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Original Poster
#476 Old 11th Dec 2012 at 2:37 AM
Status update: Still waiting on some of the round 5 scores to be done but they're on the way. : )

Thank you for your patience!

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Mad Poster
#477 Old 11th Dec 2012 at 2:50 AM
Ack, I forgot! Sorry Reya and everyone! It's way past my bedtime now but I'll get them done and sent to you when I get up tomorrow :-)
Test Subject
#478 Old 11th Dec 2012 at 1:46 PM
I'm sorry, my scores was late too, but I send them now.
Mad Poster
#479 Old 13th Dec 2012 at 7:03 PM
So, any news on the final round and overall scores?

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Mad Poster
#480 Old 13th Dec 2012 at 7:29 PM
My fault again. I'm rubbish :-( I did them on Tuesday and was certain I'd sent them to Reya - to the extent I've even been checking this thread waiting for her to post them - but it turns out I didn't send them.... I think I'm going mad(der)! I just need to put dinner on then I'll send them to her :-)
Original Poster
#481 Old 13th Dec 2012 at 7:37 PM
You aren't the only one losing her mind, Laura so no worries. : ) Once I get those scores in I just have to finish plugging them into my chart, make 'em pretty and post 'em so they should be up before tonight.

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Mad Poster
#482 Old 13th Dec 2012 at 8:31 PM
My dinner is in the oven and I just sent my scores to Reya. Sorry for the delay everyone!
Original Poster
#483 Old 13th Dec 2012 at 10:31 PM
Default Final Scores!

ContestantJudge AJudge BJudge CTotal

Individual evaluations:















The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Original Poster
#484 Old 13th Dec 2012 at 10:32 PM

Your Winners!
1. Buckley - 232.66
2. Daluved1 - 226.66
3. sionelle - 225.33

ContestantsRound 1ROund 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Total

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
#485 Old 13th Dec 2012 at 10:52 PM
Thanks, Reya, for a fun contest! I'm very happy with my round 5 score And I'm ok with my overall too. This last room was my favorite. I really liked how it turned out. Glad the judges did too.

Side note: (not a complaint, just an observation, lol) The bathroom is still a heck of a lot closer than down the hall
Lab Assistant
#486 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 12:01 AM
Thanks, judges, and ReyaD, for a great contest. I had a lot of fun, and I know it was a lot of work for you.

As for the last room, I ran out of money and more importantly TIME, so that's why there was that weird empty entry space.

Congrats to Buckley and daluved, and to everyone else who made it all the way to the end! Whew!
Mad Poster
#487 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 12:53 AM
Yay! I didn't come last. lol

The reason I had to use so many cheap base-game items in this last round was because I still didn't have my laptop with everything installed (I've finally got it back now) so I didn't have much to choose from.

Ah well, it was a fun contest and one that I would gladly partake in again thanks to ReyaD's excellent organisation and interesting challenges, and the wonderful scoring and feedback from the judges.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Test Subject
#488 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 1:38 AM
Yay, I didn't do as bad as I thought I would this last round. Thank you Judge A & B, for mostly positive scores and constructive imput. and Judge C, Why do you hate me, lol. I'm teasing but it was hard not to take some of the critism without guidence personal.
So again Thank you Reya, and Judges, and Absolutely a hardy Congratulations to the top 3, you guys did some kick-a$$ rooms..er we can say that right? And congrats to everybody just for participating, this was fun....mostly. I may try this agin in the future, but not the near future.
Mother Function
retired moderator
#489 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 2:12 AM

Thanks Reya for the awesome contest! And also thanks to the judges and the participants, too. :D

ETA - How do we get our little blue ribbons?

"Holy Shift! Check out the asymptotes on that mother function!"
#490 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 2:29 AM
Thanks to Reya and all the judges for a wonderful contest! I really enjoyed it. =D

@daluved1- I'm not sure if this thread is still active, but you post here to get a ribbon. I'm going to try it anyway.


Quote: Originally posted by sionelle
Oooh! Buckley! You used some of my patterns. I'm delighted. I always wonder how often people use the stuff I post.

I *love* your patterns. Some of my all time favorites. And your rugs. And paintings. And that church you made. :lovestruc Okay, I'm going to stop gushing now.

Quote: Originally posted by sharill63
Lovely, just lovely! WCIF the potted plant next to the fireplace?

Thank you! It's from Showtime.
Interstellar Traveler
#491 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 2:35 AM
Wow! Congrats Buckly, Dal, and sionelle! That's so awesome!

Reya, awesome contest! Sucks that I couldn't contribute to the final round (which killed me) but I had so much fun during all of the other rounds! I'd love to see another contest from you one day! Congrats on leading a successful contest! /me throws confetti in the air

Formally SeeMyu | Retired Mod
#492 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 4:34 AM
The whole brown/beige thing was based off of homes and such in Egypt. Most of the ones there are pretty colorless. I tend to make my bases and "huts" for those worlds match.
What photo was I missing exactly? I have all of the ones listed as required... and I met the minimum of 5 required pictures... :c

Oh well. I wasn't entering to win anyways. Congrats to the winners! ^^ And congrats to Reya for hosting such a fun contest.

I think the only thing I didn't like was the waiting for scores. I'd submit my entry a few days early and then obsessively check to see if somehow the scores were posted early. XD Bah.
Mad Poster
#493 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 4:48 AM
Well done everybody! I've thoroughly enjoyed judging this contest and it certainly seems like you've all enjoyed entering it too! Many many thanks to Reya for hosting - I hope to see you hosting another contest at some point in the future! :-D

Quote: Originally posted by StardustX
What photo was I missing exactly? I have all of the ones listed as required... and I met the minimum of 5 required pictures... :c

You had to have a minimum of 5 in-game pictures, not including the overhead/budget picture, and you only had 4 :-)
#494 Old 14th Dec 2012 at 4:52 AM
My bad. Somehow I forgot that the overhead one didn't count towards the 5. ^^;
Lab Assistant
#495 Old 15th Dec 2012 at 12:46 AM
Lasira: Well, I can honestly say I tried the best I could. At least we ended up finishing in he middle of the pack and not the last 5.

Nothing wrong with that in itself but it was a personal goal I set for myself. Now I just need to keep using CAST as much as I can in my future endeavors and improve my skill further. I honestly prior to this point never really focused that hard on CASTing and now I find myself spending far more time on it. I will say this contest has made me far more CAST conscious.

Before this I was always hung up over room and item placement. Seems I will now be incorporating design and color scheme more into my focus as well.

Thanks ReyaD for this opportunity to learn from some of the sites greatest designing minds and for the judges for their time and attention to honest evaluation and detailed precision. Perhaps one day I will rise to something pro-level and make a career out of it.

Stay frosty!

The New Face of the DAE Firms Is Lasira
Original Poster
#496 Old 15th Dec 2012 at 12:58 AM
You guys should have seen the first house I ever built. I used it for my legacy family and I just... I look back at those chapters and cringe every time I see pictures of it. It's contests like this that helped me get from that to my MTS uploads, and I'm glad at least some of you took something from this contest. All of you guys are amazing, and I hope I see a few uploads on here from you guys soon.

And to those who were wondering, my game is officially back up and running as of last night. : )

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
#497 Old 15th Dec 2012 at 2:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
I hope I see a few uploads on here from you guys soon

I already have a handful. Go download them! lol, if you want too

Quote: Originally posted by Laserai
I honestly prior to this point never really focused that hard on CASTing and now I find myself spending far more time on it.

Don't turn into me! I spend hours CASTing one room in a house. I always have, since the game came out. It was the feature I was most excited about, lol.
Field Researcher
#498 Old 15th Dec 2012 at 5:14 AM
Thanks to everybody for taking part! It was lots of fun decorating and seeing other one else's often gorgeous rooms.

Thanks to Cece for hosting, and to the judges for giving over their time to judging
Field Researcher
#499 Old 16th Dec 2012 at 7:23 PM
I loved watching this contest! I really wanted to play, but I noticed it a little too late. I loved seeing all the rooms people made and used them as inspiration to work harder on my houses I build for my houses. I even gave the last room a try as a personal challenge, and that just gave me even more respect for everyones' hard work.

Congrats to the winners and great job everyone! :D
Original Poster
#500 Old 16th Dec 2012 at 7:25 PM
That last room was a bitch. Wanna know a secret? I play tested every room myself before the contest and rounded up from my final cost to make the round budget. I couldn't actually finish testing round 5 because I got annoyed with it, so I wasn't quite sure if it was possible.

Very happy is was. : ) I had the utmost confidence in all of you.

(But this is a lie of course, I totally tested all five rooms... >_>)

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
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