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#1 Old 15th Dec 2011 at 11:36 AM Last edited by RevBlacklist : 19th Dec 2011 at 7:16 AM.
Default Synyster Gate's Guitar
I'm not quite sure if this quite fits into this forum or not, if it doesn't I'm sorry but...
For my next project I'm working on Synyster Gate's Guitar and i have spent weeks on perfecting the 3D model, but now that I'm done with it I'm not quite sure what to do. I followed Atavera's guide on custom instruments and cloned one of his guitars to make the file but when I try to import my guitar I get an "Index out of range" error and I'm not quite sure that to do? I tried looking through another guide I could find but it didn't mention it either or what to do to fix it if it occured.. It's probably something simple thats just blowing right over my head...
Also I wonder if the model is good enough to make it worth continuing the project, or If I should just scrap it?
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#2 Old 16th Dec 2011 at 2:18 AM
That looks very detailed. How many polygons does it have? Have you UV mapped it yet? Is this your first custom object? (I don't mean that to sound mean or anything...I'm just wondering if you're following an object creation tutorial or if you are familiar with the process.)

I don't mind if you call me "MSD" or something for short.
Perhaps someday I'll have leisure time back...
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#3 Old 16th Dec 2011 at 11:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maybesomethingdunno
That looks very detailed. How many polygons does it have? Have you UV mapped it yet? Is this your first custom object? (I don't mean that to sound mean or anything...I'm just wondering if you're following an object creation tutorial or if you are familiar with the process.)

It is.. It's probably WAY higher than it should be, at around 7k verticies (I'm not sure off the top of my head of the faces)
I have the UVmap exported out of UVMapper but haven't actually added color to it yet. It's my first time making a custom model for an object, but I've done a few recolors so I thought I was pretty proficient with SimPE... I'm probably wrong though :3
Former Hamster
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#4 Old 16th Dec 2011 at 5:19 PM
Well, recoloring is different than creating a new mesh.

If I'm not mistaken, if you just open your mesh (.obj) in UVMapper and save it (as .obj) without changing anything you should be able to import it into SimPE without getting that error. What meshing program do you use? It doesn't look like you use MilkShape.

The package you attached? You do realize that it's not your guitar, right? Also, you might want to reduce the polys of your mesh.
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#5 Old 17th Dec 2011 at 2:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
Well, recoloring is different than creating a new mesh.

If I'm not mistaken, if you just open your mesh (.obj) in UVMapper and save it (as .obj) without changing anything you should be able to import it into SimPE without getting that error. What meshing program do you use? It doesn't look like you use MilkShape.

The package you attached? You do realize that it's not your guitar, right? Also, you might want to reduce the polys of your mesh.

Seems to be a lot different, yes. I used blender and then exported it as .obj.
Yes thats the package I created from cloning Atavera's guitar and then editting the GUIDs before trying to import the custom model as per his tutorial here. I of course never got the custom model in it yet, I included it because I thought maybe I messed something up on it? I thought about that after I realized just how big it is.. I reckon I'll shave off abit by cutting down the detail on the pickups and bridge and leaving that to the uvmap
Former Hamster
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#6 Old 17th Dec 2011 at 2:46 AM
Try doing what I said with UVMapper. Open your mesh then save it as is. (Without changing anything.) Then try importing it into SimPE again.
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#7 Old 17th Dec 2011 at 8:43 AM Last edited by RevBlacklist : 17th Dec 2011 at 12:58 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
Try doing what I said with UVMapper. Open your mesh then save it as is. (Without changing anything.) Then try importing it into SimPE again.

Still same error. I also tried two things in trouble shooting: Exporting the model already there and importing it back, which worked as it should.. And then I took the exported model and imported it into blender, changed it slightly, and exported it; opened it in UVMapper and saved that as a copy, then tried both the UVMapper saved one and non-UVMapper saved one and both got the error on import into SimPE.

Is this perchance something that blender is doing to the file, or some setting i don't have set right IN blender to correctly export .obj files?

EDIT: Okay I tried downloading the trial of Milkshape and importing the file that I exported from blender, and RE exporting it... This file works in SimPE as it should....so I'm going to change my model to lower the verts and faces a bit... but the problem I had is clearly a Blender export error.. it persisted even after updating to the newest nightly build, but Milkshape had no problem.)
Former Hamster
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#8 Old 17th Dec 2011 at 1:21 PM
Glad you got it figured out. Using MilkShape would've been my next suggestion.
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#9 Old 18th Dec 2011 at 3:59 AM Last edited by RevBlacklist : 19th Dec 2011 at 7:16 AM.
This is probably something simple again, but now that I have the model in the package, the first test reveals that, while the object is still playable... the model doesn't sit the correct way on the stand or when the sims are using it..

EDIT: this was another Blender error. Blender doesn't handle X,Y, and Z the same way Milkshape does, in which case, it gets imported into Milkshape and turned the wrong way...
Although i realize now I've let the model get away from me.. I need to think a little less realistic, a little more video game. So before i move on, now that i know what needs to be done to get the model to SimPE, i'm going to go back and make a little more game friendly poly-wise model...
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