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#1 Old 18th Jun 2009 at 8:28 PM

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Sims 3
Default probs installing packages with monkee tool
Hi all!, Im a noob at sims but used to mods and what not through other games but for some reason i cannot get this to work, I used the uac monkee tool and it accepted all the files in which i executed them to sims3, I have framework 3.5 sp1 installed on vista 64 bit, admin privs & ive done everything the directions said but nothing i installed is showing ( patterns, more realistic bodies & everything else ) and im wondering what i could possibly be doing wrong, Sorry for such a long post but i didnt find any support threads in the forums

Also when i installed them from the right click i put all of them to the top selection of Sims 3, I didnt pick any particular folders and was wondering if that might be the case?

Thanks to anyone that can shed some light on this
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#2 Old 21st Jun 2009 at 12:00 AM Last edited by feralamour : 21st Jun 2009 at 12:13 AM. Reason: Folder Permissions
I'm not sure if Delphy's Monkey tool works with 64-bit Vista due to the "program files" directory being different, e.g. folder is called 'program files (x86)'* on 64, I believe.

Remember that mods (manually) install into C:\Program Files (x86)*\Electronic Arts\Sims 3\. You should find a 'Resource.cfg' file and a folder called 'Mods' with another folder called 'Packages' inside that. The Packages folder should be the "default" folder the Monkey installs to with the Hacks, Misc, Skins being the sub-groups. Hope that helps!

* Disclaimer: Don't quote me on the actual folder name as I run 32-bit Windows 7.

Edit: I forgot to mention folder permissions. Make sure your user account has full permission on the packages folder and the others, even if you are admin. I dunno about 64, but 32-bit Vista had a nasty habit of considering "user admins" as regular users. I'd imagine the process is the same- go to the folder, right-click and select properties then the security tab. I think you can figure it out from there.
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#3 Old 21st Jun 2009 at 1:03 AM
Vista does have issues with permissions, mostly I have found when the user account type is changed. But a restart helps to reset them properly. As to getting your stuff in the folder, try copy/paste and not dragging it, Vista seems to take issue with that more.

And the folder is C:\Program Files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3.
Née whiterider
retired moderator
#4 Old 21st Jun 2009 at 1:15 AM
The Monkey takes the installation path from the registry, so unless that's wrong it doesn't matter where things are installed. I use it fine with my TS3 directory in F:/Programs/Games

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