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#1 Old 13th Aug 2007 at 5:35 PM
Caught Fire, Outside, In Winter?!
OK, i got seasons :D. So, i was playing until winter. So, my sims hadn't raked up the leaves from fall. There wasn't that much snow on the ground, so i made my sims rake all the leaves up into piles. OK, so after the little girl and her mom were done, the girl went inside to warm up by the fireplace. But, the mom set the piles of leaves on fire. So, I have about four trees on my lot. Two in the back, one on the side, and one on the other side. So, the mom started setting leaves on fire. Then, while one pile was burning, she disposed of the one next to it. After she threw the bag away at the trashcan outside, suddenly, she caught fire! My little sim came running out of the house, and her mom was on fire! So, im confused, the little girl is screaming her head off, and the mom is on fire outside in winter. :einstein

I have the little girl call the fire department, so she runs back outside, the fire people came, then they went over and sprayed the mom with an extingisher!:confused::confused::confused: Anyway, the mom had lived! And then they acted like nothing had ever happend!? I have to say i have never seen a sim catch fire, be extingished, and live! It's getting weird around here now... :einstein
#2 Old 14th Aug 2007 at 12:03 AM
I'm surprised she caught fire from the leaves, because I've tried to make Sims actually walk into burning leaves, and they don't catch fire even if they're pretty much right ON the flames. I wonder if she caught fire because she overheated?
Anyway, download the Seasons patch and Sims do not ignite as easily.
#3 Old 15th Aug 2007 at 7:00 PM
Yeah, I think it's probably the sim's temperature that set her on fire. Maybe her temperature actually rose because she was next to the burning leaves?
Original Poster
#4 Old 20th Aug 2007 at 12:24 AM
I'm not sure. But it was very confusing. Thanks, i will download the patch.
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