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#1 Old 7th Dec 2008 at 10:11 PM Last edited by PixieDust_fairy : 28th Aug 2009 at 4:13 AM.
Default ☠A Silent Whisper of DeadHill☠ Reopened! (I'M BACK AND READY TO START)
☠A Silent Whisper Of DeadHill:☠
A Horror Freeform Rp

The city of Deadhill is said to be haunted by it's past. The only thing not stained with the images of the brutal past are the orphans of Deadhill. But slowly the past is creeping inside of the walls of the orphanage, slipping into the minds of those who never knew where they came from. It is said that the mind can obtain messages the heart doesn't know it's accepting. So tell me, are you ready to enter the doors of Deadhill Orphanage and into hell?

(New Senario and Intro: )

The Orphanage has been closed down for years now, suddenly one day the orphans and townspeople mysteriously went missing. Since Deadhill was such a small town, no one could even recognize the fact that any one had lived there before. The only sign of a past ownership, and the only thing that was left over, was the orphanage with a small picture on the wall inside (top picture). If this had been a town before, then there was nothing left of it.

A New York reporter had stumbled upon the small town and had discovered the orphanage. She was the only one who dared go inside, everything was gruesome, from dead bodies of children to toys left laying around. What could the mystery of the town hold? What had happened to all these poor innocent children she just so happened to stumble upon? She shook the questions off and snapped a few photographs, once she had reviewed them several orbs and entities appeared in the pictures. Were these the spirits of the children that had died in the town? Or was it just some trick of the eye? She so desperately wanted to find out the past of this town and what she could possibly do to uncover what was hidden.

-Mid April-
[INDENT]After the reporter had found the town, it had been swarmed with business opportunities. Business people wanted to open up their own shops, parents wanted to find a new location in which to raise their kids, and this mysterious town seemed to be the perfect place for a fresh start. There were 20 businesses and 40,000 houses planned to be built.

Construction was scheduled to run until December, with workers busy around the clock. They were going to be reopening this town before Christmas time. A new community could possibly lead to a better world in their eyes. When construction was scheduled to start the only thing that couldn't be completely destroyed was the old mansion in which the Orphanage had been located. The new york reporter had bought the land in order to figure out the secrets.

-November 30th-
Construction has finally come to an end and the families are finally ready to move into their new homes. The town has been rebuilt into a small city, that seemed perfect for the Christmas holiday. Main Street is covered with Christmas decorations and lights, bringing in more attention into the town. The last thing on anybodies mind is what had happened to the previous occupants of the town.

Everywhere Christmas cheer can be seen. From families buying their first Christmas trees, to parents shopping for their children. Soft crisp snow had fallen to the ground of Deadhill (now renamed Blue Acres), for the first time in 50 years. Had an old curse been broken with in it's city limits?

-December 2nd/Silent Night-

It seemed as if nothing new and dangerous would actually happen in the happy little town. But at midnight in the old mansion a scream was heard, a scream that not one ear couldn't hear.

☠No Double posting! Also known as Spamming.☠
☠Stick to forum rules☠
☠Cuss words are allowed, just please star out strong words like F***☠
☠People of the town can be any age!☠
☠Can be either sims or real pictures.☠
☠May be a fantasy type child (ex. vampire, elf, warewolf, etc.).☠
☠No Rp limit, just make sure if you join that you're going to Rp☠
☠You may enter up to two sims. They can be in two different catagories (reccomended) or in One single catagory.☠

☠The Town:☠
Main Street
Town Square
Shopping Center
Santa's Mall Center
Old Orphanage
New Orphanage

(More will be added as businesses are added)

Interview questions from Nicole (the reporter)
☠Application For Townspeople/Families☠:
☠Brief Bio:☠
☠Why did you come to Blue Acres (Deadhill):☠
☠So far have you experienced any paranormal activity:☠
☠What do you like the most so far:☠
☠Any thing you think should be added to the town:☠

Also Include a HEADSHOT.

☠Applications for People of the businesses☠:
☠Business Name:☠
☠Purpose of Business:☠
☠What you sell/do:☠

☠Ghosts/previous orphans:☠
☠Age (at time of death):☠
☠Brief Bio:☠
☠How you died:☠
☠Last major event you remembered:☠


☠New Orphans:☠
☠Brief Bio:☠
☠How do you feel about being an orphan:☠
☠How did you become an orphan:☠


☠Brief Bio:☠
☠Why you decided to report here:☠




1. Nicole Holly-PixieDust_Fairy

Previous Orphans/Ghosts☠:

New Orphans:


The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 30th Dec 2008 at 11:23 AM
Oh! I've been thinking about this RP lately. The original was really good, and I'll definitely join once I can get onto the main computer.
#3 Old 30th Dec 2008 at 12:15 PM
I was wondering, concerning the rules, can I have 2 characters, say a couple just married, and she is pregnant? Or is that classed as 3 characters?
Original Poster
#4 Old 25th Jan 2009 at 8:52 PM
Yes Zelda you may have two characters. And three characters is you controlling three different people, after awhile it gets confusing for the rper.

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 26th Apr 2009 at 10:32 PM
This R.P looks really good, I think I'll join!
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#6 Old 26th Apr 2009 at 10:34 PM
(((ooc: Not saying this RP is dead, but it has been over two months since Pixie last logged on. Just so you guys know. Though I suppose this might bring her back, so here's hoping.)))

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Forum Resident
#7 Old 7th Jul 2009 at 4:33 AM Last edited by siesieim1 : 7th Jul 2009 at 4:57 PM.
☠Name:☠Katrina Lamley
☠Brief Bio:☠She is only 21 and just moved out of Mommy and Daddies protective hands.She saw Blue acres in the newspaper and was drawn to start a whole new life.
☠Why did you come to Blue Acres (Deadhill):☠To start all over again
☠So far have you experienced any paranormal activity:☠No
☠What do you like the most so far:☠The people
☠Any thing you think should be added to the town:☠ A pet shop

☠Ghosts/previous orphans:☠
☠Name:☠Marcia Loba
☠Age (at time of death):☠5
☠Brief Bio:☠Marcia liked to sing and dance and pretty much have fun.
☠How you died:☠Stabbing
☠Last major event you remembered:☠Hiding in closet
Field Researcher
#8 Old 7th Jul 2009 at 4:37 PM Last edited by jarod95 : 7th Jul 2009 at 4:38 PM. Reason: Application For Townspeople/Families
Default Application For Townspeople/Families
Application For Townspeople/Families
☠Name:Griton Goth(unemployed)
☠Brief Bio:Griton has been kicked out from his parent's house , He is an evil and daredevil man , he saw the newspaper said that Deadhill still got planty of room to be rent , so he gone to Deadhill and find a cheap small apartment to live in.
☠Why did you come to Blue Acres (Deadhill):Find a place to stay
☠So far have you experienced any paranormal activity:Nope
☠What do you like the most so far:The Senarios
☠Any thing you think should be added to the town:Blue Acres Apartment

Call me Jarod , Jad , Jar , Jaro , Rod....
If you r a GUY , why don't you come and join us , the group "JUST FOR GUYS" :D
Original Poster
#9 Old 28th Aug 2009 at 4:12 AM
I'm willing to reopen this if anybody would be interested.
I will give it two weeks before deletion.

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Test Subject
#10 Old 28th Aug 2009 at 6:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PixieDust_fairy
I'm willing to reopen this if anybody would be interested.
I will give it two weeks before deletion.

☠Name:☠Twlight (boy)
☠Brief Bio:☠ is a toddler vampire well half vampire his father human who LOVES the colour black
☠How do you feel about being an orphan:☠ lonely but i have my sister midnight with me
☠How did you become an orphan:☠ i ran away from my parents for treating me and my sis like vampires


☠Name:☠Midnight (girl)
☠Age:☠the same as Twlight
☠Brief Bio:☠ the same thing as Twlight
☠How do you feel about being an orphan:☠ loney but i have my brother Twlight with me
☠How did you become an orphan:☠ same as Twlight

Top Secret Researcher
#11 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 5:53 AM
I'll join if there's other interest...
But I might take a good bit of sweet time about it. No offense intended, but I refer to you as a phantom host... And ghosts bother me. Hope you stick around this time, and that this gets off the ground.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Original Poster
#12 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 4:57 AM
Apologies I haven't been around.
I'm in my senior year, and I've been working on my modeling career.
I haven't really had time to get online as much.

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 10:06 AM
Default Townsperson Application - Edith Hawke
Edith Hawke

[Brief] Bio
Born into what most would observe to be a charmed life, Edith grew up as the youngest child with a sister three years her senior. Her parents were doting, if not sometimes overly possessive, keeping Edith and her older sister in check. She was taught to respect her elders, follow the bible, and not to date because her school work was more important. As a result she had few friends but perfect grades, allowing her a one way pass to almost any university of her choice. Unfortunately, her parents denied her this opportunity, wishing for their youngest to stay at home with them and to be like her mother, a housewife with no credentials past high school.

At age 18, Edith began to break free from her parents’ tight hold upon her. Her sister had left the family when Edith was just 13 and had gotten into a rough lifestyle routine which Edith followed her into once she turned 18. Much to her parents’ incredible anger, Edith moved from their quiet home into a tiny flat in the city which she shared with two other girls, both the complete opposite of what her parents would approve of. Edith soon fell out of contact with her parents and everyone from her past, instead slipping into a life of late nights, drinking, and a series of one-night-stands. Soon the good girl of the past was gone and replaced with a hardened version.

After her enormous 21st birthday party which involved large amounts of drugs and alcohol, Edith stooped lower than she had before, getting herself into serious drugs. She soon found a steady boyfriend, though he himself was not so steady. He introduced her to a whole new world. They moved into Edith’s apartment together, and made a living through stealing and selling the stolen goods at pawn shops. These funds barely covered the food they needed, let alone the drug habits they supported.

Their relationship was a violent one, with Edith often venturing out into the city battered and bruised from her boyfriend’s violent behavior from when he was suffering from withdrawal symptoms on those weeks when the couple could not support their habit. One day, after a particularly violent night with her boyfriend, Edith went into the city and found her older sister who had gotten over her wild lifestyle and now had a steady job and a fiancé.

Shocked at Edith’s appearance, her sister took her in. She nursed Edith back to full health, but Edith was still addicted to heroin, and she would often become violent with her sister without the drugs. Finally, after hiding Edith from both the drugs and her boyfriend for two weeks, Edith’s sister checked her into a rehabilitation clinic. Whilst inside the clinic, Edith heard some frightening stories about people who were incredibly addicted, and swore to herself that she would get herself of the bad habit.

After successfully getting over her addiction, at age 22 Edith moved back to the city, this time to a safer location where her now ex-boyfriend wouldn’t find her. She enrolled into a local university and studied French and a librarian’s course in the hopes that she would be able to get a steady job and get her life back on track after her disaster years. Once completing her studies, Edith managed to get a low-level job at a large library, and although she enjoyed her work, she was tired of the big city and all the memories it held for her.

One morning she read about the new development Blue Acres, and after some research she found it to be a very interesting place with a fascinating history, no matter how macabre it was. After careful planning she bought a small house near the center of the new development, said her goodbyes to her sister and the city and all of its bad memories, packed her bags and moved into her new house.
Edith had secured a job at a local bookstore in the shopping center and was enjoying her new life immensely, though there were a few off putting things about the town such as the strange noises which rang through the town at night.

Edith still lives in her little house in the center of town, and can often be found there, at the bookstore or at the park with a cup of takeaway coffee and a good book. However she finds it hard to trust people due to her history with people from the city, but as she is doing her best to forget the past, she also doing her best to open up to the new folks in the town.

Why did you come to Blue Acres?

Edith came to Blue Acres for a new beginning in a small town where she could forget her troubled past and hopefully start a family and a new life.

So far have you experienced any paranormal activity?
Occasionally at night, Edith lies in bed and she can hear what sounds almost like whispers, though she shrugs them off to just be the sounds of the wind around her house. Other times she can hear a child’s laughter or crying, but she always just thinks her mind is playing tricks on her. She had read about the town’s past in the newspaper prior to moving into her new house, but she had believed it all to be a hoax or just a story concocted for the newspaper to gain more readers.

What do you like the most so far?
Edith enjoys the peaceful yet still active feel of the town, and she loves the fact that she does not have to put up any sort of front around other people. She feels she can just act herself and let her guard down. With all the young families she loves the feeling that the town is just a nice and new beginning for her, and the quaint houses are just to her liking.

Anything you think should be added to the town?
As a keen lover of all things written, Edith feels that the town should have a library, and would be more than willing to help a spot of an employee there as that is what she is originally trained for.

Mad Poster
#14 Old 31st Aug 2009 at 1:00 PM
Default New Orphan Application - Cal Grissom
Cal Grissom


[Brief] Bio
Cal was dumped on the doorstep of an orphanage at just one day old wrapped in a thin blanket. The only inclination of his parenthood was a note reading “Name him Cal Grissom”. The matron who ran the orphanage was all too happy to oblige to the simple request, and she took Cal in without a second thought. Always willing to help, Cal was always appreciated around the orphanage, but as funds stopped coming into the charitable organization, the small home had to shut down.

Children had to be displaced, sent to orphanages in the neighbouring area, but these could only be filled so much. As a result, some of the children, including Cal, had to move far away. By this time, Cal was 10, and had a very close friend. The two refused to be parted, but it was not up to the two young boys. Cal and his best friend were separated. Cal ended up being sent to an orphanage five hours away from his first home and his first friend.

After this separation, Cal started acting out. His one safety net gone, he saw no reason to behave, and he acted hellish for the people now looking after him. After a downward spiral of bad behavior, Cal became more of an introvert than anything. Instead of bad behavior, there was now just nothing. He would just lie in his bunk all day, occasionally venturing out for meals, but never saying a word to anyone.

The head of the orphanage was confused as to why a young boy of just 13 would act like this. When confronted about his strange behavior, Cal would just shake his head and look away. Entirely bewildered, the orphanage gave up trying to figure out what was wrong with him. After all, there were many other children who needed and craved the attention which Cal would simply ignore.

What the orphanage would have found out, if they had dug a bit deeper, is that Cal was planning an escape. Although it had been three years without seeing him, Cal had been in close contact with his old best friend from his first orphanage. He had not found anyone who could compare to him in the new orphanage, and had been longing to see his old friend again
One night, after much organization and planning, Cal broke out of the orphanage. This night just so happened to be the first full moon of the cycle, and unbeknownst to Cal, he was a shapeshifter*, which meant at the first full moon of the cycle when he was aged 13 and had direct exposure to the moonlight, he would transform. Suddenly, a strange tingling feeling seemed to radiate throughout his body, and in an instant he was on the ground running.

What Cal didn’t realize was that he was running away from the messenger. This was due to the terror that had ensued after his transformation into a panther. Cal kept running, but by day he had collapsed by the side of the road from exhaustion. Luckily for him and his shapeshifter ability, the cold air didn’t affect him.

The next day the orphanage sent out an alert, begging anyone who had seen Cal to contact the police, and at 1PM, the police found Cal curled up, entirely nude, sleeping on the side of the road. One of the officers was a shapeshifter as well, and recognized Cal for what he was immediately. With the help of the orphanage and the officer, Cal was transferred to a different orphanage yet again, this one run by a shapeshifter.

Cal was still angered at the fact that he had not been able to meet his friend, but more than that he was amazed by the idea that he was a shapeshifter. The head of the orphanage spent time with Cal, teaching him how to act like a shapeshifter and not get found or injured whilst in his animal state. Cal soon learnt all of the tricks and proper etiquette of being a shapeshifter, and his mind drifted away from his old friend and towards the new world to explore.

After 4 years at this new orphanage, Blue Acres opened up. Despite the fact that Cal had hated moving before, he was now excited to move to another orphanage with different land and terrain to explore. As his current orphanage was getting much too full, some children had to be transferred to the new one opening up in Blue Acres. Cal approached the head of the orphanage and was put on the transfer list immediately, much to the surprise of the owner.

After careful planning around the lunar cycle, Cal was transferred to the Blue Acres orphanage. Excited at the fact that there was new land to explore at each full moon, Cal settled in nicely to the new location.

How do you feel about being an orphan?
As being an orphan is all he’s ever known, Cal does not mind the life without parents, but he thinks that being a shapeshifter and an orphan is just about the most exciting thing that could happen to a teenage boy.

How did you become an orphan?
It’s unsure what happened to his parents. After some research behind the name “Cal Grissom”, Cal found no indication about what happened to his parents. All he knows is that they were shapeshifters and he was a first born, because that is the only way the gene can be passed down.
All Cal is aware of about his parents is that they were either not willing or ready to take care of a child, and therefore dumped him on the front steps of another orphanage as a tiny infant.

*((O.O.C: I am basing the nature of Cal’s shapeshifting on what I have read in Charlaine Harris’ “The Southern Vampire Mysteries” along with a few things thrown in from my knowledge. If anyone wants to know anything more about the information behind the shapeshifting, please feel free to PM me, because I am more than willing to let people know more so they understand Cal more.))
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