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Lab Assistant
#601 Old 19th Sep 2014 at 3:52 PM Last edited by Salamancer : 23rd Sep 2014 at 3:52 AM.
All my male sims ended up automatically being assigned as gay right after they left CAS. Even the married ones. Regardless of neighborhood. It ended up very interesting. That wasn't scary, that was surprising. And very hot. Hehehe.
#602 Old 21st Sep 2014 at 8:17 AM
I hate it when a sim collapses and won't get up at all... i get terrified they are just going to die... only thing that seems to fix it is by moving them with the move objects cheat until they decide to get up.
Field Researcher
#603 Old 21st Sep 2014 at 11:43 AM
Yesterday when I was playing, the save button was disabled. I could quit to the neighborhood, but I couldn't save even then. I haven't installed any new mods though and this issue never happened before, so I'm not too worried unless it happens again.

Then I had one time when Lilith and Angela Pleasant just wouldn't come home from school. Mary-Sue came from work as normal, but the girls just didn't return. I hated their house anyways (this wasn't the house in Pleasantview anymore) so I just moved them out and moved them in elsewhere and everything was just fine.

Then another one I already discussed on MTS is apparently caused by some hack (though I still don't know the exact culprit) where inactive (playable) Sims in apartments would keep losing jobs while I played their neighbors. It wasn't that scary but it was annoying as hell, but luckily it solved by removing some hacks.
#604 Old 21st Sep 2014 at 4:56 PM
A long time ago, when i first played sims my Veronaville was screwed up and had newspaper print all over the ground and Sims clothes were like that and even some hair.
Ugh it was very scary.
Glad I dont have that issue lol

Peace, Harmony & Balance... Libra is Love..
#605 Old 21st Sep 2014 at 10:55 PM
My juicer juice stopped working yesterday. Sure, the juices still filled Hunger, but lemonade wouldn't cool my Sim down, eggplant juice didn't give her any skill points, et cetera. So then I had her unload the juicer, I sold that juicer and bought a new one, she loaded the new juicer with lemons and eggplants, and all was right with Pleasantview once more.

...but judging from the other posts in this topic, if lazy juicer juice is the worst glitch I've ever suffered, then clearly I'm living a charmed existence.
#606 Old 22nd Sep 2014 at 6:32 PM
I remember another issue that still exists but I just ignore, because I don't know how to solve it anymore or where to find that lingering mesh.
(All the recolors I tracked down and removed)
I have somewhere in my download folder a botched or broken hair download and just thát mesh is chosen in my game by a repair woman and some other female sims.
It looks really weird. While the hair in the picture looks alright for the repair woman (some of maxis hairs), in the game itself it is that borked hair.
Really annoying and the first time I saw it, I was like 'what do you have on your head?' That was a surprise. :P
#607 Old 23rd Sep 2014 at 1:22 AM
I've had no problems with UC until now. There are 8 sims, 4 couples in a dorm and one male was going to propose to his gf when he suddenly couldn't interact with her. She had placed date flowers on the front porch and I think I picked them up too fast. I tried all sorts of things to try and fix her but finally deleted, left the lot and a few minutes after I went back in, her double zoned into the lot. I haven't gone back in to see if it's fixed after updating and 'fixed' game.

When you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow.
Field Researcher
#608 Old 23rd Sep 2014 at 5:05 AM
The most recent one I had was a glitch where pregnant sims would carry their babies to term, but wouldn't birth them properly. If I had the special events camera on, the cutscene would play but the mom would walk off and pee or whatever while the baby went through the cinematic animations. After the cutscene, it would appear on the floor as baby girl or baby boy and wasn't able to be interacted with. If I didn't have the camera enabled, the mom just went through contractions and decided she was over the whole baby thing and would just stay pregnant. This obviously led to a halt of births in my game, which kind of makes it unplayable for me.

After poking around, desperately trying to find the mod conflict, I found it- BO No Sim Loaded! Like, what? No one else seems to have problems with that mod, but even when that was the only thing in my game babies still had issues. I guess it *technically* might make sense- the mod zaps the supposedly useless "sim- initialized" tokens or whatever on the lot. I guess they're not so useless?
Lab Assistant
#609 Old 23rd Sep 2014 at 12:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by budwinys
After poking around, desperately trying to find the mod conflict, I found it- BO No Sim Loaded! Like, what? No one else seems to have problems with that mod, but even when that was the only thing in my game babies still had issues. I guess it *technically* might make sense- the mod zaps the supposedly useless "sim- initialized" tokens or whatever on the lot. I guess they're not so useless?

Do you have cyjon's smarter EP check installed?

The Brooke Family Legacy - Family Tree
#610 Old 23rd Sep 2014 at 1:27 PM
Another one came to mind. I do not remember if it was in a taxi or the one picking up the nanny. I lean towards the last one, but the driver was.. a baby! Freaked me out big time. That couldn't be a good sign. Never saw it again, but once was more than enough.
Field Researcher
#611 Old 23rd Sep 2014 at 6:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mechanon
Do you have cyjon's smarter EP check installed?

No, was I supposed to?

EDIT: I was. Gosh- I've been installing mods for years and somehow I still miss the not-so-fine print sometimes. Thanks!
#612 Old 23rd Sep 2014 at 9:35 PM
My scariest, most stomach-dropping one in a long time was a few months ago. Still being fairly new and just decent with mods, I finally got into using poseboxes. I was trying to make a family portrait for the daughter of a founder and her family. I cancelled the interaction for one of the toddlers, and *poof!* He disappeared! I had to quit without saving, but luckily he was there when I returned. Later I figured out that you have to select for them to stop in the pose box object. Phew.

I have realized how much I've corrupted my game in the past though. Strangetown is pretty much unplayable...Pleasantview is probably overpopulated by now...Belladonna Cove is the only one I play at this point, and with my custom subhoods.
Field Researcher
#613 Old 25th Sep 2014 at 6:52 PM
Not very scary but Daniel Pleasant was making out with Kaylynn Langerak right in front of the Pleasant house, Angela and Lilith both noticed them and got angry but Mary-Sue just walked past them and didn't care at all, I made her walk past them several times until she finally figured out what's going on
#614 Old 25th Sep 2014 at 8:54 PM
After I did something wrong when I tried to install the Postal System mod, the sim could not read their greeting cards but instead they got a bill for 26 302 simoleons.

Elephant! Handcuffs! Naughty! Tee hee!
#615 Old 26th Sep 2014 at 5:42 PM
The summer after the University expansion came out, I was staying with my sister and her family and I decided to let her son play my game. Well, I hadn't thought to forewarn him that allowing the Sims to have a remote control car was a huge no-no because of EA's lack of patching that nasty bug, and he saved the game while a sim was playing with the remote control car, so lo and behold, the stupid nasty empty icons bug happened and I nearly cried until I realized that it really was an easy fix (which just goes to prove that EA should have had a proper fix for a back when it first became known) and fixed it.

I don't get why so many Simmers hate Marsha Bruenig. She actually grows up to be quite pretty if you allow her to.
Top Secret Researcher
#616 Old 27th Sep 2014 at 10:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by punkrockgoth1988
The summer after the University expansion came out, I was staying with my sister and her family and I decided to let her son play my game. Well, I hadn't thought to forewarn him that allowing the Sims to have a remote control car was a huge no-no because of EA's lack of patching that nasty bug, and he saved the game while a sim was playing with the remote control car, so lo and behold, the stupid nasty empty icons bug happened and I nearly cried until I realized that it really was an easy fix (which just goes to prove that EA should have had a proper fix for a back when it first became known) and fixed it.

There's a bug with the remote control car? What does it do?
Mad Poster
#617 Old 28th Sep 2014 at 12:53 AM
The remote control car is a hidden NPC. If you save and quit the game while someone is using it, it'll mess up your objects package in the installation files. That's one of the reasons you should make your installation files read only.
Lab Assistant
#618 Old 5th Sep 2021 at 1:38 PM Last edited by Shadow214 : 5th Sep 2021 at 6:55 PM.
I had a weird glitch where after a grand vampire cured her vampirism, her hair just disappeared leaving her missing the top of her head. I managed to fix it by changing her appearance in mirror but sure was strange.

Another weird glitch you can stack objects on top the toilet from seasons,
Mad Poster
#619 Old 5th Sep 2021 at 2:40 PM
Stacking on the toilet tank isn't a glitch. The tank has a slot on it so you can place deco items on top of it.

Mind you, it's a bit odd that the slot accommodates a sink, which normally requires a counter slot, but I guess the fact that it's a sink that doesn't need a counter accounts for that.

Sounds like when she was cured the game assigned her a random hair for which you don't have the mesh.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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