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Mad Poster
#51 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 5:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
When aspirations change in Junior Year I assign the original primary as a secondary, so any time a sim gets an "immature" aspiration - Pleasure, Romance, or Popularity, I'm looking for them to grow up enough by Junior Year to change to a "mature" aspiration - Family, Fortune, Knowledge, without losing their old drives and habits. Some of them don't ever grow into more mature values, though, and that's fine, too. A preponderance of Romance, Pleasure, and Popularity sims in high school giving way to a preponderance of Family, Knowledge, and Fortune, without either set taking over 100%, is pretty realistic in the ways I care about.

Immature aspirations, huh? I guess I never really grew up then lol. I'd totally be Pleasure/Knowledge.

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I find Nice Popularity Sims easy and fun to play as all they really want is to be friends with everyone. I tend to put such Sims into people-focused roles like the pastor of the church, or teachers in schools. I honestly think that good people-skills are more important in such roles than pure knowledge.

Nice Romance Sims are just like Nice Popularity Sims, except that they like their friends so much that they want to take them all to bed. Many of the Romance Sims in my game are cute, lovable, friendly and generous. I honestly don't see what's not to like.

I think that teachers might require a bit more knowledge than popularity or the students aren't going to learn anything. XD

It again depends on how you like to play. If you want the traditional family with children and monogamy then Romance probably won't be your favourite aspiration. But I don't see the lothario type lifestyle as sexist, because female sims have just as much opportunity to be horn dogs lol.

And you really can have sims with the same aspiration who are totally different. I had one Romance sim who shagged all the guys that she could get her hands on and another one who was totally faithful to his boyfriend, who kept him in platinum by being willing to fulfil every woohoo want he rolled (bed, hottub, public).
Mad Poster
#52 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 6:13 PM
"Immature" and "mature" are not value judgements here, merely descriptive. That's why I put the terms in quotes.

Teens who tend to be more focused on immediate things - friends, dating, having a good time right now - and grow into things that involve long-term goals and more sustainable benefits - family and other support systems, economic security, understanding the world - are more common than teens who never "grow out" of the immediacy mindset. And I think we can all think of examples of both humans and sims who pursue their adult goals in a short-sighted and immature way (grasping always for more and more money long past their real needs or even pleasure, pursuing knowledge because they can without pausing to think whether they should, increasing their family without regarding each kid as a separate individual or considering how to provide for them), and who would benefit from some leavening of their behavior by experiencing the moment they're in.

Both real and sim society need all the values prioritized by each aspiration. Being young at heart is rightly considered a good thing!

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Forum Resident
#53 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 6:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
There is no valid reason for all Knowledge sims to be serious. In fact, one of mine is active and playful, and will play Marco Polo all day long if I allow him too.

Especially the way the knowledge aspiration presents itself in-game, with people wanting to get abducted by aliens, scared by ghosts and hit by lightning just to satisfy their own curiousity. Serious stuff.

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Immature aspirations, huh? I guess I never really grew up then lol. I'd totally be Pleasure/Knowledge

The way I see it, pleasure is all about appreciating the small joys in life. Which sounds pretty mature to me. :D

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#54 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 6:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
"Immature" and "mature" are not value judgements here, merely descriptive. That's why I put the terms in quotes.

Teens who tend to be more focused on immediate things - friends, dating, having a good time right now - and grow into things that involve long-term goals and more sustainable benefits - family and other support systems, economic security, understanding the world - are more common than teens who never "grow out" of the immediacy mindset. And I think we can all think of examples of both humans and sims who pursue their adult goals in a short-sighted and immature way (grasping always for more and more money long past their real needs or even pleasure, pursuing knowledge because they can without pausing to think whether they should, increasing their family without regarding each kid as a separate individual or considering how to provide for them), and who would benefit from some leavening of their behavior by experiencing the moment they're in.

Both real and sim society need all the values prioritized by each aspiration. Being young at heart is rightly considered a good thing!

So any aspiration can be mature or immature depending on how you play it.
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