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#1 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 8:14 PM
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#2 Old 18th Sep 2024 at 11:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kennyinbmore

Wow. Not that I'm surprised.
Forum Resident
#3 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 6:06 PM
EA’s vice president and general manager of “The Sims” franchise Kate Gorman told Variety the main reason behind this decision to not publish a fifth edition of the game was the concern that players (there are more than 80 million worldwide, per EA) would have to start all over again after a decade’s worth of gameplay in the existing “Sims 4.”

And whose fault is it that this has been going on for over a decade, Kate?

I think I speak for most people when I say that the fanbase has been ready to move on for years now (save for a few whiny fucks who cry about the thought of having to go back to a vanilla base game as if what we have right now is that much better).

And really, a simple fix for this issue would be to finally quit being stubborn and release a base game with actual substance, meaning weather and pets included. Those features have been a part of the series forever, it's time to start including them from day 1.

Really this is just EA admitting that they're too cheap to release a fleshed out base game and using people's complaints about barebones base games against them so they can let TS4 keep running on life support until it fizzles out and the series is effectively dead.

The simmer formerly known as Averex
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#4 Old Yesterday at 7:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by itskatie
And whose fault is it that this has been going on for over a decade, Kate?

I think I speak for most people when I say that the fanbase has been ready to move on for years now (save for a few whiny fucks who cry about the thought of having to go back to a vanilla base game as if what we have right now is that much better).

And really, a simple fix for this issue would be to finally quit being stubborn and release a base game with actual substance, meaning weather and pets included. Those features have been a part of the series forever, it's time to start including them from day 1.

Really this is just EA admitting that they're too cheap to release a fleshed out base game and using people's complaints about barebones base games against them so they can let TS4 keep running on life support until it fizzles out and the series is effectively dead.

To a certain point, I wouldn't mind it so much if the game worked much better than it does.
Original Poster
#5 Old Yesterday at 9:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by itskatie
And whose fault is it that this has been going on for over a decade, Kate?

I think I speak for most people when I say that the fanbase has been ready to move on for years now (save for a few whiny fucks who cry about the thought of having to go back to a vanilla base game as if what we have right now is that much better).

And really, a simple fix for this issue would be to finally quit being stubborn and release a base game with actual substance, meaning weather and pets included. Those features have been a part of the series forever, it's time to start including them from day 1.

Really this is just EA admitting that they're too cheap to release a fleshed out base game and using people's complaints about barebones base games against them so they can let TS4 keep running on life support until it fizzles out and the series is effectively dead.

I agree with just about all of that. I also think part of it is they finally got some competition and realized they weren't going to be the only game in town anymore. It's a lot easier to do what you want to do when you have no competition
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#6 Old Today at 9:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kennyinbmore
I also think part of it is they finally got some competition and realized they weren't going to be the only game in town anymore. It's a lot easier to do what you want to do when you have no competition

Seems counterintuitive if you ask me. They know that multiple studios are now making life sim games optimized for next-gen hardware with features that the fans want that The Sims 4 will never have (open world, color wheels, more intuitive building, etc.). Why would this not be their wake-up call to release their next-gen option to keep up with the competition? Why do they think that The Sims 4 will be able to even remotely compete against these games? Unless this is just them throwing in the towel and handing the crown off to the incoming competitors because they have no interest in the series anymore. If so, they should be ashamed of themselves for killing The Sims the same way they killed SimCity. I can only imagine what Will Wright thinks about all of this.

The simmer formerly known as Averex
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