21st Jan 2025 at 10:49 PM
Last edited by Craft90 : 21st Jan 2025 at
11:43 PM.
Shane ran into a mummy while exploring a tomb in Jericho. He lost and got cursed. So off I was to Egypt and the Sphinx to get that sorted out. I like that the moodlet is generous with time at least, 14 days. Now, I've never had the misfortune of being cursed before, so I had never seen the cleansing ritual and boy was it cool. More intense that I thought it would be. There's a tiny issue with Egypt though... Shane is a light sleeper and the other adventurers doesn't understand the concept of "night means sleep". They kept waking Shane up when he tried to sleep. At least the blessing of the Sphinx filled up his energy need. I'm gonna have to make the two of them sleep in one of the camps instead, away from noisy sims.
After a little adventure through the Great Pyramid and dinner at the market, Cieran got the want to propose to Shane. I locked that right in. I did not realize that you couldn't just go "propose", so they had a date in the Market tomb (okay maybe not the most romantic place) until Cieran got the option to propose. Shane said yes! I wish I had been a little quicker with the camera but I got a somewhat decent one (tho... I won't share it. Cos Shane was shirtless, having taken a dip in the market pool. So it's probably not okay to share on here.) It was also a full moon at the time, so they got the "kissed under the moon" moodlet aswell.