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#1 Old 21st Feb 2024 at 6:12 PM
How to hide pie-menu from other mods on the shift-click menu?
Hello everyone! i'm very new to modding and i've been trying to find an answer for my problem but i had no luck so far (just 1 post from here which didn't even get a proper response)

Anyway, you know when you download a mod like Wonderful Whims and everytime you click your sim or other sims the mod's pie-menu appears? I would like to hide this pie-menu on the "hidden" menu that appears when you shift-click to interact.

I don't know where to start since my modding knowledge is very poor even tho i'm familiarized with programming and stuff, does anyone knows how to edit already existing mods and do the stuff i said above?

Tsym for the attention!
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