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#26 Old 7th May 2024 at 12:22 AM
Thanks for the prompt and check-in!

1. Graduate 10 more Sims. I have a lot of Uni sims.
-Some but not 10

2. Make and release a tattoo overlay posebox
This project...uh we'll see

3. Finish updating my sims 2 story blog so its up to date
I have updated it but not fully up to date

4. For really real-real start one of those artisan businesses
I have sims MOVED IN to 2 of them. Business to start soon.

5. Finish giving all the males that need it, body hair.
Undetermined, I have 275 playable sims but all my regulars have it

6. At least one sim transition in 2024, I have been wanting to try out that mod.
I have the mod, and the sim and they are starting to!

7. Publish and take pics for at least 1 chapter of the sims story I wrote nearly 100 pages on in 2023
Well I took pics, but still haven't published it.

8. Host another discord workshop on how to build swimmable lakes
I did hold a discord workshop but it was about taking pics

9. Play more elders (get 10 sims to expire w/ no cheats)
Only 1 elder has died so far, I might not make this goal without concentrated effort.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

#27 Old 7th May 2024 at 1:35 AM
I have been workin on this custom hood of sorts for many, many, MANY years (with time off from sims that lasted months at a time). So I was all gung-ho and said set my goal to have it done by this summer. Summer is it is .. 6 weeks to the start of summer and I'm soooo very not even close to bein done To top it off I'm fixin to take a 2 week to month vacation out of state (real state not just mental .. lol). Not to mention I get sidetracked very eas... oh squirrel!

Technically, I have 2 custom hoods. Maybe if I'm reeeeeeal good and push reeeeeal hard I can get them both done ... hahaha

So I guess my goal has been slightly extended. So now it's a MUST have done before the stroke of midnight of December 31, 2024. Think I can do it? I dunno. I hope so :P
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