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#26 Old 12th Dec 2010 at 8:27 AM
Still, I don't understand how some people could call themselves Christians if they never read the bible. I don't mean you must remember what verse says what, like pastors e usually do, but I don't think you can be considered "followers of Christ" if you don't make any attempt to know more about Him, by reading the bible.
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 9:56 AM
Hello everybody! I'm really glad I've found this group and I can meet another christians.
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 8:41 PM
No, I'm Reformed (Protestant, Reformeds're the followers of Calvin). The majority in our country is Roman Catholic, but there are also Protestants in the surrounding areas.
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 8:57 PM
Heeeellloooooo to my fellow brothers & sisters in Christ!

Hi, Im Abby, please to meet you :3
Field Researcher
#30 Old 27th Aug 2011 at 10:23 PM
Hi there It's nice to see that that there are so many of us!

I'm Roman Catholic from Poland, as Wojtek is.
#31 Old 5th Jan 2012 at 3:17 AM
Hey, I'm glad to see so many children of God

Test Subject
#32 Old 21st Jun 2012 at 11:54 PM
Test Subject
#33 Old 21st Jun 2012 at 11:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Liv
Hi there It's nice to see that that there are so many of us!

I'm Roman Catholic from Poland, as Wojtek is.

I'm Catholic, too! Fancy that!
Test Subject
#34 Old 1st Sep 2012 at 2:41 AM
I am a believer in God, and all that he does and continues to do, I am a believer that Christ walked this earth, and died so I can live, But I don't read my bible, or go to church, I know what my bible says though, and I know that half the people in church are phonies. so I tend to stay away from them. I mean. . I am not perfect, I know I am not. but I'd rather be imperfect in my house, than in church praising God's holy name when I just got done swearing or worse.

I pray for a better understanding of what and how I am supposed to act. what to do if people step on your toes and such. To be less angry, I think as long as you pray, and talk to God, you'll be okay.
Test Subject
#35 Old 25th Dec 2012 at 6:16 AM
Hiya all! I love this Group! Thanks to Jon, for creating it two years ago. lol

I believe we must read the Word if we are to know the TRUTH! I don't like the church attendance hype. I hate it when ignorance judges me because I'm not a member of the local church. I do believe and agree with the verse that says we shouldn't forsake the assembly of the brethren. But who said that could only be done on Sunday's and Wednesday's.

Anyway, Greetings to all of you. I love this community!
Forum Resident
#36 Old 9th Feb 2013 at 10:40 PM
Hi I'm Rarr! (I'd prefer not to use my real name ) I'm Roman catholic from the US
Site Helper
#37 Old 11th Feb 2013 at 8:29 PM
For a long time I thought that worshiping God on your own was good enough. But then I discovered something. You spend 6 days a week living in a world where if you don't watch out for Number One, nobody else is expected to. Where it is normal to swear at people. Where backstabbing is an accepted way to get ahead. We are square pegs in a world filled with round holes, and we are -supposed- to be different from the world. But the world will encourage you to cut corners and relax restrictions in order to fit in. "Just one lie won't hurt." "I know it's wrong, but just this once..."

To continue the metaphor: Church is the place where all the holes are square. It's where we help each other identify and get repairs for the damage the world has been causing to us. It's not a place for perfect people. (And if it were, it would be empty.) It's not a place that you have to be good enough before you can walk in. (And if it makes you feel that way, find a new one.) Ideally, church is a place where you hold each other accountable in love to grow closer to God and to remove the things in your life that are too much of a distraction from God.

This does not mean that church has to be an organized religion. A Christian family is a small church. A group of friends who get together regularly to study the Bible, worship together, pray together, and help each other grow in the Lord is a church.

And a building where everybody just comes for an hour on Sunday because it looks good is NOT a church. Even if it has a pastor and a steeple.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
#38 Old 22nd Feb 2013 at 12:35 PM
Hiya. I'm TigerAnne, alternatively WinterMoon. I found this group a while ago, but didn't think of joining until now. Maybe I was scared of the reactions, I don't know. But I reckon that if people are going to dislike me because they know that I believe in God, then so be it. I'm not really a regular Christian, my ideas and beliefs are ever so slightly unorthodox. Suppose you could also say I'm a bit "dark natured". I'm generally interested in stories of the supernatural (and strangely skeptical to most of it), and insanely fascinated with criminology and police history, which many people (not necessarily religious people) think is ghastly.

My family background is what you could call "casually religious", where we drew a line between "those" Christians, who went to church every Sunday, and ourselves. My parents never really pushed me in either direction. I was atheist for a short while at 13, then agnostic for a few years, before coming back to the faith when I was about 20. Thinking back, I'm not sure I was ever fully convinced that God didn't exist. I think I mostly denounced faith because people I looked up to told me I should. So my conversion story is almost opposite from many of my best online friends'.

And that's the short version summed up, I think.
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