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Mad Poster
#3176 Old 7th Dec 2022 at 5:46 AM
I've got my town to load up and check that it's been set up and that my first couple is ready to arrive in town.I'll be starting with the 16th century period of colonization first before moving onto the 17th century.
Mad Poster
#3178 Old 2nd Jan 2023 at 8:30 AM
I've just moved my sims into Pleasant Valley and also am limited by the game options and what CC I could find.I just restrict some things though like school in historical times.I also restirct getting jobs as most sims are likely to be farming and others are likely to be crafting or working a trade like in the old times.The colonists did sleep outside in the warmer seasons only until they had a house built like mine are doing and their colony wouldn't be already built when they arrived.They have to clear land to build and to add lots for new families and get their service center building built as well as theor own home.They arrived in the spring and have the warmer seasons to get that done before winter arrives.They're using buckets for tiolets and an outhouse or an old wooden bathtub and are having to fetch their water from their well and store it when their water storage empties.
Test Subject
#3179 Old 5th Jan 2023 at 9:38 PM
I think I've never been so obsessed with a Sims 2 challenge as much as this one. I've played my Test of Time challenge called Total Valley for over a real life year now and my hood is now 93 Simdays ("years" in my game) old.
I have to say I absolutely adore big families and how crazy big their family trees get and the occasional tragedy mixed with the usual Sims 2 randomness. I think I was never so obsessed with this one game before.
For the very most part I play my hood based on pleasantsims rule set. However, I made some adjustments along the way.
- During the first stage every family gets a waterfall (I struggled greatly before I decided to do that)
- Female Sims can only move out if they get married.
- One Sim may be added if another generation ages up to adult (the oldest of that generation counts)
- Several Sims may be added when another stage is arrived (I created 5 households for the lowest class when the Roman age started)
- Heirs always remain in their social class during the Roman age (this is to keep a minimum of Sims in one class)
- All unmarried (adult and up) Servants have to serve another class if they are not the heir of their family
Most of the lots in my empire were built by LordCrumps before anyone wants to admire my building skills.
Field Researcher
#3180 Old 6th Jan 2023 at 9:05 PM
Hi everyone! I was a founding member of this thread and now I'm wanting to get back into this challenge. I've been playing my high-fantasy hunter-gatherer hood, Kulo Seeri, in some form or another for the best part of sixteen years, and I'm craving something different to do with it... spotting that link to pleasantsims' rule set inspired me to convert it into the first stage of a Test of Time challenge. I'll probably be posting about it on my (currently empty) Dreamwidth, but I'll link the posts here too if anyone cares to read my stuff.

A few things I'll mention now:
- There will be a lot of worldbuilder rambling, since I've been creating fantasy worlds since toddlerhood.
- My sim world is not Earth and its history is not ours. The eras will not represent "medieval" or "Roman" times etc. but will be their own things. I might create the rules for each era as I go.
- My game is universally matriarchal. Only female sims can be heirs, and most other gender-based rules in the Test of Time will be flipped (or ignored, as with the concept of legitimacy) in my version.

I'm currently in the setup/building stage, but if I haven't put you off with all this, I'll keep you guys posted.

Home of my Kulo Seeri Test of Time and a lot of worldbuilder rambling. You have been warned.
Mad Poster
#3181 Old 9th Jan 2023 at 8:26 AM
You're not alone in playing a modified version as mine is starting out historically in the 16th century as an early colonization of the new world in Arbor Valley which is based off the Arbordale terrain from the game and is located in what is now the state of Maine back in the 1520's.
Field Researcher
#3182 Old 9th Jan 2023 at 6:27 PM
@TadOlson I enjoy lurking on the challenges forum and I've seen you around multiple threads, thanks for sharing your challenge adaptations! I love reading about the ways each simmer makes the game their own.

I've finished recreating my sims and am about to start playing, using multiple copies of pleasantsims' starter lot because me and building are not friends. I'm starting with sims already in my game instead of CAS couples. The main hood is populated by the seven clans of Kulo Seeri, and I have a subhood with sims from Credence, the mining town that was recently set up in the same region. There are eight households total in each of the hoods.

Engaging ramble mode...
The basic concept of my ToT adaptation: the inhabitants of both villages have been cast back in time by a vengeful god, the Beguiler. They arrived not long before the first and only great empire of their world (now known as the Empire of Chains) was founded. This empire was renowned for its advanced knowledge of spiritbinding magic, but its mages abused that knowledge to create unquestioning servants and take over most of the continent. The gods objected to this misuse of their gift, so the imperial mages attempted to bind them too, and failed. All knowledge of their spiritbinding techniques was destroyed, and the empire's actual name erased from history; the Beguiler, the only god to side with the mages, was imprisoned in the Void, and eventually escaped to seek revenge.

But technically, none of that's happened yet. Why does it matter?

Well. When they arrived in this earlier era, the Beguiler told my sims that the Empire of Chains would be their creation... a disturbing idea to the people of Kulo Seeri, whose tribal name (Nuidya) literally means "free people". Now, this particular god is one you can't trust as far as you can throw vir* - so no one's sure whether it's true or not, if it's a double bluff, if it's intended to become a self-fulfilling prophecy... and as if it wasn't going to be hard enough finding their feet in another time period, they can't even call on their guiding ancestors for aid, since those ancestors haven't even been born yet.

I'm still working out my ruleset, and I'll probably adapt it as I play, but I haven't been this excited about a rebuild in ages!

*The gods of the Seeriverse predate the concept of gender and use ve/vir pronouns. I also use ve/vir pronouns and have a simself in the pantheon. That wasn't originally part of the plan.

Home of my Kulo Seeri Test of Time and a lot of worldbuilder rambling. You have been warned.
Mad Poster
#3183 Old 15th Jan 2023 at 1:03 AM
I've mistakenly loaded Pleasantview though it's theme fits in with this challenge as it's historical from the turn of the 17th century and the town map view even show that most accurately as shown in other threads here.I'll load Alpine Valley later on today for a quick visit to check on the town.
Test Subject
#3184 Old 10th Mar 2023 at 6:12 AM
I too have been obsessed with this challenge! (And ignoring my two games/stories in Sims 3 in the process...)
After the Founders and Gen 1 lived through their entire lives in the heat of summer, battling heatstroke, even with a 'small' shack, I'm currently playing Gen 2 as they go into an Ice Age.

And setting up my sub-hoods for the upcoming Greek Era.
I've read over the rules multiple times, but I'm a little stuck on how you are supposed to play a couple of the "explorer" lots.
Specifically, the Island of the Goddess and The Underworld as they are supposed to be inhabited. So are they played like the Island of the King's family and you just 'invite over' the explorer group? But then that really goes against the king/prince befriending the 'dead' prophet as you'd be playing the prophet not the king/prince.
And how would they even know anyone in the explorer group?

I know it's been awhile since anyone's posted here, but any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and I'll check back to see if anyone has popped in.
Mad Poster
#3185 Old 11th Mar 2023 at 2:56 AM
My Pleasantview paythough is still in spring and my couple still has to survive summer,fall and the upcoming winter before another family arrives.Arbor Valley is waiting for it's first settlers to arrive and getting set up for that big day in early spring.Arbor Valley is being established as a 16th century colonial settlement in the new world later to become Early America in the 17th century.
Lab Assistant
#3186 Old 21st Oct 2023 at 2:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HendrikMcSims
I think I've never been so obsessed with a Sims 2 challenge as much as this one. I've played my Test of Time challenge called Total Valley for over a real life year now and my hood is now 93 Simdays ("years" in my game) old.

You made it to Greek/ Roman Times!

I haven't looked at this thread for a while. It's making me want totake up the challenge again.

Check out my ToT neighborhood Hoohoo. Last updated: February 2, 2020
Family Trees
Lab Assistant
#3187 Old 15th Jan 2024 at 5:45 PM
I'm sure bumping this thread is bad etiquette but I love this challenge! My OG Neanderthal sims children are all about to age up to teens
Field Researcher
#3188 Old 20th Jan 2024 at 10:02 PM
Hey everyone!
I have actually not really played the sims for nearly two years as my simming computer is not where I am. ^^" But I had already edited all the pictures for Round 16 and uploaded them to my blog before then. So, I took the time and wrote all the missing blog posts the past couple of days. It was so much fun. Since it has been so long since I played these households, going through the pictures was like playing it all over again. =P I still need access to my simming computer to finalise the posts, though, before I can post them. :<

Anyway, it's really great to see that there are still other people around enjoying this challenge.

@meginmd I don't think it counts as bumping if you actually have something to share. Starting a new generation in your hood is always very exciting and having sims age up to teens is the first important step in that process. :D

@deedee_828 I know it's been a while since your post, so not sure if you'll even see this. But I am quite intrigued by the rules you mentioned and would love to know which rule set you are using? I scanned over the last few pages, but couldn't find anything matching your description. I even quickly checked the original rules just to make sure I hadn't forgotten that a Greek era and explorer lots existed over all my years of basically playing with my own rules. XD

Visit My Test of Time Challenge: wordpress & livejournal
Test Subject
#3189 Old 21st Jan 2024 at 3:58 AM
I just moved to the greek/roman stage! Im using pleasant view rules (mostly) with a few tweaks of my own (like any one who gets a genie lamp under teenage is an witch) After a couple of rounds i added in random occurence scenarios. Between random fist fights, a childbirth chance of death mod, and a random occurrence pitting the plant sims and witches against the non-supernatural sims, i think i had more dead sims than live sims going into the roman era.

Ive added a psuedo class between patricians and plebeians specifically for the witch academy. The current headmistress is plebeian if she ever marries and leaves the school ( She wont she is having a fine affair with the plantsim sister of the emperor) but the school itself is allowed a bigger lot and more expensive things as they can afford them. It also acts like the school, and any witch or any class must be trained there for twelve sim days (3 round of 4 day seasons) anyone who was in the servant class before training becomes a pleb. Any who have at least a 4 magic skill and 20 of each reagent receive a ‘college degree’ in the roman era they are considered a religious order.

My emperors family, the Woads, included two brothers and a sister, (Xin Woadou, Echium Woadtree, Scilla Woadflower) two of which were plant sims, but born after him. So Echium has a wife, and Scilla has two grandchildren.

The emperor (Orv) also had an older brother (Harrt) that relinquished any inheritance claim when he became a witch, and is a patrician.They are the Woadwits. His wife, Caidu was the founder of Sharpewitch Academy and was the first to spread literacy through the tribe.

The other Patrician family is the Hops family including Viky, his aunts Mina and Ulla, and another older brother who is a witch, Quen Hopswit. Mina is engaged to Xin Woadua, Ulla is looking to marry emperor Orv. Quen is engaged to a plebeian witch, Zelenskyy Sharpewitch.

The plebian families are the Brookes (4 people), the Cookwits (9 people, four of them newborns), the Sharpewitches (the witches currently at the academy) and the Woadweeds (plantsim couple with 2 children).

The Servant families are the Sharpes (1 plantsim and 2 kids), Hopsweed (plantsim couple with 2 kids), Friedrich Cook, a teenager and lone survivor of his family, and Neal Bigfoot. I’m a bit low on servants , since the poorest families were mostly the one just starting out.

I’ve also got a really bad sex ratio. Within the plebeians there are 9 females to 2 males under adult age. So that’s gonna be fun.
Test Subject
#3190 Old 24th Apr 2024 at 10:55 PM Last edited by Delilah22 : 20th May 2024 at 6:01 PM. Reason: I've progressed in the challenge
I've started this challenge (again!) and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Currently my Gen 2 are becoming children and I'm about to start round 8, I think? My founders, Gen 0, are Elders and are very close to death. I'll be sad to see them go but I'm excited for them to make room in the household so I can have more babies For this generation I'm focusing on getting a werewolf. I think I've had a natural werewolf happen in my game once, in all the years I've been playing this game.

Side note, does anyone find that they play neighbourhoods longer with less CC in them? I find with more CC I try to make everything "perfect" which results in me giving up after while. But this new neighbourhood I started in a basically vanilla game and have been slowly adding mods/custom content to it. I've actually had several Sims autonomously potty train their toddlers. I didn't know that could happen without mods.

EDIT: I've finished the Neanderthal era and have set up my neighbourhood for the Roman era! I'm very excited for the change because the last couple rounds were really starting to drag on.

I've decided to play 2 generations per era. I managed to get a werewolf!

Here's a few stats:
Gen 0 - 10 Sims - 10 dead
Gen 1 - 32 Sims - 6 dead - 8 in adoption pool
Gen 2 - 38 Sims - 1 dead - 10 in adoption pool

Now that it's Roman times I will allow my Sims to adopt and I will slowly start clearing out the adoption pool. Which is great because one of the founders doesn't have any living descendants in the hood, but has 1 child in the adoption pool.

I have 7 households to start the Roman era. 1 Emperor, 2 Patricians, 2 Plebeians and 2 Servants. My personal rule change is that when a spare moves out into their own household, they get demoted to the next lower class. This will hopefully ensure that I have a "pyramid" structure of classes.
Lab Assistant
#3191 Old 18th Jul 2024 at 2:28 AM
Default Time Travel!
I have put together Time Travel Rules to use within the confines of the game. Only mods required are Sim Blender and Visitor Controller.
This was written to be a part of the Test of Time.
See the website below.

Visit my Test of Time Challenge site: sims2testoftime.weebly.com.
Field Researcher
#3192 Old 22nd Aug 2024 at 7:50 PM
Okay all it's been forever since I post in this thread but my Sims 3 game finally crashed when my computer broke (although I can revive it may take some time), So here I am playing Sims 2 on an old laptop after nearly two decades lol.
Really been enjoying this challenge, especially with items from Sun and Moon over at plumbob keep (fruit vines, trees you can chop down to make wood and reeds that can be woven into various furniture items, etc. Highly recommended). Anyone who remembers me knows that I love mods.

But I do have a question for the long time sims2ers of this challenge, how do you handle overheating for toddlers and babies? Because the only way I've found is to put a fan right on the ceiling. Even though it's an electronic, I figure there's not a mod or anything to allow them to cool off in a puddle or bath. I think a Neanderthal stage there should have been a way to cool off the children. I know it's a way people have let the social worker take their kids before but I haven't wanted to allow that because it seems like a really stupid reason to lose the kids.
I would love to know everyone's opinion on this or what they did in their game.

Bread edges.... are the new white meat.
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READ the Sparrows WISHACY Challenge Blog
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