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#1 Old 30th Jul 2019 at 9:21 PM
Default How to convert clothing mesh onto another body type?
So I'm trying to figure out how to get this silver dress and shoes converted onto this curvy body mesh. I'm looking up tutorials but none seem to be matching up to what I'm looking for. Does anyone have any tips?
Forum Resident
#2 Old 3rd Aug 2019 at 10:21 PM
The trick here is getting the game to recognize the curvy body mesh and render it correctly. A user named Warlokk has been very successful at this (so have a few others), and they may already have done something close to what you want. If that is so, it becomes a simple matter of inserting the silver dress as a "recolor". Check under Downloads > Sims 2 >All >Body Shop > Body Types to see what's there.
Test Subject
#3 Old 16th Aug 2019 at 9:13 PM
Princess, you need a mesh that is made specifically for that bodyshape that was created by someone for that (particular or similar) type of outfit. Once found and downloaded to game it's simple enough to recolor the textures and import to game through bodyshop. Once completed I hope you plan on sharing it with us.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 17th Aug 2019 at 4:07 PM
There's ways to do it more or less automatically (I never bothered learning how to, though - but there are probably tutorials). You can also do it manually by first importing the mesh you want to change into Milkshape, then the mesh you want to copy the bodyshape from. Make sure vertices are selected in the Select menu, choose "hide vertices". This will make the body mesh still show but you can't select the vertices. Move vertices around until the clothes have the same bodyshape. You can copy the new mesh and make morphs from it. Then make a new mesh and link a new recolor file to it, and do your retexturing from there.

I suggest you use a tutorial on how to make meshes and morphs, though. It's a lot of steps and there's no point in repeating them here when there are already a lot of tutorials on this.

For this method you'd just need a basic "how to make clothing meshes" tutorial, and you need to know how to move vertices around (maybe also the scale function), and that's pretty much it. You won't have to do any UVmap editing and probably not any bone assignments, so it's not too difficult. Don't move vertices on the hands and in the neck area, though.
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