If you have XBox One or PS4, please test out my creations, and let me know if / how well they work on consoles.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 17th Mar 2019 at 8:19 PM
I don't have any superhero Sims, but I have to say, I really like the effort and detail you put into your characters and graphics. Good work.
Original Poster
#6 Old 18th Mar 2019 at 11:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by grindingteeth
I don't have any superhero Sims, but I have to say, I really like the effort and detail you put into your characters and graphics. Good work.

I'm considering making it as a PDF Sims comic, and writing it even while researching for Ciem: Inferno. Given the protagonists are similar, getting inside the head of this version of Gwen could be good practice for Candi- whose thoughts and stakes and drama will be even higher.

If I syndicate here, given Flickr restrictions, then I'll have to delete Q-Basic Gorillas. Which I might do anyway, since I've lost interest in the project.

My only concern is that I might also have to delete Volkonir Meets the Power Rangers, which I'm not willing to do.

Given the new Ciem continuity, I don't care that photobucket destroyed the old version.

If I make a PDF ebook and put it on MediaFire, that gives me unparalleled freedom. I could link it on DeviantArt, and use the appropriate thread to advertise the link here.

Still debating getting Fanfiction.net involved. I know GregTerry on DeviantArt uses it for his Frozen OitNB crossover, but this would require illustrations made from screenshots.

You can find me on the Sims 4 Gallery as DozerfleetProd. If you have XBox One or PS4, please test out my creations, and let me know if / how well they work on consoles.
Original Poster
#7 Old 11th Dec 2020 at 7:17 AM
Default A Centipede Returns to the Spiderverse

Gratia Ruinam didn't work out. But I figured I'd try doing the Ciem / Spidey crossover stuff one more time, two years later. This is the result.

Morlun has made his way to more parts of the Spiderverse, and it seems like nothing can stop him. Well...no Spider-Totems can stop him, that is! As Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter, Miles, Peni, and Gwen found themselves getting their tails kicked, things seemed hopeless.

Then...some things happened that were...unexpected. The Percolation Wave happened.

Franco and Candi had no idea where they were. But they immediately found Morlun trying to drain them as well!

Yet, that's when the tables turned quickly! Franco was simply immune to all of Morlun's attacks, and even summoned penguins to attack him! Candi...was undrainable, because she wasn't a spider totem! Candi got her powers from her father, who was fused with a garden stone centipede - by aliens! Worse: Candi's dimension is intangible with Morlun's native dimension! Therefore, he can't touch her, and she can't touch him!

Yet, she is able to get around this by augmenting improvised weaponry from the other Spider worlds! As her husband, Donte "Emeraldon" McArthur gets involved as well, the Spiders now have a fighting chance for survival. When White Chest Spider, Spider Noir, MCU Spidey, Raimiverse Spidey, Kid Arachnid, Sp//dr, Spider-Ham, and Ghost-Spider aren't enough? Just call Ciem, Italian Spiderman, and Emeraldon (not pictured)!

This isn't Candi's first time visiting the Spiderverse; but she's ready to save it, if only to get back to Earth-G7.2.1! Morlun ate spiders all day. But he would rue the day he crossed paths with one that could summon penguins! He would also rue the day he picked a fight with a centipede!

You can find me on the Sims 4 Gallery as DozerfleetProd. If you have XBox One or PS4, please test out my creations, and let me know if / how well they work on consoles.
Test Subject
#8 Old 31st Dec 2020 at 2:51 AM
Is there a way I could get your Miles Morales costume
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