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#1 Old 12th Apr 2023 at 12:55 AM
Default The Sims 4 - Monsters, Freaks, and Geeks
Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to the community--with only one upload on here and a few more on other sites--but I've been playing The Sims for nearly my entire life. I've also been a lover of monsters and all the weirdness of the first few games. I've spent the last few years scouring the internet for strange CC and mods to turn the game into the horror life simulator of my dreams!

I would like to preface that none of the CC in these pictures is mine. Just the actual Sims themselves. Of the ones I have uploaded, all credits have been given to the proper creators.

Here are a few of my monsters and characters, starting with some Yokai.
Yanari and the Noppera-bo

Yanari are very tiny yokai that live in the attics and crawlspaces of homes. They're often the source of small bangs and clangs in the middle of the night and are a general nuisance. The Noppera-bo is a faceless yokai that disguises itself to scare mortals upon revealing its true appearance. I based these visually off the Rainwalkers from Ghostwire: Tokyo.

Then we have a few demons.

The BEAST was a near-indestructible abomination demon with the ability to control mortals with forces of darkness and the strength of ten giants. He can siphon their lifeforce, command them at will, or create immense destruction. Due to his sheer magnitude in power, he was bound to an ancient fighting pit in the depths of what is now the city of Westonhood by an order of monks that worshipped the Soul Archons. The pit was created as a means to punish those who did not follow the Tenets of the Universe and make them fight in battle against other evil monsters. Eventually, the Soul Archons were largely forgotten--but the BEAST remained trapped in the fighting pit, undefeated. Various orders, circles, cults, and militaries took power of the pit over the course of three-thousand years and used the BEAST as their entertainment champion. At this point, the BEAST is tired of fighting. He is tired of good vs. evil. He is willing to fight--only to stop fighting ever again. Given this exhaustion in demonic character, he's now somewhat of a nice guy. He's loyal to his friends, outgoing, and makes killer cocktails.

Marv the Mook

Meet Marv! He’s visually based on a bit supporting character named Merl from Angel. Marv is a parasite demon. Contrary to popular belief, parasite demons aren’t parasitic demons--but rather demons that feed off parasites. Marv loves to eat trash and rummage through sewers because of this. Month old pizza is his favorite. He lives underground and rarely goes out due to a general mistrust of humans. He likes to sing karaoke in clubs when he’s a little drunk off spoiled juice, though.


Based on one of my favorite characters, Mulciber, from the original Nightbreed comic line. Dulcimer is a rare hybrid of a Parasite demon and a goblin. He’s a career criminal that never stays in one location too long--often lashing out at humans because he resents their normalcy. Dulcimer is a true outlier--he feels he can’t belong to any monster communities due to his strange family tree or the normal world--so he uses violence to get his way. Will he ever learn peace and find a community that accepts him for what he is? Maybe one day...but in the meantime, Ted Roswell has got to go.


Lonny is an Empath demon. He's visually based on Lorne from Angel but the similarities stop there. He has a gambling addiction and owes money to the demonic mob. He's spent the last six months on the run and blows off some stress by attending underground poker games with other demons--often sending himself into deeper debt and trouble. Will Lonny ever find solace from his addiction?

Finally, what I like to call "Monster Mashes"--where I gather all my monster sims in one venue and see what chaos unfolds.

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