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#26 Old 3rd Dec 2007 at 6:47 PM
Aww, how terrible! I wonder what would cause Trinity to go to such extremes. ...Although, seeing how her mother treats her, she probably felt she was saving her daughter the same pain she went through.
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 3rd Dec 2007 at 7:59 PM
ohhhh god! that's terrible, but i'm so glad she and the baby are ok
i'm sure she just felt she had no other choice with the baby =/
great update!
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 3rd Dec 2007 at 9:00 PM
I loved these updates
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 3rd Dec 2007 at 9:07 PM
great update! i knew she was pregnant
#30 Old 3rd Dec 2007 at 9:36 PM
Oh God! How horrible! I wasn't expecting that. Trinity's such a terrible person. Dumping her baby in a trashcan...ugh!
Though I must say, the baby is adorable.
Top Secret Researcher
#31 Old 3rd Dec 2007 at 10:33 PM
Well that's not good, a little baby while the mother was accruing enough drug counts to get her imprisoned instead of rehabbed in her third trimester? Poor child. Do update soona nd I'm glad it turns out Justice is a good parent. Update soon and happy simsing.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
#32 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 1:24 AM
This is a great story. But i cant believe Trinity she shouldn't have done such a thing, but justice will be served and im completely happy about that.
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 6:31 AM
I wonder why she left her baby in the trash. And whats the new baby's name??

my stories:
Something Lost
Test Subject
Original Poster
#34 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 3:02 PM
Thank you so much for your comments! I truly appreciate them all.

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#35 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 3:14 PM
Default Miracle - Chapter 6 The conclusion
“What are you doing here?” She screeched as she scowled at me.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant? What were you thinking putting my baby in the trash? Did you think no one would ever know?” I wanted to hit her. She looked so smug as she stood there with her arms folded in front of her. I wanted to shake some sense into her.
“You don’t get it do you Justice? You wanted a wife and family yet You couldn’t make me love you could you? You knew I didn’t love you. You knew!” She screamed.

“I don’t want to hear about us right now. This is not even about you or us for that matter. It’s about that innocent little girl lying in a room above us fighting to live even though her mother thinks she’s no better than dirt. How dare you do what you did?”
“Oh shut up Justice. I don’t regret what I did, I do however regret the outcome.”
“Sorry you got caught huh?” I growled.
“No, I’m sorry I gave birth to that child.” Her face contorted….”Your miserable offspring. Get out of my life Justice. I hate you and take that sorry excuse for a baby with you. I told you from the beginning that I didn’t want to be married or have kids, you thought you could change me…I hope I never see either of you again. You and that baby have ruined my life and my plans for my future.” Her voice was dripping hate, I could feel it all the way through me.

She wasn’t the least bit attractive to me at that moment. I loathed her. How could I have ever seen anything good in the stranger who stood before me?
“You don’t have to worry about my baby. I’m taking her as far from you as I can get.” I said before turning to leave. I hesitated then turned back to look at her.
“I hope you never get out of prison.” With that, I left her standing there to await her fate.

The weeks flew by. My baby was growing fast. She developed an infection and had to stay in the hospital. I knew she needed a name but I couldn’t decide on one. It came to me as I held her close one night. She’s my miracle baby. Miracle became her name.

Trinity was arrested and taken to jail. Miracle grew into a toddler in the hospital. Time sure flew by. Trinity’s trail started the day Miracle was released. I stood in her room, holding her close as I said a silent prayer that I would be the father she deserved before we embarked on our journey.

I wanted to get my baby as far from Trinity as possible. I left my parents and my small mountainous hometown behind and moved us far into the plains states. I adored my daughter, which is why I spoiled her. I grew into adulthood and things settled into a routine. I couldn’t trust the nanny I hired to take care of Miracle so I ran an ad for a live in sitter. The lady that answered was everything I was hoping to find. Miracle adored her.

Trinity’s trial drug on for more than a year. It made national news as well. Miracle was featured on several morning news programs along with being in our local paper, she was quite the little celebrity. When Trinity’s trial concluded she was led from the court room sporting a pair of shiny silver bracelets and a 10 year sentence for leaving my baby in a trash can to die. During the proceedings, Trinity stated that she was an abused child and never wanted a child of her own for fear she would abuse the child…yet she did anyway. She can have no contact or visitation with Miracle, unless of course, when Miracle is grown, she would like to confront her mother. Our little family had a party to celebrate the outcome.

Trinity was mixed up but that doesn’t excuse her in my book. She knew full well what she was doing. She is paying the price for her mistake. She will one day face the child she threw away which is something I bet she didn’t count on. I can only hope time changes her and she does no more damage to my little girl. Today Miracle is doing well. She started school this year. She’s beautiful just like her mother. I can only hope that I’m raising her to know right from wrong so that she won’t turn out like her mother.

Oh and the live in nanny I hired…Gracelyn… well, much to my surprise, she married me.

Miracle now has a loving and caring mother, not to mention her new baby sister Jerrica.

Miracle, my survivor, my hero.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate the feedback!

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 8:10 PM
awwww thats so nice =) im so glad it all worked out
5 star rating!!!
Test Subject
#37 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 9:01 PM
I loved this story and i am sorry it had to end but am glad whit happy ending
#38 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 9:39 PM
I love this story! I'm so glad that Trinity got put in jail, she totally deserved it.
Miracle is a very fitting name. And Gracelyn is gorgeous! She and Justice are so adorable together.
What a lovely ending. :lovestruc
#39 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 10:16 PM
Wow, that was short! Are you going to do another story?
#40 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 10:19 PM
Aww, that was really sweet. I liked the ending.
Top Secret Researcher
#41 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 10:27 PM
That was very very short. Very good, but very short. I hope you do another story, it's clear that you are still evolving as a writer, and I'd like to watch. Especially since you're at the point that I'm greatly enjoying the fruits of your labor, as well as watching the process. So do write another story, you already have a reader. Happy holidays!

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
#42 Old 5th Dec 2007 at 12:06 AM
Yay! Miracle is so cuteee. And Im happy for Justice :]
Lab Assistant
#43 Old 5th Dec 2007 at 12:07 AM
I cant believe thats it. It was a beautiful story, though in a way i feel sorry for Miracle's mum, she was very 'messed up'

my stories:
Something Lost
#44 Old 5th Dec 2007 at 2:41 AM
Im so glad. The ending was perfect, trinity got what she deserved and Miracle got all the love and care she deserved as well.

5 star Rating or 10 if you want to go that high.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#45 Old 5th Dec 2007 at 7:45 PM
Thank you all for reading and commenting. I am working on another, longer story now...I tend to write the story before I make the sims, so right now, I'm still at the writing phase. I do love to write though and your encouragement is much appreciated! Thank you all for making this story fun to share!

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
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