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#26 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 1:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by callum91
On my game, the man wants to be a PlantSim, and Rose wants to be cured,lol!
4oh4error,too funny,haha! I think Ill just make bad things happen to them,lol!

Same here =P.

I like the Ramaswami family, I've always loved Africanesque sims and I'm glad there are finally some in the game. They're not exactly lookers, though... especially Sanjay *shudders*. I'm hoping their kids look better.
#27 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 12:42 PM
(Just a note: The Ramashwamis are supposed to be Indian.)
Original Poster
#28 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 3:17 PM
Agrees with^^Poly, where do you think the name Sanjay&Priya come from? We have a shop here called Priya Supermarket,lol!
They are indian,loL!
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