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Virtual gardener
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#26 Old 18th Sep 2020 at 2:41 PM Last edited by Lyralei : 18th Sep 2020 at 5:00 PM.
because I'm insane, I also parsed 'ActionData.sData' which supposedly has all the keys and ActionData's of the game. The XML details are also getting parsed into this so it shows up in the pie menu eventually. So it's even inside sData. But I get the feeling that whenever the game turns that into actual interactions, that's where it goes wrong?
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#27 Old 19th Sep 2020 at 11:36 PM
So in my head, this initially should have worked (And Technically I expected it to.) but turns out everything works now!

Tis been a few days, but all I had to change was:

            public override void AddInteractions(InteractionObjectPair iop, Sim actor, Sim target, List<InteractionObjectPair> results)
                results.Add(new InteractionObjectPair(new DefinitionTalkAboutSewing(sewingSkill), iop.Target));

results.Add(new InteractionObjectPair(new DefinitionTalkAboutSewing(), iop.Target));
All it was was the parameter being passed in. Which I also made a definition for as seen in the previous Snippets of code. But somehow this was the key... 

now i'm off making more social interactions! Thanks for anyone for the help!  
Field Researcher
#28 Old 1st Dec 2020 at 2:49 AM
Okay, so I downloaded this item and placed it in my game. To test it, started an empty, new World with no Lots and no Sims except my test subject. I opened the Entertainment Items in the Buy Menu and scrolled to the sewing machine, and it was there. I clicked it, and the preview is there.

When I move to place it in game, the two green squares are there and the item is invisible. I thought it was your Texture bug, but that would imply the machine still worked. I placed a dining chair to slide up under it, and it "clicked". My Sim could sit in the chair, too. However, when I tried to click in the area that the machine was placed, nothing happened. It was as if the machine, in totality, did not exist at all.

What did I do wrong? I made sure to download the newest version like you said.


Jesus loves you and died for you!

Your resident prude! A pox on all who remove the "censor blurs" on showering (etc.) Sims!
Virtual gardener
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Original Poster
#29 Old 1st Dec 2020 at 8:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TurtleShroom
Okay, so I downloaded this item and placed it in my game. To test it, started an empty, new World with no Lots and no Sims except my test subject. I opened the Entertainment Items in the Buy Menu and scrolled to the sewing machine, and it was there. I clicked it, and the preview is there.

When I move to place it in game, the two green squares are there and the item is invisible. I thought it was your Texture bug, but that would imply the machine still worked. I placed a dining chair to slide up under it, and it "clicked". My Sim could sit in the chair, too. However, when I tried to click in the area that the machine was placed, nothing happened. It was as if the machine, in totality, did not exist at all.

What did I do wrong? I made sure to download the newest version like you said.
Hrm that is pretty odd @TurtleShroom ! Might be a weird suggestion, but what would happen if you put the sewing table in game without any other mods? I'm wondering if somehow NRaas is again making things not work, or any other mod that might somehow screw with the sewing table.

Furthermore, do you have the University EP? There's an interaction that requires that EP but technically it should still work without it. What Patch do you use? Do you happen to have NRaas Error trap as well, and if you do, could you give me the XML file it created?

Thank you!
Field Researcher
#30 Old 5th Dec 2020 at 10:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Furthermore, do you have the University EP? There's an interaction that requires that EP but technically it should still work without it. What Patch do you use? Do you happen to have NRaas Error trap as well, and if you do, could you give me the XML file it created?

Thank you!

I'll test it some day. Until then, here is what I know.
  1. I have all the Expansion Packs.
  2. I use the traditional CD-ROM version of the game.
  3. I use the latest CD-ROM Patch, which is at V1.69 .
  4. It does not trigger an error. It simply does not do anything if you click on or near it, but you can still park a chair there. The game says it's there, it just... is invisible and not selectable.

Does it help that I did not use the Sims III Pack version? I put it in as a Package.


Jesus loves you and died for you!

Your resident prude! A pox on all who remove the "censor blurs" on showering (etc.) Sims!
Test Subject
#31 Old 8th Dec 2020 at 1:51 PM
Hi there,

I got the message "There was a problem, couldn't get the settings. System.ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary" etc what do I do?
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#32 Old 8th Dec 2020 at 2:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bubblybunni
Hi there,

I got the message "There was a problem, couldn't get the settings. System.ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary" etc what do I do?
Heya! When you see this error, the 'sewables' already exists. The error basically says 'Hey we noticed this project already exists in our list, so we've canceled it'.  But the error by itself is quite innocent and it won't affect the sewing table's functionality in any way

Now I am trying to fix this, but the major issue I assumed I fixed (Which was when you switch saves). If it isn't, do let me know!  
Test Subject
#33 Old 9th Dec 2020 at 4:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Heya! When you see this error, the 'sewables' already exists. The error basically says 'Hey we noticed this project already exists in our list, so we've canceled it'.  But the error by itself is quite innocent and it won't affect the sewing table's functionality in any way

Now I am trying to fix this, but the major issue I assumed I fixed (Which was when you switch saves). If it isn't, do let me know!  

Thank you!
Test Subject
#34 Old 20th Dec 2020 at 3:26 PM

Me again.

My sim can start a project, but she can't continue. The option is grayed out and it says "another sim is using the table".

Also, can the Sim create clothes or only buy items?
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#35 Old 21st Dec 2020 at 12:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bubblybunni

Me again.

My sim can start a project, but she can't continue. The option is grayed out and it says "another sim is using the table".

Also, can the Sim create clothes or only buy items?
Heya! I'm actually working on a workaround for when the sim that uses the sewing table, wants to create multiple projects, that they can. (But that anyone else can't of course. Else we're having the issue that 2 sims are using it at the same time :p) I should probably add that to the bug reports list.

Regarding the clothing, I think you were the same person asking this in the comment section, so I'll put my response here as well for others:

Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
I'm currently working on an implementation for it! It's a bit tougher to code in than it sounds, but i'm managing it. I'm currently also working on a new project so it might come out a bit slower, but I will promise this will be in a new version of the sewing table!
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#36 Old 25th Mar 2021 at 12:05 PM
Heya everyone!

It's been a while I mentioned how things are going with the sewing table, so I figured i'd give you all an update

There is a new update coming soon! What I'll be adding is the following:
  • Sims can now create clothing! The clothing will be unlocked in-game of course, so it works a bit like clothing you unlock with a career.
  • A new dialogue I made will show all clothing 
  • The sewing table will now appear when on low-texture settings! And no longer be invisible
  • Adding a tutorial tab in the tutorials section in the game (the one where you see about gameplay and how to do stuff basically )
  • Limiting the possibility for the game to create 'failure object' patterns. Which is still a hard one to tackle!
  • Limited the possibility for patterns to be patterns but when created, being non-existence
  • Fixing that popup on the load screen, although I'm sure it will sneak up, because that thing is just cursed lol
  • The chair will now have only one slot to slot to. The previous version would have two to put the chair on and one of them would make it so the sewing table would say there was no chair  So that's fixed!
  • Some behind the scenes code bug fixes (like that the sewing table would share the same progress if you had two, rather than keeping it to one sewing table)
  • Additional CASParts! Still need to make a few more
  • (Still need to fix that bug where children/toddler meshes become these noodly monsters :p)
What I might add:
  • Hand stitching, but that's indeed either this update or another one 
  • Adding sewing machine sound
  • Sim taking measurements and gifting the clothing piece to another sim to wear 
For the ones who asked how they can support me, I also made a Patreon not too long ago! https://www.patreon.com/lyralei
#37 Old 25th Mar 2021 at 3:31 PM
This is really exciting!

I don't have this in my game because it doesn't suit the personalities of my current actives, but I'm very interested in playing with it!

Echo Weaver's Simblr: http://echoweaver.tumblr.com/
A portrait in stubbornness - Playing the same legacy since 2009
Sample a Brave Legacy: http://sims3sample.illation.net
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#38 Old 25th Mar 2021 at 7:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by echoweaver
This is really exciting!

I don't have this in my game because it doesn't suit the personalities of my current actives, but I'm very interested in playing with it!
Take your time! Sometimes I'm playing with families that just don't work with particular additional mods  So that's all okay!  Glad you're interested though!
Test Subject
#39 Old 8th Jan 2023 at 4:48 PM

I've been trying to add custom furnitures to this mod using the tutorial the modpage links to. Everything seems to be fine except for there being no thumbnails in neither the build/buy menu or the sewing machine menu, and I can't figure out why ):

Also, in build/buy the object has the icon for high end loft after i've made it sewable for some reason?

The clothing part of the mod works great for me though! Thank you for this mod, it really adds a lot of gameplay.
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#40 Old 23rd Jan 2023 at 6:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Miolop

I've been trying to add custom furnitures to this mod using the tutorial the modpage links to. Everything seems to be fine except for there being no thumbnails in neither the build/buy menu or the sewing machine menu, and I can't figure out why ):

Also, in build/buy the object has the icon for high end loft after i've made it sewable for some reason?

The clothing part of the mod works great for me though! Thank you for this mod, it really adds a lot of gameplay.

Ohh @Miolop i'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner!

First, regarding the high-end loft one... I don't know why, but EA seemingly has given that pack some sort of "oh if we don't know the group, it's High-end loft", which isn't the case with any SPs after this pack. Rest assured though, your downloaders don't need high-end loft for it (I happened to not have this when I made the sewing table. but it would work just fine)

Regarding the thumbnail part... I have noticed that as well, and I'm guessing it has something to do with changing the group id. The game seems to have a tendency to use the group + Instance ID when generating thumbnails. I'm guessing, because we've changed the OBJD now, the game doesn't know how to link the thumbnails any longer.

However, my theory on fixing this, is to use Custom thumbnails instead. I still have to test this myself, but that's the only technical thing I can think of that may bypass this issue.

Also! If you have released the set, feel free to PM me the link! I'll add it to the sewing table's description, so other people can enjoy it!
Test Subject
#41 Old 22nd Jun 2024 at 7:06 AM
Hello! I hope all is well. I would like to discuss a possible feature request that adds babies as a life stage to sew clothing for QuizicalGin and/or Danjaley's baby meshes (preferably Danjaley's if only one could be chosen). The baby clothing already available could easily be made compatible with your mod, and more can be created as well! This idea excites me as it would give more gameplay for expecting sim parents who loves to make clothing for their bundles of joy. Thank you, and I commend you for all of your hard work!
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