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#1 Old Yesterday at 12:36 AM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default cowplant
Hello my dear sims 2 players!!.. Well, today something happened to me in a lot, my sim came home from work and with him a coworker, with another sim from the lot I won the cow plant from the science career, I had it in the garden, the coworker went to the plant and ate the cake and you saw what happened!, he ate it... (That sim was not managed by me at that time, I did create it, but I came to visit after work) at that moment I had the genie of the lamp and I was able to ask to resurrect that sim, but in addition to resurrecting as a zombie, he was added to that family, how is that possible?.. if you resurrect in a lot, is it added to that family?, obviously I can send the sim to live alone and put him with his family, but I really didn't know all this, were his family ties with his other family broken?, thanks for helping this newbie sim...
Lab Assistant
#2 Old Yesterday at 1:44 AM
Resurrected Sims being added to the household that resurrected them is normal intended game behavior. It does not alter their family ties or anything like that. You can move him back to his original home without issue.

If you no longer want him to be a zombie, you can use a mod like the Sim Transformer or the Dezombification Potion.
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