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#1 Old 28th Jan 2010 at 7:58 PM
Default Sideways items! How do you do it?
Can SOMEONE please tell me how to put items sideways? I have tried and flippin tried! I know almost every frickin cheat there is but that one! I may even be able to give you a cheat that you do know, who knows! Thanks for any help you can give! Peace!

Annie B.
#2 Old 28th Jan 2010 at 7:58 PM Last edited by BewitchedPrue : 28th Jan 2010 at 8:09 PM.
Do you mean diagonally in the sims 2? If you do, then there's the cheat explained here:


You want the 'boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false]' cheat.

Or you can download See Them 2, it allows you to place objects diagonally using these keys, '<>', without typing in the cheat everytime. But it also has some other features that you might not want...the obvious one being the censor remover.

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
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#3 Old 28th Jan 2010 at 8:45 PM
Thank you so much! I mean I have tried everything I could think of, and my best friend even looked around for me too and she got stumped! You know how people always say that just use maxmotives all the time? Why not just shift click the mail box? Or just move the bars on the motives themselves? Way easier! Again! Thank you! I feel like an idiot! LOL

Annie B.
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